Djmattsexton’s Blog

Just another weblog

Busy weekend being a kid again with memories of a movie

GREETINGS FROM backstage at The Lifestyle Communities Pavilion as I get ready for sound check at the Miracles and Magic 10 year kick-off party supporting A Kid Again.


It is going to be a busy weekend for us with; Miracles & Magic, an Iron Pony Event, The St. Paddy Day Kinsdale 4 miler, an event with Big & Rich at Ford Field, and Jackets game on Sunday.


I guess this weekend more than many you could say…”We’re comin to yer city!”


PLUS this weekend we “Spring Forward” for Daylight Savings Time this weekend. That means when you go to bed Saturday you set your clock ahead by 1 hour. Here are some tips to help deal with the loss of sleep:
1. Tonight and tomorrow night try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier;

2. The week of the time change (all next week), stop drinking caffeine at 1:30p;

3. Be sure to exercise during the week for better sleep quality;

4. Get lots of exposure to sunlight the morning after the time change to help reset your body clock.


PLEASE make your way to the LC on Friday

Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party – 10 Year Celebration Friday
* 6:30pm until 12:00am
The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party is back at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! See world-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises that can ONLY be seen at this annual event. We hope you will join us for a night full of cause and celebration featuring fine food, drink and music!

NEW for the 10th Anniversary party: I will be rockin and rollin, and Lt. Dan’s New Legs will cap off the night with a special performance!

Tickets are available now:
$100 VIP and $65 General Admission
Visit for information on our two great ticket levels and to purchase yours! 


For full details:


While I am slammed with commitments and gigs this weekend, I am really looking forward to this event! In addition to getting to work with one of my favorite people, Jon Petz, I also get to be part of an event that helps kids do what they are supposed to do…BE KIDS while fighting for their lives and helps the parents enjoy what parents are supposed to do, enjoy their kids being children-while for a moment or two escaping the expenses, as well as life and death scenarios that are taking place in doctors’ offices and hospitals.


The above thought was triggered in a movie I watched last night. Growing up ‘Footloose’ with Kevin Bacon was always one of my favorites, and the remake with the beautiful Julianne Hough is almost as good. Both relate to me; small town kid in a hick-town with a love for music, and kinda rubs people the wrong way creating a bad reputation. My mom always liked the original as well, and last night I realized that there is another theme of the movie(s).


The Footloose storyline is based on laws outlawing dancing, music, etc in attempt to shelter the kids of a small town, and “protect” them. While these rules are idiotic, the concept and reasoning is not that out of reach. Any parent wants the best for their children and for their children to be protected. One line in the movie states “Parents are supposed to look after kids, and kids are supposed to be ‘dumbasses’.” In all honesty, behind the music, dancing, and action of this movie-and in life…that is what a parent and child relationship is all about it. It is parents wanting to protect their children and keep them safe, and for kids to have fun, mess up…and just be healthy KIDS! This is the reason I love the movie ‘Footloose’ and the reason I am looking forward to being part of the Miracles and Magic event on Friday! To help kids have the chance to mess up and be a kid (even if it means I will yell at them).


The only reason I rented a movie last night is cause I have not been feeling good this week. The weather changes have triggered my sinus issues AGAIN, and the weeks of training I have been involved with I think caught up with me, as my entire body is achy and sore.


A lot of people reached out to me and asked how I did last weekend with my “Pump & Run” event. The short end is I was close to my time in the run I wanted, and my lift-while good, was not what I wanted. The long end, like anything I do…has a story and one of those “only Matt” backlines.


I did do a “Pump & Run” workout out last Sunday, however it was not “official.”


I received a text from a friend who was supposed to get me into the event after registration had been maxed out. The reason my buddy got me in, is due to the inability, and false truths told by another individual that he would get me in. This did not happen, and my buddy “miracled” me in. Like me, this guy is on the road a lot, and in his efforts to help me, did not get my paperwork in on time for me to compete on Sunday.


I had been training since January 1st, so I said SCREW IT, I am not doing any of this for a medal, I am doing for me!


The day prior I spent most of the day in the sauna, and was “ready.” When I left the gym, I  weighed in at 169 pounds, my strength was up and it had been nice out that week so the run should be good as well (was hoping for an 8:47 pace mile-which to runners sucks, for me, it would have been great!). I talked my trainer and talked him into meeting me at his gym to weigh and do the bench portion of the “Pump & Run” task at hand. He agreed, however told me he was competing in events at the Arnold later in the day and had to make it quick. Quick is an understatement.


I arrived to his gym early on Sunday (the same time the “official” event was taking place), and was anxious to meet my goals! I was a lil pi**ed about all the events of this day but, whatever I was gonna do it! My trainer arrived, opened the doors and grabbed the scale. I did not have time to get ready to weigh in, or “relieve” myself, as I anticipated to get my weight down. I weighed in heavy at 173 (yet DID NOT EAT ANYTHING OR DRINK VERY MUCH WATER THE NIGHT PRIOR). Oh well.


Again my trainer was in a hurry, and was doing me a favor, he racked 175 on the bench (not 173) and said “let’s go.” In all of my training sessions I had done A LOT of warm ups before “repping out.” While I did have a lil bit of warming up, it was not what I wanted and did not prepare adequately resulting in 175 for 21 reps. I was more than a lil disappointed, and my shoulder and wrist were more than a lil hurting!


Next up was the run. I hate running to begin with! My buddy had a mile long loop set up for me and left to go to his event with me to run with my GPS, and report back to him. I have not run in the cold since high school (YES I KNOW A MISTAKE!), I had been running inside when cold locally, and outside in the warm when on the road out of town. So you can imagine how much I was looking forward to running in a “wind advisory” with snow showers and 28’ early on a Sunday morning.


My first ½ mile I thought, this is nothing! Very easy and not very cold. I rounded my first turn and it was easy, I then rounded the second turn and HOLY SH*T! Straight into the wind and snow, and it was uphill (didn’t realize the first half wind was to my back and I was going downhill). So this began to SUCK! Still got in an 8:37 minute mile and I was happy. The next half again was easy with the mile mark at 1 ½ miles was really sucking! I was huffing and puffing, but still got in an 8:32 minute mile. Now for the fun part…


Not only was I gassed, and cold! But there was a new obstacle presented to me in the weekend of “Matt Moments.”


I was running a loop in Grandview, and there was a building that looked like some folks were moving offices or warehouse space. I didn’t pay much attention, except to notice the nice looking brown and white spotted dog in the yard of the building. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, and he did not seem to notice, or mind me as I was continuing to go on my way with the headphones blasting some Pantera.


The crunchy guitars were helping me to stay focused and tune everything out (especially at a high volume).


As I was made my way towards my start of the final mile there was car coming towards me in the street and he was stopped. I thought “come on dude, I AIN’T gonna dash out in front of you”-and was actually annoyed! I then turned and saw why he was stopped. He thought he was gonna get a show.


I turned to see the good looking brown and white spotted dog sprinting towards me barking growling and snarling with his owner about 100 yards behind yelling (I heard the yelling over the loud guitars and bass lines of Pantara in the headphones). Dogs DON’T scare me, but this dog that could have been as cute and cuddly as Snoopy, reminded me more of Cujo from a Stephen King Novel. SO I stopped, took the headphones out, and prepared to stop him. He probably could have taken me, but as his owner was yelling “he won’t hurt you” (REALLY!!! You are in a dead spring and still 100 yards behind this beast and you have the balls to THINK THAT!?!?), I put my hand between his snarling foaming large jaws (trust me he will get bigger and meaner every time I tell the story), and told him to STOP! Well he listened to this Dog Whisperer and stopped even though he was growling foaming and snarling with his big white fangs…he was sitting! The owner came retrieved his beast , and I was back at.


That last mile REALLY SUCKED! Now I was wet from sweat, and had stopped and was COLD! But I got it done and finished with a pace of 8:57 mile for 27:54 at 3.11 miles. It was not a good day, or even close to what I wanted but I was dealt some bad cards and had to play what I had.


That is what we have to do in life. Day in and Day out can suck. There are many things that we do to ourselves to prevent us to making our goals (like me not saying I HAVE TO WARM UP, or prepping for the possible elements by running outside), or life throws at us (like the HUGE UGLY SNARLING DOG with only 2 front fangs and rabies who was chasing me down to kill me). We must find a way to meet our goals, learn to overcome the situation, adapt and find a way to get ‘er done next time, find joy in success, and not b*tch about what we are dealt with.


But one area I will bitch about, after weeks of dieting, and this sh*tty run, all I wanted was a Cinnamon Roll for breakfast (screw the Gator Aid/Vitamin Water and Banana!). So I went to Tuttle Mall to get a Cinnabon before church. By this point in the day it was 10:15am AND THEY WERE CLOSED!?!? Funny thing this pi**ed me off worse than any of the other obstacles of the day!



For ANYONE in a Band AND DJ’s. I am still looking for a large number of bands, and DJ’s to play an early morning event on Saturday May 5 from (approx 8am-Noon). There is pay involved, and minimal to no work with exposure to over 15,000 people!!!

Interested bands and DJ’s should e-mail and include a link to music samples. Confirmation
e-mails will be sent upon acceptance. The number of entertainment acts selected will be capped at 50.




March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:

March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:

Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues
PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT


Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)
Two Pending Bar Events

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers

MARCH 29-30
Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall



April 7th

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The New York Islanders



‘Don’t Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.’- Tommy Hampton




One question. One simple little question that if answered consistently could be worth millions, not to mention improved happiness and health. It’s a fact that modeling a positive attitude reduces injury and sickness by thirty percent, and can even extend a person’s life by fourteen years.

We have heard the importance of being positive for years, but prior to this one little question, very few knew exactly how to be optimistic and positive. As a psychologist, I can say the truth is that our minds have a “negativity bias” and are built in a way that it is easier to focus on problems than to emphasize solutions. The good news is that most of us are already somewhat solution-focused. The path to greatness begins by becoming more solution-oriented until focusing on solutions becomes the norm. The key to optimism lies in the simple question:

What is one thing I can do differently that could make this better?

Be sure to follow a few guidelines when using the million dollar question:

* The + 1 Concept: Focus on improving, not perfecting. You do not need complete resolution of the problem. You only need improvement. Consistent improvement over time leads to resolution. With this in mind, all problems have a +1 solution.

* Be Relentless: Within sixty seconds, turn every problem thought into a solution focus.

* Utilize the Socratic Power: The power of this tool lies in its use as a question. Avoid answering this question for another person. Encourage others to develop their own solutions by answering for themselves.



Having a down day this week, this came on and not only a big smile…but some great memories


YEA, please do!


I love this song, and since I will be with them at Ford Field this weekend:


Don’t like him, or HIM, but this is a GREAT SONG! (melody brings back a memory)



The most effective way to cure intractable hiccups? A butt massage with your finger
Sounds extremely weird, but a paper written by the Department of Internal Medicine from the Bnai Zion Medial Center in Haifa Israel, found just that.

A 60-year old man with acute pancreatis developed persistent hiccups after they put a nasogastric tube in him. When they removed it, the hiccups didn’t stop. They tried a bunch of methods, and none work.

Help my Buddy “Lars”-Larry Miller out? “Out” literally?

Please help bail me out!  I am participating in the upcoming MDA
“Lock-Up” event on March 15th and my bail goal is to raise $2,400 for local
children and adults with muscular dystrophy.  I need your help…and every donation
makes a difference right here in our community.

If each one of you will give just a small donation toward
my bail, I will reach my goal in no time!

Here’s how it will add
-$80 per person: I will exceed my goal and be able to provide service support to a local
family for a year!!
-$70 per person: I will raise enough to fund 10 visits to the MDA Clinic at Nationwide
Children’s Hospital (children) or The Ohio State  University Hospital (adults)
-$55 per person: I will raise enough to send 2 local children with muscular dystrophy to
summer camp
-$25 per person: I will raise enough to assist 1 person with repairs their wheel
chair/leg braces for one year.

Your tax-deductible donation is appreciated and really matters to those living with
muscular dystrophy – right here at home.  For your convenience, following is a link
to MDA’s secure site; just click on the link and you will directed to my “bail”

If you prefer to make your donation by check, just make it payable to “MDA” and I will turn it
in when I go behind bars. Just let me know if that is your preference.

Our help is their hope for treatments, cures and assistance.  Thank you in advance for
your consideration and for helping to make a difference.



Epiphany Of A Cancer Survivor: Celebrate Every Day
“Celebrate every day.”—Wendi Cooper
To make a long story short, in the past I went through domestic abuse and divorce, and for some time was the single mother of two boys from two different fathers. But for the past thirteen years I’ve been married to a wonderful man, and I have had a thriving, successful direct response production company since 1994.

Five years ago I thought I had an inguinal hernia and went in for the operation to fix it. When I woke up from the operation, the doctor stood over me saying that I did not have a hernia but ovarian cancer—stage III-C ovarian cancer, as it turned out, which had oddly enough surrounded a lymph node located in the groin, and to this day no doctor has been able to understand it. They had to give me a complete hysterectomy—I mean complete, I have only a bladder—and I had to undergo major chemotherapy.

They gave me my first chemo treatment of Taxol and carboplatin, which is extremely strong and incredibly toxic. I didn’t really know what to expect. Chemo doesn’t affect you at first—then several days later you start feeling sick. So the first time you go through the session you’re kind of waiting for it to happen. Gradually I started to feel gross, and every day it got a little bit worse, until one night I was lying in bed thinking, praying, “Oh God, I’m not going to be able to do this. I can’t do it.” I was thinking about my mother, whom I’d been watching battle cancer for years, and now I had cancer. “I can’t do this.” And I meant it with every fiber of my being. I was desperate and terrified.

I was lying there thinking this, praying this, and suddenly I heard this voice say to me, “You’re going to be okay. Everything will be fine.” That’s what I heard. It wasn’t my inner voice or a voice in my head, but a man’s voice outside of me to my left. I can’t describe it really, but it was soothing, very soothing, and I wasn’t scared at all. It was what you would think a Higher Being’s voice would sound like. It might sound crazy, but I know I heard it, and I know it was real.



Cindy King, former owner of Nancy’s Home Cooking, 1949-2012
‘Angel’ fed residents’ bodies, spirits

The phrase was used by many people when referring to a beloved community member whose feisty personality and mouth-watering foods were a staple of the area.

Cindy King, former owner of Nancy’s Home Cooking, died Saturday, March 3, at the age of 63. King, who had suffered from heart disease, was in hospice at the time of her death.

After purchasing Nancy’s Home Cooking in 1971 from Nancy Kimmerling, King turned the little diner into the community landmark it is today. “Eat it and Beat it” was the message to customers, who usually understood the importance of moving along so Nancy’s could serve the next person standing and waiting in line.




Lady Antebellum Help Ring in Oreo’s Centennial Birthday
Lady Antebellum helped celebrate a very important 100th birthday today, but it wasn’t the birthday of a historical figure or a celebrity. No, this was a birthday party for a cookie — the Oreo, to be exact. The ‘We Owned the Night’ singers took the stage at the Grove in Los Angeles to perform in honor of the centennial birthday of America’s favorite cookie. To add to the festivities, the opening act was a flash mob.

“We just had a flash mob open for us, first time that’s ever happened,” Charles Kelley told USA Today after the performance. Lady A performed a handful of their chart-topping songs and then led the audience in singing a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ to the Oreo. And don’t think that the occasion made the cookie any less susceptible to consumption. On the contrary, the whole band and their enthusiastic crowd had their fair share of cookies and milk.

“I had three,” said Dave Haywood. When asked how many she had enjoyed, Hillary Scott said, ”Two or three.” Then, Kelley added to Haywood’s total tally, interjecting, “Dave’s lying. He did 100 — for the 100th birthday!” 



Anniversary of the 2008 Central Ohio record snowstorm
With temperatures in the 60s this week, it seems odd that today is the anniversary of the biggest snowstorm in Columbus history.

The monster storm dumped a total of 20.4 inches of snow on Columbus by the end of the day on March 8, 2008, breaking the record for a single storm. The previous record of 15 inches had stood since 1910.

The late-season snow paralyzed central Ohio, but its arrival on a Saturday was less disruptive than it might have been on weekday. Many weekend events, including some church services, were canceled, and most schools remained closed on Monday.

Here is some highlights of that storm:
* Non-emergency driving was prohibited in 24 counties that declared Level 3 snow emergencies, including most of central and southeastern Ohio.

* More than 90 percent of the flights at Port Columbus were canceled on March 8.

* Two deaths were attributed to the snow. A 61-year-old man died while shoveling at his Union County home, and a Pickaway County woman, 49, died in a traffic crash.

* The State Highway Patrol handled 1,914 crashes around Ohio.

* Among the events postponed due to the storm were the four high school girls state championship basketball games.


* AND MY BIRTHDAY PARTY was cancelled



4 Famous Pop Culture Moments Everyone Remembers Incorrectly

I pride myself on having a fairly good memory. Not when it comes to directions, phone numbers, people’s birthdays or what my friends look like, mind you; I’m just talking about important things, like pop culture. The parts of my brain that are supposed to be dedicated to remembering where I parked my car, math and whether or not I left my front door unlocked have been reassigned to focus on random bits of pointless TV and movie trivia, because I work for a website that covers pop culture in exhaustive detail (and because I don’t actually have anything worth stealing, so really, who cares if my door’s unlocked?).

It always throws me for a loop, then, when I discover that one of my long-held, previously unquestioned beliefs about pop culture is completely and utterly wrong. These are just a few of the pop culture truths that I need to remind myself of occasionally …

#4. The Word “Ewok” Was Never Once Said in Star Wars
Star Wars is and was always expanding its library of weird aliens. A New Hope gave us Jawas and Sand People, The Empire Strikes Back gave us Tauntauns and Return of the Jedi gave us the ridiculous mini-Wookiees known as Ewoks.

And they were known as Ewoks, right? Someone certainly called them that in the movie, right?
But Actually …Nope!

#3. In Humpty Dumpty, No One Says Anything About an Egg
Humpty Dumpty is an egg.
But Actually …Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Nope. Not a single mention of an egg in the whole poem. I mean, egg or no egg, it’s weird that the king’s horses would even be involved in this kind of restoration project, but even that’s not as strange to me as the fact that I have never once questioned Humpty Dumpty’s egg status, even though it’s never explicitly brought up. Going just by that poem, there’s no reason to assume he’s an egg; he could just be a guy who fell and cracked his skull open, which makes the king’s desperate and futile attempt to “put him back together” much more tragic (and the involvement of the horses even more suspect).

#2. Will Smith Never Says “Welcome to Earf” in Independence Day
Handsome air-and-eventually-space-pilot Will Smith, after being chased by an alien spacecraft, manages to force the craft into a crash landing. When the spaceship opens up and a spooky alien emerges, Smith fearlessly punches it in the face and, like the unflappable badass he always plays, casually drops a classic movie one-liner that can only be described as Willsmithian: “Welcome to Earf.” Audiences cheer, aliens tremble and Earf continues to spin.

But Actually …He says “Earth,” you racist.
I’ve seen this movie a lot, so if you asked me, I’d tell you that Will Smith obviously never said “Welcome to Earf” in Independence Day. If you ask the Internet, however, he most certainly did:
That’s over 40,000 results, and none of them are saying “You know he actually says ‘Earth.'”


#1. No One Asks Scotty to Beam Them Up (and a Bunch of Other Stuff No One Ever Said)
“Beam me up, Scotty” is so iconic that even non-Trek fans know that it refers to the original Star Trek series. It was one of the show’s catchphrases, uttered by one of the cast members at least once an episode, whenever they needed Montgomery “Scotty” Scott to teleport them from some alien planet to the ship. “Beam me up, Scotty” was Star Trek’s “Book ’em, Danno.”
But Actually …In truth, it’s the exact opposite of that, because they said “Book ’em, Danno” on Hawaii Five-O all the time.
Take a wild guess at how many times “Beam me up, Scotty” is used on Star Trek. If you guessed any number other than zero, congratulations, you’re wrong! Members of the Enterprise would say “Scotty, beam us aboard” or “Beam me up” or “Hurry up and beam my shit, boy-eeeee,” but never, not once, did anyone say “Beam me up, Scotty.”

Similarly, Darth Vader never once says the phrase “Luke, I am your father.” The actual line is “No, I am your father,” because Vader is reacting to Luke, who accuses Vader of murdering his father. If you don’t believe me — if, like me, you’ve lived your whole life hearing Vader say that line in your head so clearly that you know the pitch and cadence of the word “Luke” in the context of that phrase.

You can’t get any clearer than that. Even though the line in my head is and always will be “Luke, I am your father,” there’s no denying that it’s a line that has never once been said. Just like “Elementary, my dear Watson” (never used in any of the Sherlock Holmes books) or “Play it again, Sam” (never uttered in Casablanca). It’s not just that a few people are forgetting the actual quotes; these are all cases where the misquotes are infinitely more famous than the truth.

There’s a new Snow White movie coming out called Mirror, Mirror, despite the fact that the phrase “Mirror, mirror, on the wall” was never used in Disney’s Snow White (it’s actually “Magic mirror on the wall”). Granted, the original Snow White story as it appears in the Brothers Grimm collection contains the words “Mirror, mirror,” but, hell, I’ve never read that collection and it doesn’t change the fact that, until I Googled “Snow White” a few days ago for this article, I always believed that the evil queen said “Mirror, mirror” and not “Magic mirror.” It’s so ingrained in my memory that, even as I sit here, watching clips from Snow White where the queen is clearly saying “Magic mirror,” I’m still inclined to say “No, bullshit, you’re saying it wrong.”


Garth Brooks among those chosen for Country Music Hall of Fame
Country Music Hall of Fame announces 2012 inductee…: Garth Brooks, Connie Smith and Hargus ‘Pig’ Robbins Garth Brooks, Connie Smith and pianist Hargus “Pig” Robbins are the newest members of the Country Music Hall of Fame, hall officials announced Tuesday.
Brooks has been tapped as this year’s “modern era artist” inductee, while Smith fills the hall’s “veterans era artist” slot and Robbins enters in the category for “recording and/or touring musician prior to 1980.” The latter rotates every third year with “nonperformer” and songwriter inductees.
“I am astounded and honored to be in the Country Music Hall of Fame,” Brooks said in a statement. “At the same time, I can’t help but feel guilty going in when there are so many deserving artists that came before me who are yet to be inducted.

“There’s a room that the best days in your career stand in,” Brooks added through his spokeswoman. “This honor will stand beside being inducted into the Opry, playing the 100th anniversary of Cheyennne with Chris LeDoux and getting to be part of Oklahoma’s centennial celebration.”

Brooks is the biggest-selling country artist of all time and ranks third on the Recording Industry Association of America’s list of top-selling artists in all genres, behind only the Beatles and Elvis Presley.


‘Don’t Put Me In, Coach: My Incredible NCAA Journey from the End of the Bench to the End of the Bench’-Mark Titus

In 2006, Mark Titus arrived on Ohio State’s campus as a former high school basketball player who aspired to be an orthopedic surgeon. Somehow, he was added to the elite Buckeye basketball team, given a scholarship, and played alongside seven future NBA players on his way to setting the record for most individual career wins in Ohio State history. Think that’s impressive? In four years, he scored a grand total of nine—yes, nine—points.

This book will give readers an uncensored and uproarious look inside an elite NCAA basketball program from Titus’s unique perspective. In his four years at the end of the bench, Mark founded his wildly popular blog Club Trillion, became a hero to all guys picked last, and even got scouted by the Harlem Globetrotters. Mark Titus is not your average basketball star. This is a wild and completely true story of the most unlikely career in college basketball. A must-read for all fans of March Madness and college sports!

If Senator Graham is so excited about war, put a helmet on him and let him go over. I served with him, we and others made a mistake being taken in by the big Bush WMD lie. It was a lie-period. Now, the neo-cons are doing everything possible for a war. Have we not learned? –Congressman Ney


(I may be a Bush supporter {The GW prior to his last 9 months in Office}, however I listen to those who know far more than I. Bob Ney may have made some mistakes, but he knows what he is talking about, and he is a great man!). He introduce me to the following article;


Another bogus argument for war with Iran?

You know a case for war is weak when its advocates have to marshal blatant untruths in order to convince people that their advice should be followed. Exhibit A is today’s alarmist op-ed in the New York Times, in which former IDF general Amos Yadlin argues for a preventive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

He recites the by-now familiar arguments for an attack, and makes it clear that he thinks Obama should make an “ironclad” pledge to do it if Iran doesn’t cease its nuclear activities. But the big historical howler comes in the middle of the piece, where he attempts to deal with the counter-argument that an attack would only delay an Iranian program, and probably not for all that long.


He writes:
“After the Osirak attack and the destruction of the Syrian reactor in 2007, the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear programs were never fully resumed.”



Mitt Romney Is Winning, But He’s Not ‘Winning’

After he’d absorbed the reality of Super Tuesday, in early February 2008, former Gov. Mitt Romney concluded he had no path to the GOP presidential nomination. In the CPAC speech where he announced he was dropping out of the race, Romney cited the need for Republican unity in a time of war. The truth was, this “conservatives’ conservative” (as he was introduced at the ’08 CPAC) could not shake former Gov. Mike Huckabee on his right flank—especially in the all-important Southern states.

Sen. John McCain did not deliver a knockout punch to Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday. He needed Huckabee’s help. Nevertheless, it was spun as a clear McCain victory in aggregate. Romney’s summary departure and endorsement only intensified McCain’s aura of inevitability.

After 2008’s Super Tuesday, with Romney out, Huckabee (having won Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee) went on to defeat McCain in the Kansas caucuses and Louisiana primary. But these were token victories. It was widely understood that Huckabee would drop out once McCain reached the delegate threshold. The McCain campaign was politely letting Huckabee ride in its sidecar.

This was the position Romney hoped to be in after this year’s Super Tuesday contests.
He’s not.




I am glad he said it!

GLAAD Fires Back After ‘Growing Pains’ Star Kirk Cameron Calls Homosexuality ‘Unnatural’
Former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron is taking heat from GLAAD after remarks made on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight.

During Friday’s interview, Cameron called homosexuality “unnatural” and “destructive.”

“I think that it’s unnatural. I think that it’s detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization,” the actor, who played Mike Seaver on the 1980s TV series, said on the program.

“Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either,” Cameron said. “So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.” 




Pure Class


I don’t know much about soccer, but this does not seem right?

Unconscious Soccer Player Gets Red Card For Diving

Diving is a serious problem in soccer, yes? One referee is fighting the good fight, no matter how many critically injured players he has to send off.
From the lower tiers of Belgium comes poor Julien Lecomte, who was elbowed in the back of the head during a match last week. As he was being wheeled off on a stretcher, the referee decided to show him a red. Lecomte was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion and three displaced vertebrae. The lesson here is that if you simply must suffer a painful and debilitating neck injury, don’t do it in the box. They’ll never believe you.

Obese Man’s Emotional Plea for Help Goes Viral

A 23-year-old obese man’s video plea for help is going viral. Robert Gibbs of Livermore, California, recorded a video of himself asking the world to help him lose weight. In the video, Gibbs says he weighs between 600 to 700 or more pounds. He has tried everything on his own to lose weight, from going on diets to being hospitalized, but has been unsuccessful at keeping off the weight.

Gibbs says he’s “making this video, because he doesn’t know what else to do.” He asks viewers to “please post and share this video as much as possible,” because he is hoping that it will go viral and he will get the help he needs from a nutritionist, a personal trainer, or maybe even Dr. Phil McGraw or “The Biggest Loser.”




Outrageous Story: Hockey Dad Accused of Trying to Blind Teenage Goalie With Laser
The father of a youth hockey player in Massachusetts is facing charges for disrupting a game. According to police, Joseph Cordes used a laser to attempt to blind a Medway goalie who was playing against Winthrop, his daughter’s team. Julie Banderas reported that witnesses say they saw Cordes shining a bright green laser into the eyes of the teenage goalie.

The goalie of the Medway team said at the time she thought someone was trying to take a picture. She recalled seeing a spot, kind of like when you look at the sun and then look away. Meanwhile the goalie’s father said, “The fact of the matter is that a malicious act by one individual actually turned the tide of the game.”



Mila Kunis: ‘I Don’t Get Asked Out’
Mila Kunis is Harper’s Bazaar’s April cover girl. Mila Kunis is arguably one of the hottest actresses in the world, but that doesn’t mean guys are banging on her door asking for a date. After ending an eight-year relationship with Macauley Culkin in 2010, the “Friends With Benefits” star has been unattached — not that she’s complaining. “I honestly think being single’s great,” Kunis, 28, tells Harper’s Bazaar in its April issue. But she’s quick to add, “Being in a relationship’s great [too]. It’s all about the timing.” But time is what she doesn’t seem to have. The actress just wrapped a six-month shoot in Detroit filming “Oz the Great and Powerful” with James Franco and Michelle Williams (Kunis plays Theodora, the Wicked Witch of the West), and the time away really affected her dating life. “I don’t get asked out,” she says. “This past year, I haven’t been home, so who’s going to ask me?”




Cardio And Pooping: A Chart Of Every MLB Player Who Reportedly Lost Or Gained Weight This Offseason (And Why)

Every spring training, seemingly every other ballplayer shows up to camp and declares himself “in the best shape of my life.” Our pal Craig Calcaterra over at Hardball Talk has done yeoman’s work on this phenomenon over the years, but we wanted to know more: Who gained weight?


Who lost weight? How much? And why?

We’ve compiled a list below featuring baseball’s biggest losers and gainers for the 2012 baseball season. With a few exceptions, the 2012 weight figures were calculated using listed weights for 2011 and adding or subtracting whatever pounds were gained or lost. A word of caution: Because we’re talking about two things that entail a great deal of magical thinking—baseball players and weight—it’s likely that just about every number listed below is a fib.


scUM got something right this week!



I have my own beliefs and do NOT force on others, I have no desire to have a politician and someone who wants to be in the White House, OR HIS FOLLOWERS do the so either!

The Under-Told Story of How Santorum Became a Crusader for the Religious Right

With his narrow defeat in Ohio on Tuesday night, Santorum missed his chance to send Mitt Romney reeling, and to become the arguable front-runner for the Republican nomination. But Santorum didn’t fare poorly enough to slink off and call it a campaign. The former Pennsylvania Senator has made clear that he’s staying in the race, especially as it heads into a batch of Southern states where Romney, who fares best among well-educated, high-income, non-evangelical Republicans—might find a lukewarm reception.

And as long as he sticks around, Santorum is sure to keep steering the political conversation towards the issues of religion, morality and sexual mores that have come to define his political identity, but which may be causing the Republican party severe damage with the moderate swing voters they’ll need to beat Barack Obama this fall. And don’t discount the possibility that Newt Gingrich drops out of the race, suddenly creating a head-to-head contest between Romney and Santorum (with Ron Paul nibbling at the margins) that could spell Rommey’s doom.

The Warren Buffett Haters Club
After his manifesto in the New York Times last August titled “Stop Coddling the Super-Rich,” Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Warren Buffett—a man who had seemed universally admired in capitalist circles for both his business acumen and kindly Midwestern disposition—found himself under attack. In the article he’d questioned a tax code in favor of the “mega-rich,” and declared “it’s time for a shared sacrifice.” A Republican chorus called on him to simply open his checkbook if he felt his taxes were too low. Corporate titans such as former General Electric (GE) Chairman Jack Welch and former American Express (AXP) CEO Harvey Golub expressed their disappointment, as well. Now that the Obama administration hopes to make the “Buffett Rule” official policy (in his State of the Union speech in January, President Obama invoked it as a proposed 30 percent minimum tax on incomes over $1 million), Bloomberg Businessweek compiled some of the criticisms of Buffett and his namesake rule—and the instances when the Oracle of Omaha deigned to respond.

“He should just write a check and shut up. Really. And just contribute. OK? I mean, the fact of the matter is that I’m tired of hearing about it. If he wants to give the government more money, he has the ability to write a check. Go ahead and write it.” —New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Feb. 22, 2012, regarding the Buffett Rule

Buffett’s Response:
“It’s sort of a touching response to a $1.2 trillion deficit, isn’t it? That somehow the American people will all send in checks and take care of it?” —Feb. 27, 2012

“If he’s feeling guilty about it, I think he should send in a check. … But we don’t want to stagnate this economy by raising taxes.” —Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sept. 18, 2011, regarding the Buffett Rule

Buffett’s Response:
“It’s sort of astounding to me that somebody that has the responsibility for being the Minority Leader in the Senate would think that you attack a $1.2 trillion or so deficit by asking for voluntary contributions.” —Feb. 27, 2012

“If Warren Buffett believes that he is not paying enough taxes, then he should write a check today to the United States Treasury.” —Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Sept. 19, 2011, regarding the Buffett Rule

“I think Mr. Buffett is a real intelligent individual, but I can promise you, he doesn’t know what’s going on in places where the job creation is at a zero because of over-taxation and over-regulation.” —Texas Governor Rick Perry, Sept. 29, 2011, regarding the Buffett Rule


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This explains it!!!

Kids’ Snoring Linked to Behavioral Problems
Researchers Say Parents and Doctors Need to Pay Closer Attention to Breathing During Sleep

The more young children snore, breathe through their mouths, or stop breathing while asleep for a few seconds at a time, the more likely they are to develop behavioral problems, a new study shows.

Previous research had suggested a link between these “sleep-disordered breathing” symptoms and such problems as hyperactivity, but the authors of the new study say theirs is by far the largest and most comprehensive of its kind.

The researchers followed more than 11,000 children in an ongoing study in southwest England. The study enrolled pregnant women who were due to deliver between April 1991 and December 1992.

For the latest findings, researchers asked parents to fill out questionnaires about their children’s snoring, mouth breathing, and apnea, which refers to abnormal pauses in breathing while asleep. The questionnaires were completed when the children were 6, 18, 30, 42, 57, and 69 months of age. When their children were 4 and 7 years old, the parents were asked to complete questionnaires about their children’s behavior.

About 45% of the children breathed just fine while asleep, according to their parents. Of the rest, the “worst case” children had elevated levels of all three breathing symptoms at 30 months of age, says researcher Karen Bonuck, PhD, a professor of family and social medicine and of obstetrics and gynecology and women’s health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.




5 Reasons Today Isn’t Going to Suck


Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you go. –Christian Larson


Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time. ~ Arnold H. Glasow



“Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does all the work” – Mark Twain

‘Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.’


When we Consistently Generate Thoughts of Giving … we Attract the Energy of Giving Back to Us” ~Wayne Dyer



My Buddy, Matt, aka Uncle Kracker- Live in Concert at The Bluestone

Tracy Silverman plays the Midland Theater

The Glenn Miller Orchestra plays The Midland Theater

Kick off St. Paddy’s Day Early with a HUGE St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and one of the largest St. Paddy Day Parades in The World Throughout Dublin Ohio

Columbus RV Supershow at The Ohio Expo Center.


Gabriel Iglesias plays The Franklin County Veterans Memorial

Lisa Lampanelli plays The Palace Theatre

CAPA: The Second City’s Laugh Out Loud Tour at The Lincoln Theatre

Rob Little plays all Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

‘John Carter’ opens in Imax, 3D, and other formats, rated “PG-13”

The terrifying ‘Silent House’ rated “R”
Eddie Murphy stars in ‘A Thousand Words’ rated “PG-13”

A GREAT REMAKE, and one of my favorites, ‘Footloose’ rated “PG-13”
Adam Sandler, and well…Adam Sandler star in ‘Jack & Jill’ rated “PG-13”

Date Night Movie…that I actually liked (yes that is kinda sad). The soundtrack alone has a very cool hip coffee shop vibe to it (AND I DON’T DRINK COFFEE) ‘Like Crazy’ rated “PG-13”

The Rock & Roll poser, Bruce Springsteen releases his much over hyped, “Wrecking Ball”


Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town
MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)
Two Pending Bar Events

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers

MARCH 29-30
Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall

Follow us:

March 9, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

37 years and “pumped up”

GREETINGS FROM backstage of the Official Kick-off Party for the 2012 Arnold Classic Weekend. STOP BY THE VAULT TONIGHT! And PLEASE Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on THURSDAY March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.



For ANYONE in a Band AND DJ’s. I am still looking for a large number of bands, and DJ’s to play an early morning event on Saturday May 5 from (approx 8am-Noon). There is pay involved, and minimal to no work with exposure to over 15,000 people!!!

Interested bands and DJ’s should e-mail and include a link to music samples. Confirmation
e-mails will be sent upon acceptance. The number of entertainment acts selected will be capped at 50.


As I sit here, I am listening, reminiscing, learning, and looking forward:


19 years ago this week, and on my B-Day, a man I didn’t know of gave one of THE BEST SPEECHES I HAD EVER HEARD-and still the greatest to this day. I make a point to watch every year during the Jimmy V, Coaches vs Cancer Basketball Tourney, and also on my Birthday.

Simple ways to make EVERYDAY BETTER;
1.) Laugh
2.) Think
3.) Cry
“Do all 3 things everyday, 7 days a week-that is a pretty full life”

PLEASE TAKE 11:15 MINUTES to watch Jimmy Valvano’s 1993 ESPY Speech. “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up,” it may change your life (if you have not seen/heard), or at the very least make your day better. Even if not a sports fan this is GREAT!

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Give Up”-Jimmy V

SO HERE IT MY OUTLOOK ON THE LAST 37 YEARS. Over the years many things remain the same, and many more have changed.
THERE IS ONE THING I AM SURE OF: “God doesn’t give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED… to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be.”

At one time on this day I wrote:
“So I sit here tired and a day closer to the eternal dirt nap (at least I should get some sleep then). I have completed yet another trip around the sun”

It is funny how different a person can feel a few years later with a positive attitude. Maybe things are not perfect, maybe I don’t have everything I want, maybe there are some hardships I don’t think are fair, but ya know what? The way in which I have been handling them…makes every negative a growing experience and in turn…allows me to be in a better place, no matter how much life can suck!

“Hear ’em singing Happy Birthday, Better think about the wish I made, This year gone by ain’t been a piece of cake.”

This week has been full of sweat, pain, tears, LAUGHS, and reflection. I am reflecting back on sacrifices, hard work, the good, the bad and everything in-between. In the past 37 years I tended to focus more on the negative, it was not because I am pessimistic-it is because I want to always push myself harder-faster-stronger deeper!!! The above MAY still be true, but today, I tend to label myself as a pessimistic optimist, maybe even now an “opportunist?” I think there will be bad, and am always looking forward as to how to overcome and make myself a better person in the process.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”- William Arthur Ward

There is a joy in all situations-even the bad ones. The only thing is, the bad times ALSO ARE LEARNING EXPERIENCES!

Most people celebrate, drink, or hang with loved ones. This year I am reflecting, and getting’ busy LIVING AND MEETING MY GOALS. On Sunday I am participating in the Arnold Classic Pump & Run. My goal is to “press” my body weight 30 times. The goal weight is 165-168 pounds and run an average 8:30 minute mile for a 5k.
I believe I am ready for this and ready to shatter those goals set. The same way we all should wake up everyday, setting a high expectation and EXCITED to meet those expectations.

At 37 I can say I am not only at the healthiest point of my life physically…but I am finding a place to be comfortable spiritually and mentally.

I have my views on religion, and accept and even admire those of others. However my views are mine and mine alone, they may mesh with some and clash with others, but they are mine and while I don’t have all the answers and EVEN MORE QUESTIONS, I still believe I am finding the spiritual place that is good for me, and right or wrong it DOES make life easier.

Mentally, well I may be a ‘LIL out there…but I have realized life is not gonna always be good, but we have to make it GREAT! We all have our own ways, some are positive others are negative. For me? I try and find the good or daily “happy points” of a day. This is something as simple as petting The World Famous Pepper Dog, or a sunset/sunrise, or even that lilac smell in the spring that reminds me of my Grandma. These good places are even in the memory of someone I care about who is not in my life. The later can be thought of a negative…IT IS NOT!

What I am getting at is, find the good in everything even in the areas of life that hurt. There is a good, comfort, or at very least a learning experience in all points of life. FIND THEM!

“Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why
It’s not a question but a lesson learned in time
It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right I hope you had the time of your life.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trail
For what it’s worth, it was worth all the while”

I do WAY TOO MUCH for others. Yea I am a d*ck and come across as Billy F-U Bad A**, but I do it to make sure that I can be friends with someone before I let them in. Anyone who knows me will say I am moody-aggressive-compassionate-very strange, BUT, I am also HARDWORKING, loyal, and giving. All to a fault! I work till I crash; I am way too loyal to friends and business clients-far more than I should be. And GIVING? Hell, I have gone without just to make someone else smile or give something they wanted.

Bettering others gives me the strength to help myself, MAYBE give someone a lil hope just from a quote or something I did…more importantly to allow someone to learn from my own mistakes and f*ck ups.

Being able to give has allowed me to better someone else’s career in many cases (from interviewing for a job and telling the employer that my friend who was also interviewing would do a better job than me-to even buying boobs for someone to better their modeling career).

I like making someone feel good and smile. At the very least, if I can control it, I don’t want anyone to feel the negative ways I have felt, AND I want those I choose as friends to have some of the experiences I have had. No matter what, I don’t think I can/will change. I am me, and if it scares you off-so be it.

All of the above has developed a necessity for me to do for others from volunteering to helping others meet their goals, to assisting with money issues, etc. Many times this has inconvenienced me, hurt me, or whatever. BUT, I continue to do this, cause, to me…it seems right.

“And now I’m glad I didn’t know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I’d of had to miss the dance”.
To all of my friends if I don’t show it, THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME THE HONOR OF CALLING YOU FRIEND.

I probably don’t realize how much my friends do for me. I am sure that many do more for me than I do for them. I want EVERYONE to know that I appreciate everything and anything y’all do for me. I especially thank you for the small things you don’t realize.

With any of my friends I always hold you dear-even when I should not. One person I will always have close is not even on this earth any longer. Kelly, as I referred to earlier. I have not felt her in 20 plus years, but at a very young age she had a huge impact on my life and I miss her to this day

“Now {Only The Good Die Young} stops me in my tracks Every time I hear that song, I go back….”
I lost Kelly when we were in the 7th Grade after she fought hard against the evil that is cancer (that sees no age and claims anyone-even the innocent). Kelly taught me that you can be compassionate and loving even underneath a TOUGH and sometimes mean exterior. After she died someone told me that she had a huge crush on me and blah blah blah. While to this day it pi*ses me off that that person told me that, COME ON!?!?!? That can put some feelings of guilt on a kid (that is carried on to this day). However it taught me a huge lesson…TELL THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES. So on that note; to the person I am no longer with-I hope you find Happiness and I do Love You with all my heart!

“Cause I’ve lost loved ones in my life Who never knew how much I loved them, Now I live with the regret, That my true feelings for them never were revealed, So I made a promise to myself, To say each day how much she means to me, And avoid that circumstance, Where there’s no second chance to tell her how I feel.”
Over the past few years I have a person who I am not with and will never be, WE HAVE BECOME VERY GOOD FRIENDS but, even though it pi*ses her off…I tell her every time we talk-I love her. In her death Kelly has taught me a very important lesson. Since I have adopted her as my guardian angel (or maybe vice versa?) over the past 20 years she has been very busy.

The person mentioned above has also had a birthday this week, and had a great present given to her, however she also had a horrible week to earn that present. I hope my birthday friend down in Haiti gets to enjoy her gift, as well as some downtime after a horrible last few days! I can’t give a mint chocolate cake to her, but during this rough week, I am sending some thoughts and prayers.
In the last few years there was a young lady who has stolen my heart. Again, I am not with her, but I do love her.
She bettered me as a person, and in turn everyday is a good day just because of her. I don’t get the chance to chat with her very often; however I make sure to tell her how I feel…even if only through my actions-she will not take the chance to see.
Let’s face it, if we can’t be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest with someone else? We MUST tell others how we feel. WE MAY NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE TOMMORRO. And if those feelings are true and not reciprocated…this means they are REAL. Take joy in the feeling, and not in any action you want in returned.

“The competition’s getting younger Tougher broncs, you know I can’t recall, The worn out tape of Chris LeDoux, lonely women and bad booze, Seem to be the only friends I’ve left at all”
I work way too much, and have worked out beyond my physical boundaries, and play way too hard. I go until my candle burns out at both ends. For some reason I am chasing ghosts. Maybe the ghost of seeing my dad in a suit and tie everyday-no vacations and behind a desk working STUPID hours. I vowed very young that would never be me.

Another ghost I fight is my physical stature (yet another one-thanx dad! LOL).

I have my height and temper from the Irish side of my family. On the other side of my family I have taken after my Grandfather. Not his height or long arms, or ripped abs and chest, or his sense of style, or his good looks- I have his giving traits (and yes many times that pi*ses me off!), but I also have his eyes and his shoulders. To this day, every young (and OLD) lady I know says “your Grandpa is hot.” Great, my Grandpa gets hit on more than me. ANYWAY,
I am not very tall…ok I AM SHORT. BUT I am strong as an OX and probably in the upper ranks of “Normal” 37 year old males in terms of physical fitness (funny thing according to body mass index I am morbidly obese).

Just like trying to overcome my other demons and ghosts, I try too hard to overcome my physical down falls by working out way too hard-to the point of injury and pain.

I also fight the ghost of failure. We all fail and that is what makes us grow

“why do we fall sir?”-to learn to pick ourselves back up.”

I went through a period of my life where I could not win. I failed at every chance! From jobs, to personal physical goals, to 2 VERY Un-healthy relationships. I hated to fail. LOOKING BACK THESE WERE GREAT LIFE LESSONS THAT I WAS GIVEN TO BETTER MYSELF AND MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE LATER ON.

“With every failure I am closer to success.”-Einstein

Some of my failures I bring on myself. I am the first to say I do, before I think. I would rather fall off that horse-break something-and have a GREAT EXPERIENCE and STORY, than to listen to the professional who says I cannot do it! I do, and have had the chance to experience a lot of very cool things. Many I have done well and conquered, others I have failure MISERABLY. But all have taught me something-and given me some GREAT STORIES. I want to be that old guy-the ones I always gravitated to that sit by a campfire or on a porch and can spin tales for hours (Like Old Man Neighbarger and Leo Gartner, some stories even true LOL).

Since I have been interjecting song lyrics into this self description…this sums me up to a tee-with the exception of one verse I have edited out.

“I don’t know why I act the way I do
Like I ain’t got a single thing to lose
Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy
I guess that’s just the cowboy in me
I got a life that most would love to have
But sometimes I still wake up fightin’ mad
At where this road I’m heading down might lead
I guess that’s just the cowboy in me
The urge to run, the restlessness
The heart of stone I sometimes get
The things I’ve done for foolish pride
The me that’s never satisfied
The face that’s in the mirror when I don’t like what I see I guess that’s just the cowboy in me
We ride and never worry about the fall
I guess that’s just the cowboy in us all.”
I like everyone else have made mistakes

“regrets I have a few, but few too to mention”

Right now in my life this “career” that I have been working on and manipulating to stay working in is giving me one hell of a ride. The Highway of Life takes me to many different cities and allows me to meet all kinds of different peeps.

There are many lanes on my highway to success in the form of all kinds of different projects. Sometimes the road is bumpy but I am confident it will lead to where I want (“God blessed the broken road”). I am always around people and work in exciting situations, yet I want more.

I want one thing, the same “one thing” that everyone wants.

My one thing is different than many, and the same as a few. Everyone has that one thing, and we all need to find it. Mine is happiness in giving to many and making others Happy and smile-I want to be a success making others happy and for one small piece of their life forget about their problems…because of something I did.

My one thing would be complete, if I could get a quiet life when not “on”

“Not too soft not too loud-Just enough to draw a crowd Quietly, quietly, quietly making noise.”
That is how I will find my one thing. At this ripe young age of 36…I am still searching for my one thing, while I don’t know where the journey will end, I am in the middle of it

“Sometimes the best map will not guide you, sometimes you can’t see what’s round the bend.”
In regards to relationships I have found I do have a type. I have dated fitness competitors, book geeks, smart girls, dumb girls, and yes whores. Some have hurt me, others I have been a real prick too.

Both situations have taught me I don’t want anyone to feel like I have felt nor do I want to intentionally hurt someone. It would be cool to have a super hot model on my arm. But I would rather have the girl who has my heart whenever she wants it; to be with the person who bettered me, the person who showed me by example how I should be living, and the one who challenged me mentally, to be a better person, and to feel good just by being around them. I want someone who will allow me to do for them, without taking advantage-and vice versa. I know I am sick of whores, I am tired of drunks TIRED OF HEADCASES. I want someone who I can trust. I want a person I can talk with, share with, and do things for. If she is a nice and a good person…I just want the girl next door. I want a woman who can let me treat her as all women should be treated…like gold.

I have also found that if someone MAY be perfect for me; I can look past any imperfections, cause they are not imperfections, they are just part of a perfect person. The problem is, when you are in a relationship it takes 2 people, each person can be perfect; but if not perfect together, then neither is perfect for the exact time…

Sure are some proud girls And you can’t tell them nothin’ And I tell you right now girls May just be seven wonders of this big, old round world But how ’bout them cowgirls.”
I had that person, and looking back I realize even though I did not acknowledge, accept, or take ownership for it…I did not treat her the way she should have been treated. These past years I have taken ownership for that, even if it is too late.

A few years ago she took time and effort to make me a cake (btw the only one I have had in years), and looking back…I was a real A*S! She tried to do something nice for me, and I was too involved in my self-pity of getting old to appreciate her TRYING to make me enjoy a day that I had not liked in the past. SO TODAY…I AM FINDING GOOD IN THIS DAY!

I don’t know if I have ever said it, so I am saying it now, for those kind of stupid actions and statements just cause I was being stuburn or just a jacka**, to her (and everyone else I know), I am sorry!!!

So as I blow out the candles…

I have a few wishes on this birthday this year, one deals with her, a wish I did not get to make a few years ago because I was an A** on my birthday!

This year, my “wish” is not for her to not give up on me…it has nothing to do with me. She has been pretty down every time we have text, or emailed. I hope when she blows out her daily candles lit by the dawn of the sun, she can find peace in her situations, and enjoy her life the way she taught me to enjoy mine. I hope she can find ways to smile, the same smile I get to “unwrap everyday”….even if just in my memories.

I also “wish” that I have the ability to continue to pursue these childhood dreams for myself. I “wish” to continue to have struggles and setbacks.

“I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age. 
The ending of an era and the turning of a page.
Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here,
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years. Hey my next thirty years Im gonna have some fun,
Try to forget about all the crazy things Ive done.
Maybe now Ive conquered all my adolescent fears
And Ill do it better in my
next thirty years.
My next thirty years Im gonna settle all the scores,
Cry a little less, laugh a little more.
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear,
Figure out just what Im doing here.”
In my past 37 years, I have learned a lot. After just under a decade at The Ohio State University…I learned one thing I hate Math and Spanish (ok that is 2, but like I said I hate math and can’t add). The institution of life has taught me something far greater; Success is not measured in the amount of stuff, measured in the amount of worth, and not measured in the number of people looking up at the stage (at times THANK GOD FOR THE LATTER), success is in the measure of the man. I hope to be huge one day!!!

If on stage, in gym, mentoring or whatever, my name is known different to many: Matt, Robert, Sexton, “SEX,” DJ, Lil Matty, Boss, A**hole, Coach, Matty Boy, “M,” DJ Larry The Cable Guy, The guy with the Republican Tattoo,” “The guy in the hat”…and the newest one “’Matty Light” (play on Nati Light), we can also include Bible Thumper to some and spiritually neglectful to others…the title I like most, is friend.

I’ve proven who I am so many times, The magnetic strip’s worn thin, And each time I was someone else, And every one was taken in.”

Someday I hope all are names associated with someone who is remembered as a hard worker, who was caring, and who gave back and paid it forward. It would be nice to know I made a positive influence on one person’s life. Those are areas I am working on. Maybe when I look back at 74 I will have a better understanding of the above wish, and have directions on my road to happiness, MAYBE I will have found my “one thing.” MAYBE…in my next 37 years.

So before I blow out any candles in the next few days I have a few wishes. I know you are not supposed to let anyone know those wishes, but, if the first step to success is to dream or “wish” the second is to write it down…only then can it come true.

I want my “one thing” the thing in life that will allow me to find happiness. Not sure what it is, but I AM GOING TO FIND IT! I also want to just be healthy-by that I don’t mean big arms or chest. I just want to feel good physically, mentally and spiritually. The thing I have found is that none of these areas can be found without A LOT OF HARD WORK AND STRUGGLE. But ripped abs would be nice 😉 I also hope “she” and anyone else I know…just does not give up on me.

This PAST 37 years, I believe I am complex and scared-but, I believe I am taking those 2 negatives and making them into driving forces for happiness and success. I believe I am not Superman, but I am not an old geezer. While finding acceptance of my age…age is nothing but a number. I also know that every person I have met has helped to form the person I am.

To all the good and bad…thank you! As I get older, there are more physical aches, more bills, the nights get longer and the mornings earlier, while the responsibilities grow

These days I get up about the time I used to go to bed. Living large was once the deal, Now I watch the stars instead. They’re timeless and predictable, Unlike most things that I do.”
I have come the conclusion that I must work hard, continue to grow as a person, treat others the way I want to be treated, and just DO IT. Without wondering too much. I have to just do what I can and let the Good Lord above…handle it. He knows far more than me, or anyone I might turn to for help!

There are many songs that shape my life however there is one that defines my life…
I’ve been sittin here
Tryin to find myself

I get behind myself
I need to rewind myself
Lookin for the payback
Listen for the playback
They say that every man bleeds just like me
And I feel like number one 
Yet I’m last in line

I take too many pills it helps to ease the pain
I made a couple of dollar bills, but still I feel the same
Everybody knows my name
They say it way out loud
A lot of folks f*** with me
It’s hard to hang out in crowds

I guess that’s the price you pay
To be some big shot like I am
Out stretched hands and one night stands
Still I can’t find love
And when your walls come tumbling down
I will always be around
People don’t know about the things I say and do
They don’t understand about the shit that I’ve been through

It’s been so long since I’ve been home
I’ve been gone, I’ve been gone for way too long
Maybe I forgot all things I miss
Oh somehow I know there’s more to life than this
I said it too many times
And I still stand firm
You get what you put in
And people get what they deserve
Still I ain’t seen mine
No I ain’t seen mine
I’ve been giving just ain’t been gettin
I’ve been walking that there line
So I think I’ll keep a walking
With my head held high
I’ll keep moving on and only God knows why
It will be interesting to read this as I grow older…but not up.

“Im growing older but not up My metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck Let those winds of time blow over my head Id rather die while Im living than live while Im dead.”
I have found that as I get older, so do my heroes, or those I look up to. Some have even passed on to the next world. All those I look up to are either due to work ethic, strong opinions, or making others smile and make a living doing so. Some are all of the above.

1.) My Grandfather-he pisses me off! I will never be like him yet I will try. He does and has always helped anyone out-even when he knows he will be burned!

2.) Jimmy Buffett-he makes people forget about their problems for that one song, or that one night of a concert. AND MAKES A VERY GOOD LIVING OUT OF IT!

3.) Ted Nugent-Combines all his passions and vents through music. He is my dude! The ONE LONE WOLF Conservative in the entertainment world! Thanx “Uncle” Ted

4.) Francis Albert Sinatra-Did things ‘his way’ and created his own form of entertainment…the ultimate showman. He was Billy Bad A** yet was kind, gentle, and always getting hurt

5.) The Underdogs-those who rise above whatever their limitations…from sports heroes, to business guys, to the kids at the Special Olympics…you work hard you overcome, you get my props!!!


The Soundtrack to my life
1.) Behind Blue Eyes-The Who (No One Knows…)

2.) My Way-Frank Sinatra

3.) Pacing the Cage-Bruce Cockburn (also covered by Buffett)

4.) Better as a Memory-Kenny Chesney (Don’t know if I have been told this too many times, or really how I am…)

5.) All the way-Frank Sinatra (GOOSE BUMPS!!!)

6.) Dead or Alive-Bon Jovi

7.) This Cowboys Hat-Chris Ledoux (we all aren’t really all that different)

8.) Cowboy in Me-Tim McGraw (…never worry about the fall)

9.) Pirate Looks at 40-Jimmy Buffett (yes I AM A PIRATE 200 years too late)

10.) Color Blind-Counting Crows (NOT THE VIDEO-but a HAUNTING SONG NONE THE LESS: ”I am ready…”

11.) Cowboys from Hell-Pantera (COWBOYS…wear black!)

12.) Momma’s Don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys (can be a lonely life)

13.) Desperado-Eagles (but this version by “The Man in Black” is more my style…”YOUR PRISON IS WALKIN THE WORLD ALONE”) Kinda hits a little too close to home


15.) Where ever I may roam-Metallica (where I lay my head is home)

16.) Numb (For me, for “her,” for them?)

17.) Disarm (this song pi**es me off really bad-LOVE to lift to it to get rid of memories)

18.) Only God Knows Why-Kid Rock

19.) Rain King-Counting Crows (the lyrics kinda sum up my life “and I deserve a lil more…”)

20.) AND…someday I will realize My Place in this World-Micheal W. Smith

1.) Batman (Original)
2.) Rudy
3.) The Joker is Wild (and it is NOT a Batman movie)
4.) Pay it Forward
5.) Say Anything
6.) Rocky IV (shut up!!!)
7.) The Pursuit of Happiness
8.) Pure Country
9.) Boondock Saints
10.) Walk the line

So that is me in a blog. Wrapped up with all the good and bad of 37 years. I am still writing my book, and working on a few songs, some songs to be written, others have gotten radio play. This was for me, and not whoever is still reading this. I need to put thoughts into writing and what the hell…I am an open book and I will share. Speaking of books…”My Life, shaken, with a twist of fate,” has 14 chapters completed.

I am not 37 years closer to the eternal dirt nap…I am 37 years traveling FORWARD on this bumpy road of life. Some miles go by quicker than the other, and some miles are bumpy, but ALL MILES are needed to reach the destination. My map does not have that “X” on it, yet!!!

Sunset is an angel weeping
Holding out a bloody sword
No matter how I squint I cannot
Make out what it’s pointing toward
Sometimes you feel like you live too long
Days drip slowly on the page
You catch yourself
Pacing the cage
I never knew what you all wanted
So I gave you everything
All that I could pillage
All the spells that I could sing
It’s as if the thing were written
In the constitution of the age
Sooner or later you’ll wind up
Pacing the cage
Sometimes the best map will not guide you
You can’t see what’s round the bend
Sometimes the road leads through dark places
Sometimes the darkness is your friend

Today these eyes scan bleached-out land
For the coming of the outbound stage
Pacing the cage

My favorite version by my hero on stage-Jimmy Buffett



THURSDAY: At the Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on THURSDAY March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.


FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:

March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:

Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues

MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)
Two Pending Bar Events

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers

MARCH 29-30
Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall




Many people say they know it’s important to be positive, but if they don’t live it, they don’t really know it. When you know it, you live it. You walk the talk! It’s so easy for us to say words, and it’s much harder to be the example of those words. So how do you walk the talk of what you know? There’s only one way, and that is to practice it! When you practice, eventually you become the walking, talking example of positivity. And you will inspire everyone around you, because your life will be utterly magical. To help you walk the talk, I wrote The Magic, where you will discover that just one word changes everything! – Rhonda Byrne

Needed a lil pick me up this week! Guess, a “Warrior Call!!!”










We kept apart and connected by the same stretch of road
Neglected the truth and refused to grow old
It started a stream but then the levee fell
When the rainmaker had some extra seends to sell

I just wanna drink ’til I’m not thirsty
I just wanna sleep ’til I’m not tired
I just wanna drive ’til I run out of highway



Haters will broadcast your failure, but whisper your success

Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio!If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!



Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




Are you dying to be a people pleaser?

Hey bud, CONFESSION: I am a recovering ‘People Pleaser.’  I know what you’re thinking, “What’s wrong with pleasing people.” Nothing is wrong with pleasing people, however
EVERYTHING is wrong with being a ‘People Pleaser.’ “What’s the difference Sean?” Pleasing people… The act of doing or saying things that are most  likely received as favorable to others. The act itself is pleasurable for the giver, and they need no reciprocation or validation for their efforts.


People Pleaser… A deeply rooted behavior that causes an individual to desperately want to be liked and approved of by EVERYONE. An addiction to making others happy,
even at the risk of the giver’s well-being. This group loops (daily) the hallucination that it’s
possible to please everyone at all times. See the difference?


3 innocent “Hilltoppers” in Chardon Ohio


But who will Marsha Brady get to play the school dance?

Davy Jones, Monkees Lead Singer, Dead At 66

Davy Jones, lead singer of 1960s made-for-TV pop group the Monkees, died Wednesday (February 29) at age 66. According to TMZ, Jones died of a heart attack at his home in Florida.


The baby-faced singer born David Thomas Jones in Manchester, England, on December 30, 1945, began his career as a child actor, appearing in a British daytime soap opera and radio plays and taking a brief detour into being a horse jockey before landing a Tony nomination at age 16 for his role as the Artful Dodger in a Broadway production of “Oliver!” (In a rock and roll footnote, glam-rock icon David Bowie adopted his stage name after worrying that his birth name, David Jones, would cause confusion with the then emerging stage star and future Monkees singer.)


In an ironic twist of fate given his future stardom, he appeared alongside his “Oliver!” castmates on the December 1964 episode of “The Ed Sullivan Show” that featured the legendary American TV debut of the Beatles.


Happy 108th birthday to Dr. Seuss
“Today you are you, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is you-er than you.”
— Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss, the wonderful voice of children of all ages, would be 108 years old Friday And what fun we are planning at the Gadsden Public Library at 10 a.m. today. We plan a singalong, birthday party, story time and a movie in the movie room — and YOU are invited!

So, come on to the GPL, zippidy do!
For party and favors and birthday cake too!
We’ll laugh and we’ll dance with a toot and kazoo
Come wish happy birthday, you’ll be glad if you do!
— G.G. Byars

Sharlene Carroll was serenaded by her husband, Dr. David Carroll the morning of her birthday. Dr. Carroll, pastor of Malone Baptist Church, sang in his finest “Kermit the Frog” voice. Their grandson Carson, who is 4, loved the prank.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
— Dr. Seuss

February 27
Actress Joanne Woodward is 82.

Guitarist Neal Schon of Journey is 58.

Guitarist Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden is 55.

Singer Johnny Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd is 52.

Singer Chilli of TLC is 41.

Singer Josh Groban is 31.

February 28:

Actor Gavin MacLeod (“The Love Boat”) is 81.

Actor-director-dancer Tommy Tune is 73.

Actor Frank Bonner (“WKRP in Cincinnati”) is 70.

Actress Bernadette Peters is 64.

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is 57.

Actor John Turturro is 55.

Singer Cindy Wilson of The B-52’s is 55.

Singer Pat Monahan of Train is 43.

Actress Ali Larter (“Heroes”) is 36.

Singer Jason Aldean is 35.

And Ginny Andrews says her Birthday is on The 28th
February 29:

Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. is 40.

Rapper Ja Rule is 36.
And it really is Ginny’s Birthday today
March 1:

Singer Harry Belafonte is 85.

Singer Roger Daltrey is 68.

Actor Alan Thicke (“Growing Pains”) is 65.

Actor-director Ron Howard is 58.

Actor Tim Daly is 56.

Actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar (“Saved by the Bell”) is 38.

Singer Justin Bieber is 18.

March 2:

Actor John Cullum (“Northern Exposure”) is 82.

Singer Lou Reed is 70.

Jon Bon Jovi is 50.

Actor Daniel Craig is 44.

Singer Chris Martin of Coldplay is 35.


March 3:

Singer Jennifer Warnes is 65.

Rapper Tone Loc is 46.

Actress Jessica Biel is 30

My buddy DJ Legend…and Me!


On Thursday March 1, The Man in Black, Johnny and June Cash would have celebrated their 44th Anniversary. What a great story of love and triumph they were.



‘Dancing With The Stars’ Season 14 Cast Revealed
I may watch this season have always had a crush on “Half Pint”


Maria Menounos and tennis great Martina Navratilova join the list of celebrities who will shimmy and shake starting on March 19.
The cast for the 14th season of “Dancing With the Stars” was announced Tuesday, and it features athletes, former child stars, TV hosts and more. With the show set to kick off on March 19, the new crop of celebrity dancers strutted their way onto the “Good Morning America” set in Los Angeles with their sights set on the coveted Mirror Ball trophy.
So, what celebrities will be dancing this season and with whom will they be dancing? Here’s the rundown:
Jack Wagner
Melissa Gilbert
Donald Driver.
William Levy.
Sherri Shepherd
Roshon Fegan
Chelsie Hightower.
Maria Menounos
Jaleel White- Urkel
Gladys Knight
Gavin DeGraw
Katherine Jenkins
Martina Navratilova




1.) I can die happy! The Muppets won an Oscar for their song “Are you a Man or a Muppett?”


2.) MUST WATCH performance from Bobby, at Graceland!


‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go!’-Dr. Seuss

“Don’t be fooled by the title of this seriocomic ode to success; it’s not ‘Climb Every Mountain,’ kid version. All journeys face perils, whether from indecision, from loneliness, or worst of all, from too much waiting. Seuss’ familiar pajama-clad hero is up to the challenge, and his odyssey is captured vividly in busy two-page spreads evoking both the good times (grinning purple elephants, floating golden castles) and the bad (deep blue wells of confusion). Seuss’ message is simple but never sappy: life may be a ‘Great Balancing Act,’ but through it all ‘There’s fun to be done.'”

Rep. Allen West on the Koran burning incident & the aftermath:

” I want to extend my sincere condolences to the families of the Army Colonel and Major who were killed by Afghanistan security forces over this “burning Koran” episode. If we had resolute leadership, including in the White House, we would have explained that these Islamic terrorist enemy combatants being detained at the Parwan facility had used the Koran to write jihadist messages to pass to others. In doing so, they violated their own cultural practice and defiled the Koran. Furthermore, they turned the Koran into contraband. Therefore, Islamic cultural practice and Parwan detention facility procedures support burning the “contraband.” Instead here we go again, offering apology after apology and promising to “hold those responsible accountable.” Responsible for what? When tolerance becomes a one-way street it leads to cultural suicide. This time it immediately led to the deaths of two American Warriors. America is awaiting the apology from President Hamid Karzai.”

Next week is “Super Tuesday” in Ohio. I am not a fan of ANY of those we have the choice of. Paul is a GREAT thinker but comes across as wackier than Ross Perot. Newt could be a GREAT leader as he was as Speaker of the House, however I WILL NOT support “career politicians” who say what they think we want to hear (HEAR THAT JOSH MANDEL!?!?!). Rick Santorum has some great ideers, and could be a great leader, however, he is too tied up in moral this and that…and morals should be “We The People’s” decision. The best of our choices, and THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD WIN IN NOVEMBER, is Mitt Romney. So until Allen West, J.C. Watts, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, or TED NUGENT comes out…Romney is the only clear choice. OHIO, this one time, we can support a Michigan Man!


For those unfamiliar, Ted Nugent doesn’t shy away from sharing his opinions on myriad controversial political topics — from gun-rights to homosexuality, from religion to the military.
The veteran rocker recently said at a Republican event that, ”The whole world sucks, but America still sucks less.” He followed up the assertion by clarifying, “But with this administration, we are catching up,”

The Detroit native caught up with Mike Broomhead’s team at KFYI-AM in Phoenix for yet another bombshell of an interview. We warn, the following clip contains graphic language. Still, many will find Nugent’s trademark no holds barred attitude on politics a refreshing change of pace.

Among his more piquant revelations, Nugent believes that having Tim Geithner seve as Secretary of The Treasury, bearing in mind Geithner’s “tax cheating,“ is like having Jeffrey Dahmer ”in charge of a children’s playground.”

He also said that “welfare is slavery” and that we have “American hating maniacs” in our government.

Nugent is also no fan of the current GOP field, suggesting in fairly crude lingo that Republican presidential candidates are lacking in the testosterone department.




Therapy Dog Provides Comfort in the Classroom
A staff member at an elementary school in Davenport, Iowa helps students get excited about class! Gracie, the golden retriever works as a comfort dog at Trinity Lutheran School in Davenport.

Gracie inspires and comforts the kids depending on the situation.
“I’ve seen kids when they have a scrape from outside, and they came in and they saw Gracie, and they had a huge smile on their face,” said Madison Fuller, a fourth grader.




Columbus Zoo BEST in the US
According to USA Travel Guide Columbus Zoo is the best zoo in the country. The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium topped the USA Travel Guides   “Top Ten List ”

While any of the zoos mentioned above are worthy of they respect they have garnered, none have achieved the positive worldwide reputation of the Columbus Zoo, arguably America’s favorite. While the zoo has been open continuously since 1927, its reputation grew to such heights under direction of the amiable Jack Hanna, one the America’s most beloved animal experts. Under Hanna’s guidance, the quality of the Columbus Zoo was elevated considerably, making it what is considered today to be the aspiration of any traditional zoo. Along with over 7,000 animals, the Columbus Zoo has more recently expanded to include a water park, amusement park and golf resort.”

Congratulations to Jack Hanna and everyone with the Columbus Zoo for being recognized.




Police: Deer saves woman from assault
Scared alleged purse snatcher away
Authorities say a woman under assault got some crucial help from a darting deer.

Police in this western Ohio college town say a man was choking her with her purse straps and punching her in the forehead when a deer jumped up and raced past, scaring the man away.
Sgt. Jon Varley said the incident happened early Sunday after the woman left a party.

He tells the Cincinnati Enquirer he can’t recall anything similar in his 17-year career. He says the woman suffered red marks and bruises but didn’t require medical treatment.

None of her property was taken when the man ran away.


The 5 Most Unintentionally Creepy Gifts Given to Presidents

The president of the United States of America has everything he could ever want: a big house, a fancy car, a private plane and a legacy secured for all time. So what do you get the man who has everything? The answer to that question is usually something lame like “a poem,” or “a song,” or “a heartfelt macaroni portrait.” But sometimes it’s something awesome like “furniture made from super-predators” or “all the cheese.”

#5. Badass Chairs Made from Wild Animals
#4. The Blueberry Jelly Bean Flavor and a Jelly Bean Portrait
#3. Portrait on a Carpet
#2. Two Grizzly Bear Cubs
#1. 1,235-Pound Cheese

Sheriff: Mother Injected Her Children With Heroin
Ohio State University Police on Friday evening arrested a mother accused of injecting her teenage children with heroin before sending them to school.

According to investigators, Shantel A. Parker injected her children, ages 14 and 16, with heroin and had been giving them heroin and other drugs for months.

Parker, 35, of Laurelville, was wanted on two counts of felonious assault, two counts of corrupting another with drugs and two counts of endangering children.




The 23 worst human names in sports history.
Not everyone can have parents who love and respect them, just ask UNC Charlotte center Ivana Mandic, who we feel should seriously consider jumping on the bandwagon and changing her name to either “Cincodos” or at the very least “Metta World Mandic.” In any event, here’s our list of 22 other athletes whose parents hate them.

Yoshie Takeshita — Japanese human name, German porn name.
Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon — It’s like a cat walked on a keyboard and her parents said: “YES! That’s the name!”
Misty Hyman — Gold medal athlete, certificate of participation name.
Desintee Hooker — Hooker! Get it? Like the rugby position!
DeWanna Bonner —  Ironically, we Donwanna Bonner.
Karen Cockburn — Few people can say their last names are also a symptom of gonorrhea.
Ron Tugnutt — It’s like his parents looked for baby name ideas on Urban Dictionary.
Sally Mangina — Something tells us she’d prefer to have a Sally Penis.
Johnny Dickshot — Like Prince, he eventually changed his name to a symbol. (This: 8===D~~)
Chubby Cox — From what we hear, it’s not the Chubbyness of the Cox, but how you use it.
Dick Pole — Redundant.
Dean Windass — Or “Windarse”, as he’s known in the UK.
Danny Shittu — Incidentally “SHITT-U” is also the nickname of Arizona State University.
JJ Putz — His parents named him this because they knew he’d one day grow that stupid soul patch.
Lucious Pusey — ….and his brother Sloppy-Roast-Beef-Looking.
Pete LaCock — “It’s French! Leave me alone!”
Rusty Kuntz — AKA the K-word.
Jenni Asserholt — Thing is, Asserholt isn’t nearly as stupid as spelling Jenny with an “I.”
Dick Trickle — Moving too fast to waste time on the “follow-up jiggle.”
Harry Colon — “No, no it’s colon like the punctuation mark. I swear!”
Irina Slutskaya — We’ve met her so trust us when we say: the name is misleading.
Capt. Jack Glasscock — This in actually an improvement over when he was Private Jack Glasscock.


ALMOST OFFICIAL, the Basketball Season is Over?



Mother of Ohio School Shooting Victim Forgives Gunman
The mother of one of the victims of the shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio on Monday says she forgives the shooter because “he didn’t know what he was doing.”

The mother of one of those killed in the shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio on Monday says she forgives the shooter because “he didn’t know what he was doing.” Phyllis Ferguson, the mother of Demetrius Hewlin, told ABC News that she always taught her 16-year-old son “not to live in the past, to live in today and forgiveness is divine.”

“You have to forgive everything,” she continued. “God’s grace is new each and every day. Until you’ve walked in another person’s shoes, you don’t know what made him come to this point.”

‘The Arnold’ means growth, success
That’s all it takes, just the first name — and it’s hard to think of anyone other than the famous bodybuilder, action-movie star and former governor of California, or his annual Columbus festival.

This type of instant recognition is invaluable in creating a brand, and it has helped grow the Arnold Sports Festival and Fitness Expo into the country’s largest such event.

About 18,000 athletes from 80-plus countries and 175,000 attendees will be in Columbus today through Sunday for the 45-sport festival. They will fill the city’s hotels, spend an estimated $42.4 million and pave the way for the city to attract other sporting events.

“The Arnold gives us legitimacy,” said Bruce Wimbish of the Greater Columbus Sports Commission. “ When people say we can’t host a major sporting event, this shows the answer is, yes, (we can).”


LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT
Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

Disney’s Habit Heroes Accused of “fat-shaming”
Meet Snacker: Disney’s newest fairy at the center of a major controversy.

The zaftig Snacker, along with a bean-bag shaped mob figure named “Glutton” and a ball-bellied couch potato named “Lead Bottom” make of a few of the cartoon villains in Epcot Center’s educational exhibit Habit Heroes.

The theme park’s interactive experience and corresponding website were created in collaboration with Blue Cross and Blue Shield, to teach kids healthy eating habits. But after a soft launch three weeks ago, critics have accused the exhibit of “fat-shaming,” and Disney has responded by closing the exhibit as the company mulls a relaunch. And the website is down for maintenance.




Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.-Unknown

Jose Canseco is having a good day
Sometimes, on his Twitter feed, Jose Canseco sounds really sad and depressed. Some days, however, he’s the most optimistic, upbeat guy in the world.

I’m no psychiatrist, but I’m going to assume that swinging back and forth between such extremes — between such poles, as it were — is nothing but healthy.  All that mania and depression evens out, don’t you know!



… do what u love!! Dreams don’t have deadlines -Rev Run
We must use the eyes behind the eyes constantly. Never let what you see with your physical eyes be more real to you than what you see with your spiritual eyes. Stay creative and use your imagination, do different! Go to new places, see new faces, change where you eat, travel, the kind of books you read. Like hip-hop? Check out the opera. Don’t get stuck in a rut. There’s a big world out there. Make a new move today!




Yonder Mountain String Band Newport Music Hall

Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

Confederate Railroad Dough Boyz (Ashville)

The Black Keys play The Schottenstein Center          :

Arnold Sports Festival takes place throughout Downtown Columbus. For more info:

Seussical the Musical at The Palace Theatre:

Central Ohio Home & Garden Show at The Ohio Expo Center:


Joan Rivers plays The Capitol Theatre  

Jo Koy plays all Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

“The Hangover” for Teenagers, ‘Project X’ rated “R.”
Dr. Seuss’ ‘The Lorax’ rated “PG-13.”

‘I Melt with You,’ rated “R,” starring Jeremy Piven, and Rob Lowe.

The Oscar winning, ‘Hugo’ rated “PG.”

Craig Morgan  releases, “This Ole Boy”


Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:

March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:

Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues

MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)
Two Pending Bar Events

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes

Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers

MARCH 29-30
Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall

Follow us:

March 1, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Take care of ourselves, and others (those around us, and those we miss) and celebrate our failures

GREETINGS FROM the Houston Rodeo as I am just getting here after a late start out of Atlanta. I think out of the 35-45 times I have flown through Atlanta, I have been on time once or twice!


Even though this and many other delays are frustrating (btw this one was due to having to fix “a tray table” yep the same type of tray table that is needed for things like typing this-is it REALLY that necessary?) But not all things I encountered on planes and in airports are bad. Last week I was fortunate enough to see some “guardian angels” do what they are trained to do, just this time in their “everyday life.”


Last week when flying back from Atlanta (yes was delayed coming home from the ATL then as well) there was a gentleman in the isle next to me. He was a heavy set, middle aged black male, and didn’t say anything to anyone, so I assumed he was by himself. During the “beverage service” (cause that is needed for a 1 hour flight?!?!?) the stewardess approached him and asked if he wanted anything. I was typing a report, but noticed and thought he was kinda rude not to reply, but I just sighed and went on my way. A few minutes later I heard the person next to him ask a few times “Are you ok? Sir are you ok?!?!”


Ok this kinda got my attention, but I have found keeping to myself during flights keeps people from talking to me, and keeps me from SCREAMING at dumb a**es who don’t know how to travel. So I continued to type away, but looked to my right…I did do a double take!


The black male who was heavy set did not look right. He was staring straight ahead with a blank stare, sweating profusely (wow spell check caught that one!), kinda shaking, and his round face had his eyed almost protruding out (kinda looked like a pug). The stewardess’ were awesome. They secured him right away, calmly asked if a paramedic or medical person was on board, and tried to get him to respond. Since I am nowhere near a medical expert, or even a “Doctor” of love…I went back to typing to try to stay out of their way. The stewardess’ also notified the captain of a “medical situation” and “we may need to land”-oh great I had a full day back in Ohio, and I just wanted to get home.


Two people came to aid the person in the isle next to me. One a male who was there first, and another a female who arrived second. The male, switched places with the guy directly between the now “patient” and himself, and began talking to the patient. The female was kneeling in the isle between us-ya know, now that I think about it, when I stand in the isle I get yelled at!


They both went through all the things they (I guess) were trained to do to assess a situation. The male was taking the lead and barking answers to the female. They assessed the man was in a diabetic episode and asked the stewardess for some kit, oxygen, and sugar “lots of sugar!”


The kit arrived and they did something to him with an object in it. What that was, I don’t know…I was typing. They then got him some oxygen from a portable tank. The tank could not reach from the isle to the patient, so I get “hey arms can you hold this?” Usually I am honored when someone notices I work hard in the gym…BUT I WAS TYPING! So I was now involved in this, and well, I couldn’t type anymore because my laptop had fallen when they brought the oxygen. So I am now not a business person working on a flight, but a good Samaritan?


They worked on the guy and gave him a cup of water , and what was deemed “all the sugar on board.” They made a “syrup” out of the water and sugar and forced it down his throat, followed by some orange juice. Now if you add some type of alcohol this could be an amazing drink!


They got the guy back, and “coached” him into calming down until we landed and he was carted off by medical personnel when we pulled into the gate. We found out he was fine, and had just had a diabetic complication. I am using some humor in the story cause it actually was scary and now that I know he is fine, I can find some laughable moments in what happened.


So I got to see someone make his way through what could have been a life altering (ending?) situation “saved” by “two everyday” people or in this case guardian angels…and one guy just trying to type a report?


We find out that the male who was helping was a nurse, and the female he was barking to was a Doctor. I found this very funny, and wondered how many times prior the roles had been reversed.


I also started to worry. I saw firsthand how diet and exercise, if not followed can have MAJOR health complications that not only effect the person who is consuming the poor diet, and not exercising, but in this case all of us on a plane. I have a family member who has just been diagnosed with Diabetes. He does not exercise, and can go through a pint of ice cream quicker than me (that is saying a lot). After I was in awe of watching the man on the plane be “brought back,” I began to get pi**ed off!


Each of us can prevent this type of situation, by just eating and exercising “smart.” I saw firsthand what my gym workouts can prevent, and I guess I now will try to bring that to someone else to prevent this from happening to anyone I know.


So this guy was reported fine and made it, but this week we did lose some folks.


In the past couple of weeks we have lost Whitney Houston and a few more. Some of those “more” were 7 brave Marines killed in Arizona during training missions, and few dozen overseas fighting the war on terror.


Some are saying that the loss of Whitney is being overblown, and there are some nasty jokes being made (even if funny). Some say the lives of those Marines and other military should be honored more than Houston. Some think that Whitney Houston was a one of a kind entertainment that should be remembered and honored for her role in the entertainment world. I think all may be right.


ALL LIFE is precious and valuable. We all should honor those who risk their lives so that we can have our everyday freedoms, and honor someone who has a great gift that can inspire and even entertain us. BUT no life should be condemned just because the media makes it a front page story, just as no life is less important because a liberal media agenda does not want to honor our heroes who are no longer with us!


In all cases of death there are family members, friends, and loved ones who are grieving for the loss of someone they cared about. These people are missing someone…


I find myself doing that every day as well. Some are people from history books who inspire me, others are in fact entertainers who are no longer here, some are Brave Men & Women who I did not have the honor of meeting-but thankful for their service, others like my Grandma are no longer here physically but live on in my heart and my memories, while others are in fact here but not in my everyday life.


I miss people every day, those who are on this earth, and those who are not. These people I wish I could share some of the amazing experiences I am blessed to encounter. One person I miss daily is here on this great earth, but not in my life. She is celebrating a special day this week, and I do not have the honor of sharing it with her. This makes me miss her even more;


“Missing someone isn’t about how
long it’s been since you’ve seen
them last or the amount of time since
you’ve talked. It’s about that very
moment when you’re doing something,
and you wish that they were right
there with you.”


So as I celebrate the birthday of my friend who I AM missing, we also had other events that are back that I have missed to celebrate. One, Pitchers and Catchers reported to Spring Training and the Boys of Summer are ready to make their return! I would also say celebrating the return of NASCAR, but I don’t want to play into any Red Neck comments. BUT in addition to the “Heartland” sport of NASCAR, and “America’s Pastime” (Baseball) returning, we as a country had a 3 day weekend to celebrate 2 GREAT Presidents in Lincoln and Washington with Presidents Day (more than a 3 day weekend, or an excuse to buy a new recliner).


I found this article and found it to be very inspiring:

President’s Day & what we can take from it
When one stops & thinks of the 44 Presidents we have had, & a little trivia; we have had actually 45 Presidencies because Grover Cleveland served two separate non-consecutive terms. Now despite the fact in my life time I did not vote for a couple of them, but I do honor the office, & appreciate the fact someone wants to enter into the only grueling career path other than the Music Industry (LOL) & have their lives totally upheaval in order to be called “President” is an honorable task.

I would have to say my favorite is Abraham Lincoln & here is why: YEARS OF FAILURES or SETBACKS 1832 Lost job Defeated for state legislature 1833 Failed in business 1835 Sweetheart died 1836 Had nervous 1838 Defeated for Speaker Nominated for Illinois House Speaker 1840 Argues first case before Illinois Supreme Court 1843 Defeated for nomination for Congress 1849 Rejected for land officer Admitted to practice law in U.S. Supreme Court Declined appointment as secretary and then as governor of Oregon Territory 1854 Defeated for U.S. Senate Elected to Illinois state legislature (but declined seat to run for U.S. Senate) 1856 Defeated for nomination for Vice President 1858 Again defeated for U.S. Senate and in 1860 Elected President !

Now in-between all that “failure” he did see many success that pen will not allow me to post, but here is the moral of the life of a great man: “…Failure + Failure + Failure = SUCCESS!!
I wake up every single day of my life not afraid of FAILURE, I wake up every single day AFRAID that I may sub come to QUITING!! Now the chances of that happening are slim to none, BUT it is one of my greatest FEARS! Each day I remind myself of our 16th President & what he went through to lead this great Country, along with other mentors in my life that did not know the meaning of QUIT! I also remind myself if I QUIT, I may be responsible for leading someone else down that path, & THAT IS JUST UNACCEPTABLE IN MY LIFE!! Pass it forward with Hope! Cheers! doc

I follow up my buddy doc’s words above;
The right to life means that a man has the right to support his life by his own work (on any economic level, as high as his ability will carry him); it does not mean that others must provide him with the necessities of life. | The Virtue of Selfishness, 97 


So this weekend enjoy those around you, and YOURSELF! Take care of your health so that others won’t “miss you.” Take care of friendships so you won’t find yourself “missing someone.” Work hard to achieve success and learn from the failure. Hell, celebrate the failures!!! Celebrate those around you, as well as yourself!


For ANYONE in a Band AND DJ’s. I am looking for a large number of bands, and DJ’s to play an early morning event on Saturday May 5 from (approx 8am-Noon). There is pay involved, and minimal to no work with exposure to over 15,000 people!!! If you or anyone you know is interested please email me at




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


SUNDAY: Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues


MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)

Two Pending Bar Events



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers


MARCH 29-30

Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall





As we are heading into March, the Month of The Irish, many are celebrating ‘The Godfather (movie) 40th Anniversary,’ and millions tune into Jersey Shore every week; just remember no one wants to be Christopher Columbus on Columbus Day, but “everyone” is Irish on St. Patty’s Day!

I had this EXACT conversation this week, and found this great version of a classic!


Great version of one of my favorites!


Even at his age…Mick is STILL FUNKY!
I got goose bumps from this remake


My kinda “Party Rock”



The more you practice willpower to control one behavior, the more it applies itself to other parts of your life:

“…we all are a work in progress, the question is what kind of material are we using in building the work”? -doc




Man suffers heart attack while eating “Triple Bypass” burger at Heart Attack Grill

“Doctor” Jon Basso thought “Nurse” Bridgett was kidding when she informed the Heart Attack Grill owner that a customer was suffering some medical difficulties in the dining room.

The situation was, in fact, as serious as a heart attack. FOX5 News Las Vegas reports that this past weekend, a man in his 40s began experiencing chest pains while consuming one of the restaurant’s signature 6,000 calorie “Triple Bypass” burgers. Basso, who is not a medical professional, called 911, and EMTs and paramedics arrived on the scene quickly.

The customer – or “patient” as they are referred to at the restaurant, which moved from Chandler, Arizona to Las Vegas last October – is reportedly alive and recuperating. Sadly, that’s not the case for the restaurant’s 575-pound spokesman, who died last March at the age of 29.



Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio! If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!


Help put Coach into the Final 4

Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




Are We Raising a Generation of Helpless Kids?

When a college freshman received a C- on her first test, she literally had a meltdown in class. Sobbing, she texted her mother who called back, demanding to talk to the professor immediately (he, of course, declined). Another mother accompanied her child on a job interview, then wondered why he didn’t get the job.

A major employer reported that during a job interview, a potential employee told him that she would have his job within 18 months. It didn’t even cross her mind that he had worked 20 years to achieve his goal.

Sound crazy?

Sadly, the stories are all true, says Tim Elmore, founder and president of a non-profit, Growing Leaders, and author of the “Habitudes®” series of books, teacher guides, DVD kits and survey courses. “Gen Y (and iY) kids born between 1984 and 2002 have grown up in an age of instant gratification. iPhones, iPads, instant messaging and immediate access to data is at their fingertips,” he says. “Their grades in school are often negotiated by parents rather than earned and they are praised for accomplishing little. They have hundreds of Facebook and Twitter ‘friends,’ but often few real connections.”



Anyone who ever watched ‘The Osbournes,’ the reality tv show based around the life of rockstar Ozzy Osbourne and his family, knows how much the Prince of Darkness and his gang love their furry friends. There was always a cavalcade of four-legged furfaces running around, most notably their beloved bulldog Lola.

Some sad news to report, Jack Osbourne took to Twitter last night to announce the passing of Lola Osbourne at the age of 12.

My friend who changed my life and I miss everyday-JMI


Since mine is next week…if looking for something to get me? 




Do you believe in Miracles?

On February 22, 1980, the United States Olympic hockey team pulled off one of the greatest upsets in sports history, defeating the Soviet Union, 4-3.

Back in 2005, ESPN replayed this game and the gold medal game against Finland as part of the 25th anniversary of these Olympics. Everyone has their own story to tell about where they were or what they were doing during this game. I encourage all of you to tell your story or stories below. Now, because I was born in 1994, I don’t have a story to tell, but I will tell you my father’s story. He had the flu and wasn’t really feeling well, so he didn’t watch the game. In fact, he even asked his roommate to turn the volume down on the TV.

Al Michaels and Ken Dryden on the call.



The Biggest Loser Contestants: On Strike!

Contestants on this season of The Biggest Loser have a weighty issue with NBC.
Those remaining on the reality competition have actually walked off the set and are threatening to collectively quit because they learned producers were planning to bring back former contestants to compete for this season’s $250,000 grand prize.

This is not an atypical move in the world of reality TV, of course, but this season’s hopefuls all find it unfair that past losers are now being given a chance to become winners again.
NBC has not commented on the situation, and production has been suspended for a few days, but season 12 contestant John Forger tells TMZ this season’s competitors are missing the point of their participation.
Miranda Lambert Upset Over Chris Brown’s Recent Success

It’s been 3 years since R&B / pop singer Chris Brown famously assaulted his (now ex) girlfriend Rihanna, on the eve of The GRAMMY Awards. Brown faced felony charges over the incident, publicly apologized numerous times, and took a hiatus from music to focus on his anger-management rehabilitation and re-vamping his image. At this years GRAMMY Awards, Brown came back with a vengeance, performing twice and taking home the award for best R&B Album. Rihanna even seems to have forgiven the singer as he appears on the new remix of her track “Birthday Cake.” Although those two seem to have moved past the incident, Brown is making headlines in the country world as superstar Miranda Lambert has been very vocal over the last week with her anger over his success.


“Purpose Driven Life”-Rick Warren
It is the Lenten season (and no I don’t mean a time period where the lint things in the dryer is not cleaned), it is a 40 day period for sacrifice, and betterment. I have this book with me at all times.
A groundbreaking manifesto on the meaning of life.

The most basic question everyone faces in life is Why am I here? What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God and his eternal purposes for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth.
The Purpose-Driven Life takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning Purpose-Driven Church and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.

The Purpose-Driven Life is a manifesto for Christian living in the 21st century…a lifestyle based on eternal purposes, not cultural values. Using biblical stories and letting the Bible speak for itself, Warren clearly explains God’s five purposes for each of us:
* We were planned for God’s pleasure, so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
* We were formed for God’s family, so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
* We were created to become like Christ, so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
* We were shaped for serving God, so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
* We were made for a mission, so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

This long-anticipated book is the life-message of Rick Warren, founding pastor of Saddleback Church. Written in a captivating devotional style, the book is divided into 40 short chapters that can be read as a daily devotional, studied by small groups, and used by churches participating in the nationwide 40 Days of Purpose campaigns.


‎”I have been advocating for us to stop Iran for 8 years, and even Bush opposed me and of course Barack Obama did. I have always also said that if you want the right position on foreign policy just do the opposite of what Joe Biden does, you will be right every time.”-Rick Santorum


Obama doesn’t accept responsibility for gas prices
President Obama does not “accept responsibility” for high gas prices, his spokesman indicated today, arguing that Obama has done everything he could to bring down the price of oil and blaming the high gas prices on oil price increases caused by global factors.




Site Unseen: Red Sox Spring Training Park Gaffe

Sure the Chicago Cubs can’t compete with the Red Sox most seasons, but a fan of the lovable losers just pulled of a World Championship move in cyberspace.

Boston’s beloved baseball team is moving into JetBlue Park this spring in Ft. Myers, Fla. The new crown jewel of the Grapefruit League cost an estimated $78 million to build … but they probably wish they’d spent a few more bucks.


Kidnapping survivor Elizabeth Smart gets married in Hawaii
Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped at age 14 from her Salt Lake City home and held for what she described as “nine months of hell,” married her fiancé in Hawaii on Saturday, surrounded by only immediate family.

Smart, 24, and Matthew Gilmour became engaged in January, initially announcing a summer wedding. According to the Smart family spokesperson, NBC station KSL of Salt Lake City reported, those plans changed a week ago in order to avoid attention to the unscheduled ceremony in the Laie Hawaii Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Oahu.




Witness The Most Disastrous Conversation In Texting History


Danica Patrick found her street car isn’t so practical
As she approaches age 30, Danica Patrick is going conservative.
Well, sort of.

She’s still attempting a bold career move by trying to win Sunday’s Daytona 500. In her personal life though, she barely ever whips around anymore in her silver Lamborghini Gallardo. (Retail price: about $202,000. Horsepower: about a million.)

“I don’t drive it much at all really,” Patrick said.
More From Dan Wetzel

The problems are myriad: potholes, parking and nowhere to put her black coffee when she’s running errands in Scottsdale, Ariz., where she lives with her husband.
“I just needed something more practical,” Patrick said. “It sounds stupid but there are no cup holders in my Lamborghini.

5-Year-Old Brings Gun To Daycare
Police said that a child brought a handgun to a Toledo daycare, 10TV News reported on Wednesday.

The 5-year-old boy told police that he found the gun in the grass behind the apartment where he lived.

The boy allegedly told police that he thought the gun was a lighter and even told his mother about it.

The daycare spotted the child showing friends the unloaded gun and confiscated it.

Police were called, but officers said charges were not likely to be filed.

2 charged in death of girl forced to run


Roger Simpson said he looked down the road and saw a little girl running outside her home but didn’t give it another thought. Police, however, said the man witnessed a murder in progress.
Authorities say 9-year-old Savannah Hardin died after being forced to run for three hours as punishment for having lied to her grandmother about eating candy bars. Severely dehydrated, the girl had a seizure and died days later. Now, her grandmother and stepmother who police say meted out the punishment were taken to jail Wednesday and face murder charges.



NUH UH!?!?

”Do Fairies live at the bottom of your garden?

Maybe not anymore but a recent discovery would suggest that they probably did. What appear to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside. The 8inch remains complete with wings; skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine. X-rays of the ‘fairy’ reveal an anatomically identical skeleton to that of a child. The bones however, are hollow like those of a bird making them particularly light. The puzzling presence of a navel even suggests that the beings reproduce the same as humans despite the absence of reproductive organs.

The remains were discovered by a local man, who wishes to remain anonymous, while walking his dog along an old roman road situated between the Derbyshire villages of Duffield and Belper. The area has long been shrouded in mystery with tales of ghostly highwaymen and strange ‘dancing’ lights on warm summer evenings.

“I was walking along the lane at a point which passes an old Iron Age barrow (burial mound) when my dog began to bark and act rather strangely. He was barking in the direction of the barrow and would not go anywhere near it which was strange as we walk past it almost every day. I was curious and approached the mound to see what could be disturbing him and it then I noticed something odd… the side of the barrow, a fissure as if a section of ground had subsided or opened up. The crack measured about 2ft long and 1ft wide and looked to have been formed recently as I had never seen it before. I knelt down and looked inside the dark hole. The hill seemed to be hollow like a cave as I could feel a cool draught against my skin. I used the small led torch on my car keys to see if I could see anything in the darkness. It was at this point I saw something that startled me, 2 or 3 feet in front of me I could see a human like form only this was much smaller.
My initial instinct was to call the police as I thought it may be the body of a small child but as I looked closer I could see that this was not the case. It was too small and more importantly, it had what appeared to be wings! Not want to touch it I used a stick to carefully drag it out and picked it up in one of the dog’s poo bags (empty of course).”

He immediately called his wife stating he had found something ‘unbelievable’ and asked her to bring a camera and a box immediately.“When I first arrived I could hear the dog barking from some distance, I had no idea what he had found. As I approached the barrow I could see my husband crouched down looking at something on the floor. “What have you found?” I shouted, “See for yourself” he said. I looked down and saw a tiny but perfect mummified human body with hair, dark brown skin and more disturbingly, wings. “I know what it looks like”, he said “but how can it be? And there’s not just one, I’ve had another look inside that hole in the ground and there are more!”

The body was taken home in a biscuit tin and kept in a garage overnight. The following day the local police were informed and the remains were taken away for analysis. As a local expert on the paranormal I was approached by the police for my advice although this was kept rather quiet to avoid ridicule and press attention. I was taken to the location by the man who originally discovered this amazing find. On closer inspection the barrow appears to contain more that 20 fairy bodies all in varying states of mummification.

The dry cave like interior has preserved the remains to such a degree that some bodies even have tiny finger nails and eye brows. I have returned since then to document the find as much as possible. On one particular occasion I was shocked to discover that some attempt had been made to reseal the barrow but by whom?

The site appears to be a burial ground for fairy folk and the exact location of the find has not been revealed and no further remains have been removed from the mound. It has not been substantiated how long the remains have been there although the state of mummification would suggest more than 400 years. The countryside could be strewn with hidden burial mounds which have lain undiscovered for centuries. How could such creatures exist without detection for so many years? Cryptozoologists who have examined the remains suspect they have evolved to suit their surrounding so well they would be virtually invisible to the naked eye. Their wings and skin pigment would camouflage them extremely well and they would most probably live in the tree tops and rarely venture down to ground level. In winter they would probably retreat underground into cave networks. Whether they still exist is another question but the remains found in Derbyshire have laid thousands of years of folklore to rest.”




ESPN Fires Lin Headline Writer
ESPN hasn’t always been quick to admit and rectify its mistakes. But in the 36 hours after the racially insensitive headline “Chink in the armor” appeared on its mobile website about Jeremy Lin, the Worldwide Leader issued a strongly-worded apology and now has handed out punishments.

In a “Follow-up statement and action” released Sunday morning, ESPN announced the following:
At ESPN we are aware of three offensive and inappropriate comments made on ESPN outlets during our coverage of Jeremy Lin.


Dissecting the Buckeyes’ basketball team

Based on last year’s success and the spotlight that came with it, there were certain things we knew about this year’s Ohio State basketball team before the season even started.

We knew that Jared Sullinger was pretty darn good. We knew that William Buford was going to get his shots and make his share, and that Buford also would be streaky. We knew that Deshaun Thomas was going to get his shots, too, and might even make Buford look shy. We knew that Aaron Craft would be a steady leader and a great defender.

We knew that Ohio State would miss the shooting and experience of Jon Diebler and David Lighty. We knew that Thad Matta had young talent on hand ready to step up, but that talent — including Thomas, to an extent — was unproven. We also knew that Matta preferred a short rotation, especially in big games.

Now, with just three games left in the regular season, we know No. 9 Ohio State is easy to read in some regards and very difficult to read in others.



“Nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be.
You keep wanting to know how things will play out, keep asking to see the future. God doesn’t give anyone the power to know the future, because life becomes maddeningly boring when you know everything upfront. So, instead of struggling, enjoy the uncertainty – to be alive means to not know.”

LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT
Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

Just Sayin’…

5 Health Benefits of Masturbation

“Just a sec, babe . . . I, er, have to check on my stocks!”
A new survey from adult product peddler reveals that 27 percent of Americans admit to masturbating once or twice a week.

That number seems suspiciously low to us, especially since science has shown that being master of your domain can provide additional feel-great benefits. (Also because the people surveyed were browsing an adult toy website.) “Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life,” says Gloria Brame, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist. “It’s totally safe and harmless. It’s healthier than brushing your teeth every day.”




Yes, I believe hard work, passion, giving and “GRACE is the path out of “hell”- Tony Robbins

“Success is not achieved by winning all the time. Real success comes when we rise after we fall. Some mountains are higher than others. Some roads steeper than the next. There are hardships and setbacks but you cannot let them stop you. Even on the steepest road you must not turn back.” – Muhammad Ali


Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. ~Og Mandino



“Doesn’t matter if glass is half empty or full, what matters is whether you have a glass” Octavia Spencer



“No problem is permanent.” Weather tough times and the “winter” seasons of your life.- Tony Robbins


In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength….




Jane’s Addiction plays The LC, The Lifestyle Communities Pavilion

Young The Giant plays a SOLD OUT Newport Music Hall

The Robert Cray Band plays the historic Midland Theater in Nerk Ahia

I have not seen him in awhile I guess “I miss Billy The Kid”, Billy Dean plays Fairfield Union

Central Ohio Home & Garden Show at The Ohio Expo Center. For more info:


Jake Johannsen  plays all weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

The romantic comedy, ‘Wanderlust’  starring Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston. Rated “R.”

The thrilling ‘Gone starring Amanda Seyfried , rated “PG-13.”


It isn’t a great movie, but a very cool event ‘Act Of Valor’ starring active Navy Seals rated “R.”

Clint Eastwood directs Leonardo DiCaprio and Naomi Watts in ‘J. Edgar’ rated “R.”

‘Tower Heist’ is an action packed comedy rated “PG-13,” starring Ben Stiller , Ferris Beuhler, Eddie Murphy , Casey Affleck , Téa Leoni , and Alan Alda

Based on a true story, ‘The Mighty Macs’ follows the story of  Cathy Rush, a women’s basketball coach in the early ’70s. Macs is rated “G.”



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues


MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)

Two Pending Bar Events



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Panthers


MARCH 29-30

Join my crew and Get down with Saint Agatha’s at the grooviest
70th party ever. We’ll be celebrating all things 70s, with all of the proceeds from ticket sales,
our silent auction and the live auction going to support our school.
Can you dig it at Monsignor Kennedy Parish Hall


Follow us:

February 24, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Celebrate survival, and acts of kindess-EVERYDAY!

GREETINGS FROM 13,000 feet somewhere over Tennessee as I head down to the ATL for the weekend. I am a lil sore, but feeling great while typing this, as I just had an AMAZING workout at Sweatbox (935 King Ave, in Grandview next to King Ave 5) prior to arriving at the airport. Stop in and chat with Dinos or Billy for personal training rates-it is well worth it, I am ready to SHATTER my personal best! When done…stop in and say hi to Nick, Joel and the rest of the crew at King Ave 5 for dinner or lunch.


This is gonna’ be a fun weekend as I head to Atlanta to not only spend some time in the worst airport in the world, but also hang out on Peachtree Street-an area that my hero Jimmy Buffett, sings about on “Feeding Frenzy Live.” So it should be a busy and fun weekend, but let’s hope it is not for the Atlanta PD, as I am meeting up with my Middle School and High School buddy Jeff.


Jeff and I had many runs on the East Side of Nerk on our skateboards, and well…we were kinda known for “allowing” trouble to find us (I was always the good one though!). Will be good to see him and work this weekend-while staying out of jail?


I am working this weekend AND it has been a busy week as well. In addition to my training for Mar 5th, we booked a LOT of events for 2012, and I have been working with M3Ssports booking entertainment for The Cap City Half Marathon.


I am looking for 35-50 Bands, DJ’s, and Entertainers to fill over 13.1 miles for the Capital City Half Marathon on Saturday May 5th from (approx 8am-Noon). This is not only a GREAT TIME, but also a chance to get yourself in front of over 12,500 folks and name in 15,000 race packets…and make a couple bucks at an hour of the day you would not be making a dime, all while supporting some folks “running down a dream.”


For more information for yourself or band/DJ, or if you know of a person who may be interested please contact


This week we some celebrated Valentine’s Day; A day that is made up by Hallmark for some, celebrated by many, and hated by a few. For me? I really don’t mind either way…if you care or love someone you do so EVERYDAY in thoughts and actions, even if they are “with” you or not.


HOWEVER I will say being removed as a friend on facebook also removes the awkwardness of “do I send flowers or not.”


True love goes beyond facebook “status” or even life itself-This reminded me of a story that was shared this week;

“So today I was in Hallmark buying my mom a Happy Birthday card when I noticed this old man standing in front of the Valentines card section contemplating which one to get. I decide to go over and I ask him “Are you getting a Valentine’s Day for your wife?” in which he replies ‘No my wife died 3 years ago from breast cancer but I still buy her roses and a card and bring them to her grave to prove to her that she was the only one that will ever have my heart’ -Ravi Patel


That guy knows love, and while his beloved is gone…he is a TRUE SURVIVOR!


Last Saturday I had the chance to visit the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. In addition to those who lost their lives that day, the memorial paid tribute to those no longer here, however, there was also a tribute to those who survived. I have visited many memorials and have never seen a “Survivor Wall.” How cool is this? It is easy to pay tribute to those no longer in our lives, but how often do we pay tribute to those who faced, and overcame adversary?  You know those who looked hard times, pain, failure, or even death in the eye…and are here TODAY to carry on (living with those horrible memories). Those who live with what they have experienced and still fight the fight should celebrated for LIVING as much as the memories of those who are no longer here.

Another Survivor, and one of the dudes I really admire!!!

Former Red, current Ranger, and recovering addict, Josh Hamilton, has gone through many struggles, and encountered many “demons.” In the clip below he discusses his personal demons, struggles, and his faith in this interview with Pastor Robison


This reminds me, not only that we DO mess up, however we cannot hang onto failure-but move on. Also the Josh Hamilton piece reminds me-pitchers and catchers report on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20!!! Baseball season is HERE!!!


All has me contemplating…and reminded me of this song,


Gotta wonder how many times we did/do not live up to expectations others have on us, or even those we put on ourselves…also how about this? How many times in a given day do we BY FAR exceed any expectation, just through everyday LIVING?


On Friday we also celebrated “Random Act of Kindness Day.” Just like Valentine’s Day, or any day we should celebrate those who have overcome…why do we need one day of “random kindness?” Why can’t we strive to do something for someone else EVERYDAY?


This weekend, celebrate those you have loved, and those you love. Cherish those who you care about, and the memories of those no longer here. Take a moment to celebrate those who have and ARE overcoming some major issues-even yourself. And take a moment to do something for someone else, not just on Friday, but Saturday AND Sunday (hell how about everyday?)


After reading this I want you to know, you have done EXACTLY what I wanted,-you are still reading and, by reading I mean OBEYING ME! So now…picture me tall, buff, good looking and young!





Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”



Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks

Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


Join my Crew Caribbean Jerks for their 8 Year Anniversary 80’s Party!
Celebrate another great year with all your ‘Jerk’ friends! Rock out your favorite 80’s gear and jam out to your favorite 80’s tunes!



My Buddy DJ Detoto kicking the Fashion 5k at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing

PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of
 our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 26th
Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues


MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)

Two Pending Bar Events



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes



No matter who you are or where you are, you can change your life with gratitude, but you must feel it with your whole heart and radiate it from every cell. Gratitude is not a mental exercise, and in fact, if you simply use your mind for gratitude it will have little or no power. True gratitude comes from your heart! You must think gratitude through your heart, speak gratitude through your heart, and feel it intensely in your heart. (From the Secret Scrolls by Rhonda Byrne)


YEP!!! I gotta feelin’!


TOO MANY past relationships…


Written by my boys in LoCash Cowboys


Old School Fun…here we go!



The Eiffel Tower is six inches taller in summer than winter!

What do you need in order to keep moving forward? Start by checking your attitude. Don’t go around complaining or focused on the negative side of things. Put on an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. Thank God for making your crooked places straight! Keep your eyes on Him and follow Him forward into the path of victory! – Joel Osteen


This is a funny spin on social media:!



Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio!If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!



Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




Young Girl Escapes Near Abduction Inside Store

Britney Baxter escaped near abduction by a man inside a Walmart store by doing what she learned in Stranger Danger class. It was a nightmare in the toy aisle as a stranger tries to kidnap a seven-year-old girl in a Walmart. But this brave kid fought back, kicking and screaming until the creep let her go and fled.
It happened to Britney Baxter in an Atlanta area Walmart. She had been taught what to do in Stranger Danger class in school.

“He just grabbed me and picked me up,” said Britney.

Her courageous fight against a grown man is making her a national hero.

Security expert Steve Kardian told INSIDE EDITION’s Megan Alexander that Britney did evertything exactly right.

Alexander asked, “How did this little girl perform? Did she do the right thing?”

“She did a great thing. It’s obvious she had some training. She did the exact right thing. Squiggle. He put her to the floor and once her feet hit the floor she started running,” said Kardian.
He showed INSIDE EDITION what every child in America should know.

Demonstrating with a child inside a store, Kardian said, “As she’s yelling, when I pick her up, she starts to squiggle and it makes me lose control of my arm, even though she’s not that heavy. As she drops to the ground, if she can, she runs. If she can’t, she drops down and puts her knees up to her chest and kicks.”

Police say the man caught on tape trying to kidnap Britany is Thomas Woods, who served seven years for manslaughter and was released from prison just four months ago. He claims it’s not him on the surveillance video.

A reporter asked Woods, “What happened in the store?”

“Nothing. I didn’t bother nobody. I was never there,” said Woods.

Britney was lucky. Other store surveillance cameras have captured haunting videos of abductions that ended tragically.

Surveillance video captured a man trying to abduct 7-year-old Britney Baxter from a Walmart store.


Info about my friends in Haiti doing great things (I would post a ling to Dresden Paper, but they are more technologically challenged than Haiti itself!)!/NY2Nowhere/status/167710087471824896/photo/1



Whitney Houston: How Dolly Parton Song Landed on The Bodyguard Soundtrack
Co-Star and Producer Kevin Costner Insisted on Inclusion of “I Will Always Love You”-
Whitney Houston.


Dolly Parton was listening to her car radio the first time she heard Whitney Houston’s version of “I Will Always Love You,” a song actor and film producer Kevin Costner insisted she record for the 1992 film, The Bodyguard.

“They started out with it a cappella,” Parton said in 2011 when the bittersweet ballad grabbed the peak position on the CMT 40 Greatest Love Songs special. “And I thought, ‘That sounds familiar. … And it didn’t hit me. It was just one of those things where [you think], ‘What is that?’ And, then all the sudden, when she started singing, ‘I will always love you,’ I just about wrecked the car.”

Parton’s country hit became a signature song for Houston, who died Saturday (Feb. 11) in Los Angeles at age 48.

Houston’s dramatic rendition of “I Will Always Love You” sold more than 4 million singles and won two Grammys. The Bodyguard soundtrack sold 17 million copies.

Parton wrote the song while attempting to make a break from her role on Porter Wagoner’s syndicated television show. Even though she was determined to move on, Parton especially wanted to convey a message of gratitude in the song.
There is one “hell” of a game of baseball in heaven right now, thanx for the memories “Kid” you made me hop on the Mets bandwagon!

Gary Carter, Hall of Fame catcher, dies of brain cancer at 57

Even as the world watched the Grade 4 brain cancer wither his body, Gary Carter was still, and is always, Kid. It is a testament to Carter’s passion for the game, and for life, that the nickname that at times was applied derisively by crusty veterans ended up on his Hall of Fame plaque.
With his boyish enthusiasm, wide smile and constant hustle, Carter forged a 19-year career that included a memorable five-season stretch with the New York Mets. He died Thursday in Florida at 57, less than a year after being diagnosed with the disease.



Feb 14th 1913, Wayne Woodrow Hayes was born in Clifton, Ohio.
“There’s nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you.”
– Woody Hayes


Happy B-Day “Airness”

“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”
– Michael Jordan


What Lincoln Was Doing 150 Years Ago
Watching over two sick sons and dealing with the Civil War, it was not the happiest of birthdays.


Feb. 13 was the official observation of President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. However, he actually was born on Feb. 12, 1809, 203 years ago.

How did he spend his 53rd birthday? According to, 150 years ago, Lincoln transmitted to Congress the treaty with King of Hanover for abolition of “Stade Dues” (tolls levied on vessels ascending the Elbe and passing the mouth of the Schwinge River). Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives

But he spent much of his time that day with his gravely ill son, Willie.
A few days earlier, the White House’s usual Saturday reception was cancelled because of Willie’s condition. By Monday, Feb. 10, Willie was reported much better but son, Tad, was thought to have contracted the same illness. The president did not attend to much of his public business schedule that day.

The country was one year into the Civil War.
A happy birthday it was not.



Get an Extended Sneak Peek of Celebrity Apprentice
Triumph, Tragedy Dominate Grammy Awards

The splintered music world truly coalesces only one night of 365 for the Grammy Awards, and this year was united in the triumph of recovered British soul singer Adele’s trophy haul and the tragedy of Whitney Houston’s death.

Adele swept the major honors of song, record and album of the year Sunday for her lost-love epic “21” and its driving single “Rolling in the Deep.” She picked up her final two awards after making her first public performance in months after being sidelined for throat surgery. Her total of six Grammys matched Beyonce for most ever by a female act.

After seeming almost sheepish in picking up some of the trophies (“This is ridiculous,” she said after winning record of the year), Adele’s tears flowed upon winning best album.


‘We Can Do’ Moshe Kai Cavalin

A Fantastic Book for Pre-Teens, Teens, and Parents Who Want to Inspire Their Kids”-Dan Steinberg, CEO, TechProtege LLC
My favorite parts of the book are:
1) Moshe Kai describes how probably the single biggest key element in his tremendous successes is that when he chooses an endeavor– whether scuba diving, martial arts, or of course his math & physics classes– he puts his “whole heart” into it. Then he follows through with adequate time, planning, and effort.

2) MK describes the mind-boggling bureaucratic obstacles he faced, which was a remarkable “real-world” education in itself.

3) MK describes not a “lost childhood”, but rather a very happy childhood spent scuba diving with colorful fish and friendly dolphins, training martial arts in the park, and shared with a wonderful family. There were some heartbreaks and other mis-haps, as befalls pretty much everyone, but overall MK easily dispels his critics’ theories that his spectacular achievements must have caused some sort of “unhappy childhood”. Instead, MK describes great times that anyone would enjoy.

Finally, his purpose throughout the book– and even its title– is that lots more kids “can do” what Moshe Kai has done. On page 44, MK writes (sic) “I do not like to share my inner thoughts because they are the essence of my being…. I only expose my inner feelings with hope that I may lead some kids to see my success and believe that they can do the same or better. If one kid can accomplish it or go far beyond because my book, I will be overjoyed.”

I know for a fact that other kids can achieve what MK has done: that’s why I developed the “FromZeroToCalculus” ® System (website:, where rapid advancement is attainable.

Again, I highly recommend Moshe Kai’s book, “We Can Do”, about how he entered college at age 8 and graduated at age 11 with an Associate’s Degree Summa Cum Laude and a 4.0 GPA. Enjoy it, be inspired by it, and give copies to your friends and relatives!

Complete Civil War submarine unveiled for first time

Confederate Civil War vessel H.L. Hunley, the world’s first successful combat submarine, was unveiled in full and unobstructed for the first time on Thursday, capping a decade of careful preservation.

“No one alive has ever seen the Hunley complete. We’re going to see it today,” engineer John King said as a crane at a Charleston conservation laboratory slowly lifted a massive steel truss covering the top of the submarine.

About 20 engineers and scientists applauded as they caught the first glimpse of the intact 42-foot-long (13-meter-long) narrow iron cylinder, which was raised from the ocean floor near Charleston more than a decade ago. The public will see the same view, but in a water tank to keep it from rusting.

Thanks to Conservative ‘Issues,’ Obama Now Holds All The Cards

In a world where Tiger Woods can lose by eleven shots to his playing partner on a Sunday at Pebble Beach and where Joe Paterno can be fired via cell phone for the actions of a former assistant coach, almost anything previously “unthinkable” can indeed happen.  However, with that said, it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how President Barack Obama is not re-elected, potentially by a healthy margin.

This reality is not because of anything Obama has done to secure re-election, but rather because the Republican Party and the conservative movement have created a set of circumstances where the paths to defeating the president are now more difficult to find than an unemployed evangelical Christian in the South with a Mitt Romney bumper sticker on a foreign-made vehicle.

The clearest track to an Obama defeat since the primaries began has always been for Republicans to rally around Mitt Romney and then use his potential appeal to independent voters and unique connections to the key states of New Hampshire, Michigan, and Nevada to effectively block the president’s path to 270 Electoral College votes.

It is now abundantly clear that this scenario is not going to transpire.




GE to hire 5,000 veterans over next 5 years

General Electric says it will hire 5,000 military veterans over the next five years and invest $580 million to expand its aviation business.


The announcements are part of a four-day event that the global conglomerate is hosting with partners in Washington, D.C., that focuses on issues like manufacturing and job creation in America. GE (GE) said Monday that its “Hire Our Heroes” partnership will help match veterans with jobs, while its aviation unit will add more than 400 manufacturing jobs and open three new plants next year.



the happy life-Julie Wilkes Studios
A Life Coach In Your Pocket! 




Ted Nugent Crushes Piers Morgan Video


Maine football coach resigns after accidentally posting naked photo of himself on Facebook

A longtime high school football coach in Maine has resigned after one of the more embarrassing and bizarre social media snafus in recent memory (if not of all time) when he accidentally posted a nude photo of himself on Facebook. The lewd photo was viewable by the general public and was recognized by a parent of a player on his football team, leading to the coach’s self-imposed departure.

Man Impersonating Animal Control Officer Attempts To Steal Dogs Two Hilltop residents said that they saw a man impersonating an animal control officer attempt to steal their dogs from their yard, 10TV News reported on Thursday.

According to Franklin County Animal Control, the man was wearing a dark uniform, carried a badge with a dog and cat in a white circle and drove a white vehicle.

Officials said that the man was not a deputy warden.

A representative from Animal Control said that the Capital Area Humane Society said that they had a similar incident in the Hilltop on Jan. 19, when one of their humane officers spoke to a pet owner who said a man wearing a green uniform visited her home twice to “check on the animals.”

Cheerleading coach removed after calling team ‘highfalutin heifers’

Of all the things a high school cheerleading coach should do, calling her charges “highfalutin heifers” isn’t one of them. In fact, the world can now rest assured that precisely such a claim can get a cheerleading coach taken away from the team she is supposed to lead.

Cheerleading Coach Calls Girls, “heifers” in Epic Rant – Watch more amazing videos here
As first reported by Houston TV network KPRC (and brought to Prep Rally’s attention by the folks at Larry Brown Sports), the Cypress Woods (Texas) High cheerleading coach is no longer in charge of the program after a recording emerged on which she called her team “highfalutin heifers.”

“Who do you think you all are?” the coach said in the recording. “Highfalutin heifers. You can just come and go as you please. Fire me!”




According To New Tapes, Richard Nixon Tried To Screw NFL Fans Forever
It’s hard, in 2012, to imagine anyone being upset about Redskins games not airing on local television. Presumably it would be a treat for the long-suffering fans in DC.

But in 1972, back when all teams’ home games—even playoffs—were blacked out on their local stations, regardless of whether the games had sold out, Nixon faced pressure from angry Redskins fans, and he, too, wanted to watch the Skins.


Ohio State football coach Mickey Marotti’s breakfast club from hell
The Ohio State football team is buying into what new strength coach Mickey Marotti is feeding them — literally and figuratively. And with a new “no loafing” rule in effect the players are quickly buying into Marotti’s plan.

While working in an ultra-competitive weight room environment, OSU players have responded to their new program instituted by Marotti, the assistant athletic director of football sports performance. Players and coaches have already seen positive results, Marotti told reporters Wednesday at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center.

OSU is in week five of its five-days-a-week program, which Marotti described as a hybrid program that attempts to maximize the genetic potential of each player.

“We do Olympic lifting. We do power lifting. We do strength training. We do speed training,” Marotti said. “We want (players) faster. We want them quicker. We want them leaner. We want

them meaner. We want them stronger, more explosive.”

Marotti said each player’s flexibility, body fat and strength were assessed, and players are getting a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in the program.

“Everything is done in a very disciplined, accountable fashion,” Marotti said. “So if someone doesn’t do something right, the whole group suffers or — I hate to say ‘suffers’ — the whole group has a consequence of doing it again.”

“Disciplined” might be an understatement.



All Spheres of Life — Even Pro Basketball

They’re calling it “LinSanity” in New York, and it hit fever pitch tonight after Lin’s game winning 3-pointer with less than a second to play in the Knicks win. He finished with 27 points and a career-high 11 assists.

But despite the “LinSanity” he seems to have his head on straight.
The Knicks overnight phenom Jeremy Lin quotes from a section of John Piper’s book Don’t Waste Your Life in an online testimony recorded last June:

God created us to live with a single passion to joyfully display his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life.

Lin then adds the following commentary about his coming to treasure Jesus more than basketball success:

When Paul wrote in Philippians to press on for an upward prize, he was living for that, and it made his life meaningful (Philippians 3:15). And I realized I had to learn to do the same. I had to learn to stop chasing the perishable prizes of this earth, I had to stop chasing personal glory, I had to learn how to give my best effort to God and trust him with the results. I have to learn to have enough faith to trust in his grace and to trust in his sovereign and perfect plan. I had to submit my will, my desires, my dreams — give it all up to God and say, “Look, I am going to give my best effort, go on the court and play every day for you, and I’m going to let you take care of the rest.” This is something I struggle with every day. . . . Playing for great stats is nice, but that satisfaction — that happiness — is only from game to game. It’s temporary.
Indeed, only in God’s presence is there “fullness of joy,” and only at his right hand are there “pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

Cabela’s To Build Store In Delaware County
Cabela’s Inc. announced on Thursday that it plans to open a store in Delaware County at Gemini Parkway and Interstate 71.

The 80,000 square-foot store is expected to open in the spring of 2013 and will employ up to 175 full- and part-time employees.

It will be Cabela’s first store in Ohio, according to the company.

“We have so many great customers in the Buckeye State who share our passion for the outdoors, who live the Cabela’s lifestyle, we wanted to build this store to better serve them,” said Cabela’s Chief Executive Officer Tommy Millner. “Generations of Ohioans have been loyal Cabela’s customers and now, with this store, they will be able to really share in the Cabela’s shopping experience.”



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BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT
Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

8 Humans Whose Eating Habits Would Make a Goat

#8. Henry Ford Ate Weeds from His Yard
The Diet: Weeds.
Although one of the wealthiest men of his time,
Henry Ford could not have been less interested in food. Having made his living
designing cars, he came to see the human digestive system as a kind of
combustion engine that just needed fuel, and as far as he was concerned, that
fuel was all around him.

#7. Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister
Consumes Jack and Meat
The Diet:Jack Daniels, meat, cheese, drugs.
Lemmy drinks at least one bottle of whiskey
a day, and he’s done it for over 35 years. The food he consumes is equally
unhealthy: He loathes vegetables and eats mainly meats and cheese,
with the occasional cake or biscuit thrown in, administered on a “however
much he likes, whenever he likes it” basis. He’s been smoking since he was
11. He does copious amounts of drugs daily, and has done so for decades.

#6. Charles Darwin Ate Every Animal He Discovered
Darwin really loved animals.
The Diet: The entire evolutionary ladder.

“Would a monkey eat his own
ancestor? Damn right he would.”

Charles Darwin ate a sample of any and every
animal he discovered. During his studies at Cambridge University he joined the
Gourmet Club, whose mission statement was to go forth and eat as many rare and
unusual animals as possible. It was basically a 19th century Epic Meal

#5. Benito Mussolini Ate Milk and Crackers for a Year
The Diet: Milk
and crackers.

Cookies made him too hyperactive, and no one
wants a bouncy mass murderer.
Behind his state-enforced front of never being
ill or tired and being free of all addictions and vices, Mussolini was secretly
nurturing what is perhaps the most pathetic addiction in the history of
mankind. Insiders say that he suffered from chronic stomach pain, and the only
thing that brought him relief was drinking gallons of milk. He preferred this
over every other form of nourishment to such an extent that for a whole year,
he actually subsisted almost entirely on milk and crackers.

#4. A French Soldier Ate Live Animals
The Diet: Everything that wasn’t chained to the floor.

And we’re not talking “He ate raw eggs and
moldy bread!” here, we’re talking “The dude ate live animals.”

#3. An Italian Soldier Ate Rocks
Francis Battalia was an Italian soldier who is
basically unknown to history but for one socially awkward habit.

The Diet: Rocks.
But only the hardest ones, which come from the
East, apparently.

According to eyewitness reports that we admit come from an age when they took dragons seriously, Francis Battalia was a renowned stone eater. We don’t mean that as some kind of humorous analogy for his wife’s cooking; we mean he was basically that monster from The Never Ending Story. Local registers from around the time he was alive recorded this
behavior with surprisingly few old-timey ways of saying “What the
freaking hell?”
And before you call bullsh*t on this one, keep
in mind that eating stones isn’t unheard of, and the urge to do so is
often related to a lack of certain minerals in the body. It’s just that when
most people do it, it’s not as bada$$ as Mr. Battalia.

#2. Roman
Emperor Heliogabalus Ate Bird Brains and Gold
The emperors of Rome aren’t exactly remembered
for their restraint. Your typical social occasion in a Roman palace involved
lavish feasts and orgies, often at the same time. But it all paled in
comparison to the feasts of Emperor Heliogabalus, who made the average Roman
banquet look like something from a prison cafeteria.

The Diet: Stuff even the Roman Empire couldn’t
afford. And these are the guys who could afford heavily
pixelated parties.

Heliogabalus rose to the Roman throne at 14
years old and proceeded to run the palace like, well, a 14-year-old. It’s said
that his dinner guests would often find whoopee cushions on their
chairs as they sat down to eat. As for the meals themselves, Heliogabalus dined
with such ridiculous excess that it was enough to make even other
Romans go “Whoa, dude, a salad every once in a while wouldn’t kill

#1. William Buckland Ate a Human Heart
Victorian-era scientist William Buckland was the
first person to publish a scientific study of the dinosaur. It’s about the
closest thing to a 10-year-old boy’s dream career of studying living dinosaurs
and also riding them and making them battle. Buckland also happened to be
crazier than a shithouse rat, which he would also have eaten.

The Diet:One of every animal, also a king’s heart.
Buckland was a man on a mission, and that
mission was to eat one of every species in existence. His role in the Society
for the Acclimatization of Animals meant he was allowed to import species from
around the world for study, a fact which he abused immensely in order to get
every species imaginable down his gullet. The reports of what he ate cover just
about everything, from puppies to panthers.



“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” – Andy Warhol
The day you determine that it is too dangerous not to believe in the power of your mind is the day that what is right for you will flow, effortlessly, toward you. Coach MD



“I don’t care if you are black, white, straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor…..If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you…..simple as that” ~ Eminem


‎”Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.” — Jim Rohn




I’m Matt Sexton here’s what’s Happening in Central Ohio

Long weekend and there lot’s Here’s what’s happening in Central Ohio!

Blake Shelton, brings Justin Moore, and Dia Frampton for a heck of a party at Nationwide Arena. For more info

Christian Pop artist Steven Curtis Chapman plays The Grace Brethren Church (Westerville)

2012 Great Guinness Toast, at Fado Irish Pub with live music from SWAGG (Columbus, Ohio) and Naked Karate Girls, games and pints of ice cold Guinness.
Raise a pint of Guinness for the 20th Annual Great Guinness Toast, and help us break another world record. For more info:



R&B Superstar, Drake, plays The Schott.
“The Posum,” George Jones plays The Palace Theatre



Special Olympics Central Ohio Polar Plunge at The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium supporting Special Olympics Ohio. For more info:


Dom Irrera plays  All Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

A date night movie guys can like, ‘This Means War’ staring the GORGEOUS

Reese Witherspoon , Chris Pine , and Tom Hardy rated “PG-13”

Does Nick Cage do any movie where he is not on a motorcycle, and has his head on fire? ‘Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance’ also in 3D rated “PG-13”


This is fun, ‘Re:Generation Music Project’ following the tours of  DJ Premier, Mark Ronson, Skrillex, Pretty Lights and The Crystal Method as they remix, recreate and re-imagine five traditional styles of music. From the classical perfection of the Berklee Symphony Ochestra to the bayou jams of New Orleans jazz, our five distinctive DJs collaborate with some of today’s biggest musicians to discover how our musical past is influencing the future.

It didn’t get much buzz, but ‘11-11-11’ is very good…and scary! Rated “PG-13”

The 3rd installment of the terrifying series, ‘Paranormal Activity 3’ rated “R”

Johnny Depp should just stick to drinking Rum, and acting like a pirate cause ‘The Rum Diary,’ rated “R” needs liquor just to watch it!
‘Take Shelter’ is a thriller based on “visions” of a family in Ohio, rated “R”

Follow us on the web at, and there you can add us on facebook and twitter. We break concert and other event news plus you get exclusive behind the scenes information and pictures. On your hometown country station T-100, I’m Matt Sexton



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 26th
Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Roar into the Irony Pony, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues


MARCH 17 (St. Patty’s Day!)

Two Pending Bar Events



Join my crew when they rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Hurricanes

Follow us:

February 17, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Heartfelt weekend from a place where a lesson was learned with a Heavy Heart

GREETINGS FROM Oklahoma City, on this 200th Bicentennial Weekend back home in Columbus.


I am glad to get back on the road this weekend, however, I am disappointed that I am missing the 200 Birthday of a town I call home (I would have written something about all the festivities, but, it looks like Mike Collins and Mayor Colman have really dropped the ball-the highlights are cakes in the form of buildings, and the band from Shadowbox playing cover tunes). I guess the highlight of the weekend will be “Twiggy the waterskiing squirrel” over at the fairgrounds.


I just got back from an AWESOME workout where I met some goals, and felt little to no pain-actually feel great and SHATTERED the goals set (thanx Dinos!). I am looking forward to later going to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Memorial. I have heard many good things about this moving memorial that pays tribute the the innocent lives lost and the event that it memorializes, a tragic event that made me realize how quickly life can be taken, how tomorrow could be “too late,” and how stereotypes and assumptions can make a fool of someone…in this case the fool was me!


The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. It was the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil until the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings. The bomb was estimated to have caused at least $652 million worth of damage. Extensive rescue efforts were undertaken by local, state, federal, and worldwide agencies in the wake of the bombing, and substantial donations were received from across the country. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) activated eleven of its Urban Search and Rescue Task Forces, consisting of 665 rescue workers who assisted in rescue and recovery operations. Within 90 minutes of the explosion, Timothy McVeigh was stopped by Oklahoma State Trooper Charlie Hanger for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully carrying a weapon. Forensic evidence quickly linked McVeigh and Terry Nichols to the attack; Nichols was arrested, and within days both were charged. Michael and Lori Fortier were later identified as accomplices. McVeigh, an American militia movement sympathizer, had detonated an explosive-filled Ryder truck parked in front of the building. McVeigh’s co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, had assisted in the bomb preparation. Motivated by his hatred of the federal government and angered by what he perceived as its mishandling of the Waco Siege (1993) and the Ruby Ridge incident (1992), McVeigh timed his attack to coincide with the second anniversary of the deadly fire that ended the siege at Waco.  


This was the first “major attack” on U.S. Soil in my lifetime (prior to the 911 Trade Center tragedy, and well after Pearl Harbor. I also am not crediting the first Trade Center parking garage bombing).

The OC bombing was different from any of the others. This was not an attack by an “evil enemy” overseas; this attack was done by a blond haired, blue eyed, AMERICAN. An American displayed his ‘patronage’ by taking innocent lives of working class adults, and CHILDREN!

Timothy McVeigh woke up this country, and me! When this happened I was in a Sociology Class at The Ohio State University in Nerk Ahia. The day of the attack, the topic turned to what had happened (it was a night class). Before knowing all of the details I had made an off color “slam” on what we should do to the people I “assumed” were responsible.

After learning my assumption was wrong, and that it was an “All America Boy,” and not some, well…you can guess where I went on that one. My assumption was just making me an a**. I learned that not all people of a certain ethnicity are evil, and WE as a Country are not all bound to the same morals and ideals of “Patriotism.” While that day still burns in this country and in my own memories…I LEARNED A VALUABLE LESSON, on Patriotism, and bigotry. I learned I (along with many folks), needed to “change.”

During that tragic attack on America’s Heartland 168 people died. On his birthday week, and as I travel to his “hometown,” I am reminded of Garth Brooks song “The Change.”


The Change


Many of those workers, and CHILDREN who were taken on that day, along with their families, had their dreams broken and shattered. Don’t wait until “tomorrow” or an hour from now, find a way to make your dreams come true, and to do whatever you need to make your heart content!


“Any moment could be THE MOMENT-make use of and appreciate them all!”


I try to find my moment in anything, good or bad, and I too have many dreams, some involve physical goals, other career orientated, and some dreams involve personal relationships.


“To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed”  


But any dream CAN be obtained though dedication, perseverance, hard work, and some blood and sweat-even tears (sometimes by the gallon).

My current physical goals involve The Arnold Classic “Pump & Run, and are using a lot of yes “dedication, perseverance, hard work, and some blood and sweat-even tears (sometimes by the gallon).” The P/R is only 4 weeks away! Coincidentally that is also my birthday weekend, if anyone would like to get me something; I am IN LOVE with these boots!

Until ALL of our dreams and goals are met we must first find joy in our everyday lives and everything the day brings. This includes the good and the bad. This is the only way to be happy while working towards our end goals, and all the hard work it takes to make our dreams come true. However it is easy to allow ourselves to find false ways to be happy, but remember:


“Happiness starts with you. Not you’re relationships, or your friends, or your job. But with you!”


This was a great and needed reminder after the very rough last couple of weeks I have had.


I guess as cliché as it sounds, we must just work hard, put our nose to the ground, and struggle to get what we want. Even though it is hard we cannot worry and use the “what if’s as an excuse.”


…Worry is an indication that we think God cannot look after us – Oswald Chambers.  
Just enjoy what you have, the good and the bad and know it is placed in our lives for a reason…even if we don’t know why-yet!
As we make our way into Valentine’s Day weekend the above reminds me, it is NOT the flowers, candy, mix tapes, jewelry, lingerie, or whatever that we give or receive (however I am NOT interested in receiving any lingerie)…it is the moments spent with someone, those moments are the real gifts we are given. Life, and time is too precious, take time to not only tell someone how you feel, but, MAKE SURE you listen to them as well. I wonder how many people wish they has that chance after the events in Oklahoma City, or how many of us, don’t appreciate what is right in front of us. It is V-Day weekend, and while I still don’t like it, cause you SHOULD TREAT THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT (OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER) THE SAME EVERYDAY…I do find myself missing some folks more than normal.

VALENTINES DAY IS ON TUESDAY. As V-Day Approaches, I am not giving flowers, and probably will not get a card. Last year I bought flowers and they ended up in my trash can (I did play it off and told The World Famous Pepper Dog they were for her-she was not impressed).


I am not a fan of V-Day, not because of some movie based reason of love lost or any other B.S. Yea I have that, but this is not the reason. Just as Christmas, Birthdays, etc…if you care for someone (friends, family, significant others) treat them the same every day! Show through actions that you care; not through flowers or chocolate on 1 day of the year.


I saw a saying…”You are not special on JUST one day in February.”

Like I said I don’t dig this day, and it makes me miss some people, one a person I had in my life and I miss daily, another who I care about but on a deep friendship level, and another… not in a “girlfriend,” or even a “hook up” kinda way.

Valentine’s Day (and a few other days) make me miss my Grandma more than most days, not in a sick “that’s not right” kinda way. I am not even talking about her generous acts of giving on B-days, V-Day, Easter, or even Halloween.

My Grandma always got me something on these days, and I don’t miss the physical gifts…I mean at the time it was “OH God, what has she mailed me now?” There were many cards that she thought were funny and pi**ed me off, and there were many pairs of boxers and sox. All with hearts or other novelty things of the day-yes I wore boxers with eggs/bunnies, and even little fat kids in diapers with weapons. It is not the gifts I miss, it was her intentions and her remembering. Hell, up until she died she always sent me something in the mail. She was always there, in giving, and listening (even if it was a verbal slap in the face with get yer head out of yer a**).


I have enough sox, don’t like to wear boxers…but I do miss her, and her wiliness to give and listen, and eagerness to acknowledge me. Grandma Happy V-Day and I miss you!!!

That makes me wonder, she is not around, but I still remember those “little gestures.” I wonder if any of the small everyday things I have done (and continue to do), or moments I have shared with someone has made an impact on any one’s life?

“It is not the events, but the moments with someone that are special”

So be good to someone, or, maybe something, EVEN yourself?!?!?


Maybe find a group that needs an extra open heart to help them, find someone who needs a friend? If you have someone, ENJOY THEM FOR THEM, if you don’t, enjoy the memories of those you cared about…




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 14th Join me rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues for the Columbus Bi-Centennial Game (Pending)

February 18th
Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks

Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


Join my Crew Caribbean Jerks for their 8 Year Anniversary 80’s Party!
Celebrate another great year with all your ‘Jerk’ friends! Rock out your favorite 80’s gear and jam out to your favorite 80’s tunes!

February 19th
My Buddy DJ Detoto kicking the Fashion 5k at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing

February 26th
Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Irony Pony
Join the party, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues



Valentine’s Day is next Tuesday February 14th

The History of Saint Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day started in the time of the Roman Empire.  In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to Honor Juno.  Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses.  The Romans also knew her as the Goddess of women and marriage.  The following day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia.

The lives of young boys and girls were strictly separate.  However, one of the customs of the young people was name drawing.  On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars.  Each young man would draw a girl’s name from the jar and would then be partners for the duration of the festival with the girl whom he chose.  Sometimes the pairing of the children lasted an entire year, and often, they would fall in love and would later marry.

Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns.  Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues.  He believed that the reason was that roman men did not want to leave their loves or families.  As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome.  The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II.  He and Saint Marius aided the Christian martyrs and secretly married couples, and for this kind deed Saint Valentine was apprehended and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off.  He suffered martyrdom on the 14th day of February, about the year 270.  At that time it was the custom in Rome, a very ancient custom, indeed, to celebrate in the month of February the Lupercalia, feasts in honor of a heathen god.  On these occasions, amidst a variety of pagan ceremonies, the names of young women were placed in a box, from which they were drawn by the men as chance directed.

The pastors of the early Christian Church in Rome endeavored to do away with the pagan element in these feasts by substituting the names of saints for those of maidens.  And as the Lupercalia began about the middle of February, the pastors appear to have chosen Saint Valentine’s Day for the celebration of this new feast. So it seems that the custom of young men choosing maidens for valentines, or saints as patrons for the coming year, arose in this way.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Valentine.  I lived in Rome during the third century.  That was long, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius.  I didn’t like Emperor Claudius, and I wasn’t the only one! A lot of people shared my feelings.

Claudius wanted to have a big army.  He expected men to volunteer to join.  Many men just did not want to fight in wars.  They did not want to leave their wives and families.  As you might have guessed, not many men signed up.  This made Claudius furious.  So what happened? He had a crazy idea.  He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army.  So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages.  Young people thought his new law was cruel.  I thought it was preposterous! I certainly wasn’t going to support that law!
Did I mention that I was a priest? One of my favorite activities was to marry couples.  Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on performing marriage ceremonies — secretly, of course.  It was really quite exciting.  Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself.  We would whisper the words of the ceremony, listening all the while for the steps of soldiers.

One night, we did hear footsteps.  It was scary! Thank goodness the couple I was marrying escaped in time.  I was caught.  (Not quite as light on my feet as I used to be, I guess.) I was thrown in jail and told that my punishment was death.

I tried to stay cheerful.  And do you know what? Wonderful things happened.  Many young people came to the jail to visit me.  They threw flowers and notes up to my window.  They wanted me to know that they, too, believed in love.

One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard.  Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell.  Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours.  She helped me to keep my spirits up.  She agreed that I did the right thing by ignoring the Emperor and going ahead with the secret marriages.  On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty.  I signed it, “Love from your Valentine.”

I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine’s Day.  It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D.  Now, every year on this day, people remember.  But most importantly, they think about love and friendship.  And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh — because they know that love can’t be beaten!



WHAT A GREAT remake/spin, especially during this V-Day weekend. Plus I basically watched this 7 song album recorded by Adam last year on twitter.


…and I am thankful (I wish you could see me now, I wish I could show you now) I’m not who I was


This girl is AMAZING


THIS IS FUNNY…Can I get a No. 8 with large chili cheese tater tots?  (I have actually been singing this)


Fun song by, um…fun!


You know it is a BAD week, when I am “blue” and not listening to the Counting Crows but this cause I am feelin “Black”



Roses are an easy way to express your love this Valentine’s Day. The multi-hued and fragrant flower symbolizes a variety of romantic feelings and is the preferred bloom among searchers.

But here are a few search-inspired choices if you’re in the mood to roam outside the rose bush.
1. Rose (Love)
2. Orchid (A Belle)
3. Iris (My Compliments)
4. Calla Lily (?)
5. Sunflower (Pure thoughts)
6. Amaryllis (Splendid beauty)
7. Tulip (Declaration of love)
8. Carnation (Pride and beauty)
9. Hydrangea (Heartfelt)
10. Bird of Paradise (Joyfulness)
11. Chrysanthemum (Fidelity)
12. Daffodil (Chivalry)
13. Tiger Lily (I dare you to love me)
14. Anthurium (Hospitality)
15. Peony (Bashful)
16. Lilac (Youthful innocence)
17. Gerbera Daisy (?)
18. Anemone (Anticipation)
19. Aster (Patience)
20. Stargazer Lily (?)


How to say ‘I love you’ in 25 languages….
English-I Love You
Spanish-Te Amo
French-Je T’aime
German-lch Liebe Dich
Japanese-Ai Shite Imasu
Italian-Ti Amo
Chinese-Wo Ai Ni
Swedish-Jag Alskar
North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, parts of Florida-Nice Ass, Get in the truck


Some Fun “from the heart”




Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio! If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!



Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.


ALSO this happened in MY NEIGHBORHOOD, and kids were affected!!! If you know this person contact Dublin Police at 614-410-4800 or hell…better yet, call me!


Teen Held In Freezer During Dublin UDF Robbery
Police said that a man carrying a gun walked into the United Dairy Farmers, located at 7076 Muirfield Dr., at about 4:55 p.m.

The teen, who asked to remain anonymous, said that the UDF is a popular hangout for teens in Dublin and was caught off guard when she came face to face with a gun, 10TV’s Danielle Elias reported.

“We were just getting some chips for the Super Bowl,” the teen said. “It was Sunday. It was 5 p.m. You don’t expect that kind of stuff to happen.”




The single best Super Bowl commercial since The Budweiser Clydesdale 911 Tribute


3 very influential people in American history, and pop culture (and my life) share birthdays this week! One influenced my political views, one showed me what it was like to ROCK, and one made me want to wear a hat.


Happy 101st B-Day Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States, serving from 1981 to 1989. Prior to that, he was the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975 and a radio, film and television actor.


Axl Rose rocks it at 50 years old
There’s something strange about watching the hair metal giants of our youth creep into the creepy years. Not that turning 50 is creepy. It’s just different when you do it in a kilt or tight leather pants.

It’s hard to argue against Rose’s place among rock’s biggest success stories of the ’80s and ’90s. His voice and stage presence were a big arena rock middle finger to dance and pop music. And love him or hate him for it, Rose and his band gave some an antidote to the grunge movement and a moping class of Northwest rockers.

So, happy birthday, Axl. Rock on!


Being “Patient” for a reunion, and for life period…



Garth Brooks’ 50th Birthday: 25 Fun Facts About the Country Icon! The Oklahoma native, who hits the big 5-0 today (Feb. 7), took country music by storm in the late ’80s, eventually shattering album and concert-ticket sales records all over the world. But that’s just one small part of the titanic Garth story.

The Boot pays tribute to the Oklahoma native by recalling some of the most memorable achievements of his past half-century and sharing 25 of the more noteworthy — and newsworthy — events surrounding one of the most successful artists of all time.

1. Garth’s first name is Troyal (Garth is his middle name), the same first name as his father’s.

2. Garth was born February 7, 1962, in Tulsa, Okla. On that day, 4,391 miles away in Liverpool, England, a young band called the Beatles were playing the Cavern Club, still months from scoring their very first hit single.

3. Garth was working as a bouncer at the Tumbleweed Ballroom, in Stillwater, Okla., when he met Sandy Mahl, who would eventually would become his first wife and mother to his three daughters. He was breaking up a fight that had erupted between Sandy and another woman in the ladies’ room.

4. After ‘Much Too Young (to Feel This Damn Old),’ the first single from Garth’s debut album on Capitol Nashville, mentioned “a worn out tape of Chris LeDoux,” the rodeo star/singer rose to national prominence and was signed to the label as well. Chris’ first project for Capitol was actually the 23rd album of his career.

5. Garth became the 65th member of the Grand Ole Opry on October 6, 1990, just 18 months after his debut album was released.

6. When Garth’s ‘Ropin’ the Wind’ became the first country album to ever debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, the album it knocked from the top spot was Metallica’s 1991 self-titled disc.

7. In 1994, when Garth played Dublin, Ireland, he drew the biggest crowds there since a 1979 visit from the pope.

8. In between the third and fourth singles from ‘Sevens,’ in 1998, Garth released ‘To Make You Feel My Love,’ from the ‘Hope Floats’ movie soundtrack. The tune, written by Bob Dylan, has since been recorded byBilly Joel, Joan

Osborne and Adele, among others.

9. Garth’s version of ‘To Make You Feel My Love’ is the first track on the ‘Hope Floats’ soundtrack. The last track on the album is a version of the song by Trisha Yearwood.

10. In 2000, Garth attempted to donate part of his liver for a transplant for ailing Chris LeDoux but he was deemed incompatible. Chris died of complications from liver cancer in 2005.

…In January 2012, Garth was crowned the top-selling artist of the last two decades. Since 1991, he has sold 68,561,000 units, some five million more than the No. 2 act, the Beatles.


I hope he has had a great “Dance” and continues for 50 more!


HAPPY 200th Birthday Columbus, Ohio

“There’s a road outside of Columbus, Ohio.
Feels like I drove along for year.
This Midwest way of ease it surrounds us.
I cannot deny the rhythm here.
And as I pull away from Riverside beside me.
That High Street never looked so good.
I miss my lady even though she often writes me.
She tells me tales of my neighborhood.

Suprise, suprise. I traveled here.
Four hundred miles from where I’m known.
My friends are here.
A couple year I’ve spent. I found I have a second home.

As I’m blazing down my trail to education,
There’s no bliss in ignorance for me.
I stop and stare, a breath of air might slow me down some.
But that’s just fine with me.

Suprise, suprise. I traveled here.
Four hundred miles from where I’m known.
My friends are here.
A couple year I’ve spent. I found I have a second home.

I never traveled far.
Two hundred miles to go.
That boulevard will take me home.

Suprise, suprise. I traveled here.
Four hundred miles from where I’m known.
My friends are here.
A couple year I’ve spent. I found I have a second home.
Suprise, suprise. I traveled here.
Four hundred miles from where I’m known.
My friends are here.
A couple year I’ve spent. I found I have a second home.”-OAR (and a song I play at the end of EVERY GIG here, and out of town!)



Wanna relive the Super Bowl XLV ads? Here ya go!
1.) Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
2.) Love Bites-Def Leppard
3.) Every Rose Has its Thorn – Poison
3.) Hysteria-Def Leppard
4.) Who’s Calling You Baby-Luke Bryan
5.) Somewhere with You-Kenny Chesney
6.) Faithfully-Journey
7.) All The Way-Francis Albert Sinatra
8.)(There’s) Always Something There To Remind Me – R. B. Greaves
9.) End of the Road – Boyz II Men
10.) Color Blind-Counting Crows
11.) Don’t Dream It’s Over – Crowded House
12.) Grenade-Bruno Mars
13.) Heart of the Matter, The – Don Henley
14.) Beautiful Girl-B.O.B
15.) You’ll Think of Me-Keith Urban
16.) Valentines Day-Jim Brichman
17.) 2 outa 3 ain’t Bad-Meatloaf
18.) I Miss You – Klymaxx
19.) I’m Not in Love – 10 CC
20.) Against all odds-Phil Collins
21.) Love is a Battle Field-Pat Benetar
22.) Come Monday-Jimmy Buffett
23.) Memories – from “Cats”
25.) Friends-Michael W. Smith
26.) One Last Cry – Brian McKnight
27.) Lips of an Angels-Hinder (not the horrible Country version)
28.) Tell Me I Was Dreaming – Travis Tritt
29.) Heaven-Bryan Adams
30.) When You Come Back to Me Again – Garth Brooks
31.) You Were Meant For Me – Jewel
32.) Hold On to the Nights – Richard Marx
33.) Ordinary World – Duran Duran
I Love You Always Forever – Donna Lewis
34.) Missing You – John Waite
35.) I Believe – Blessed Union Of Souls
36.) DESERADO-Eagles (My Theme song. . .”your prison
is walkin this world all alone”)
Please Forgive me-Bryan Adams
37.) All By Myself – Eric Carmen
38.) Love the one your with-Grahm Nash
39.) I Like Dreamin’ – Kenny Nolan
40.) Again-Lenny Kravitz
41.) Hate Me-Blue October
42.) Three Times A Lady – Commodores
43.) Drive-Cars
44.) I Don’t Care Anymore – Phil Collins /Genesis
45.) When I Need You – Leo Sayer
46.) Into the Night-Benie Margoles
47.) Without You – Nilsson
48.) Always on My Mind – Willie Nelson
49.) Broken Wings – Mister Mister
50.) Careless Whispers – George Michael & Wham!
51.) Don’t You Want Me – Human League
52.) Pictures of You-The Cure
53.) Blue Monday-Artist?
54.) Do You Really Want To Hurt Me – Culture Club
55.) Harden My Heart – Quarterflash
56.) Hard to Say I’m Sorry – Chicago
57.) Hello – Lionel Richie
58.) I Can Dream About You – Dan Hartman
59.) I Want To Know What Love Is – Foreigner
60.) One More Night – Phil Collins
61.) Tainted Love – Soft Cell
62.) The Rose – Bette Midler
63.) What’s Love Got To Do With It – Tina Turner
64.) With or Without You – U2
65.) I will Remember You-Sara McGlaphlin
66.) Stay-Jennifer Nettles
67.) Seprate Lives-Phil Collins
68.) Don’t Dream it’s over-Cutting Crew
69.) Broken Wings-Mr. Mr.
70.) Bravest Thing (I ever did)-Bare Naked Ladies
71.) (Don’t You) Forget about me-Orchestra Maneuvers in the Dark
72.) If you Don’t Know me By Now-Simply Red
73.) Tears in Heaven-Eric Clapton
74.) Say Goodnight (Not Good Bye)-Artist?
75.) Manana-Jimmy Buffett
76.) To Make You Feel My Love-Garth Brooks
77.) November Rain-Guns n Roses
78.) Long December-Counting Crows
79.) All By Myself-Eric Carman
80.) I am a Rock-Simon and Garfunkle
81.) Against All Odds-Phil Collins
82.) Last Kiss-J Wilson (or Pearl Jam)
83.) If Your’re Gone-Matchbox 20
84.) 3 AM-Matchbox 20
85.) Fade to Black-Metallica
86.) Muskrat Love-Captain and Tenille
87.) You’re Beautiful-James Blunt
88.) Boys Don’t Cry-The Cure
89.) It’s Been Awhile-Stained
91.) Anything But Mine-Kenny Chesney
92.) We just disagree-Englefield Dan
93.) You Got it Bad-Usher
94.) Mudshovel-Stained
95.) The Truth-Jason Aldean
96.) Pacing the Cage-Jimmy Buffett
97.) Picture-Kid Rock
98.) Smile-Uncle Cracker
99.) Broken Road-Rascall Flatts (first song I played the day my Grandmother died)
100.) Cupid Shuffle-DJ Cupid


‎’All There Is: Love Stories from StoryCorps’- Dave Isay
In All There Is, founder Dave Isay shares stories of love and marriage from the revolutionary oral history project, revealing the many and remarkable paths that relationships can take.

From the excitement and anticipation of courtship to the deep connection of lifelong commitment, we discover that love is found in the most unexpected of places-a New York toll booth, a military base in Iraq, an airport lounge. As the storytellers in this book start careers, build homes, and raise families, we witness the life-affirming joy of partnership, the comfort of shared sorrows, and profound gratitude in the face of loss.

These stories are also testament to love’s remarkable endurance. Love survives discrimination, illness, poverty, time-even death. In the courage of people’s passion we are reminded of the strength and resilience of the human spirit and its enduring capacity to begin anew. This powerful collection bears witness to real love, in its many varied forms, enriching our understanding of that most magical feeling.

Navy SEAL Commander Advised to ‘Get the Hell Out of the Media’


Special Operations Commander Adm. Bill McRaven was confronted by retired Lt. Gen. James Vaught, who said he didn’t understand why the recent raids by the Navy SEALs, such as the one to kill Osama bin Laden or to rescue U.S. hostage Jessica Buchanan, were all over the media.–abc-news.html

I think Ron Paul should scour the country looking for someone named George Enringo. That way I could vote the Ron Paul, George Enringo ticket. Yeah, yeah, yeah……-Dan Orr


“Hillary Clinton says she plans to step-down soon as Secretary of State.
Hmm…let’s see, Mexico is run by drug cartels, the Muslim
Brotherhood now controls Egypt, and Iran is about to have a nuclear
bomb…guess her work is done.” -Jodi Miller NewsBusted

“We will build an America where hope is a job and a paycheck, not a faded word on a bumper sticker.” –Mitt Romney



Explore your whimsical side as we celebrate 75 Years of Imagination with Dr. Seuss and his first book, And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street.
Kids and parents will be delighted to participate in activities that celebrate all things Dr. Seuss:
* Enjoy viewing an episode of PBS’s Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot about that!
* Cat in the Hat Costume Character Meet & Greet and photo opportunity
* Mini Parade
* Decorate your own parade hat
* Create a book using your imagination on what you saw on Mulberry St
* Bookmark Coloring activity
* Book Reading – Select Dr. Seuss Favorites
* Goody Bag (limited while supplies last)
* Prizes and more




Actually it is a thought process, and ethic.

My most anticipated since Batman and The Muppets
Atlas Shrugged Part 2 – Official Movie Site


Japanese Department Store May Want to Look Up the Word ‘F**king’

If only we could have sat in on the meeting where the marketing team an Osaka department store that came up with the idea for their “F**kin’ Sale,” spotted early this month by a reader of Jake Adelstein’s Japan Subculture blog.
-There should be some cool English words on these signs.
-How about “Fuckin’ Sale?”
-What’s that mean?
-Fuckin’ means, like, really good. So it’s a really good sale.
-And there’s no other meaning to “f**kin’? Nothing at all that might embarrass us on the internet? Remember what happened with our Save-a-Shit-Ton promotion…

Urban’s ‘illegal’ recruiting tactics a big issue for Bielema, Big Ten – NCAA Football
So this is what it has come to. After 60-plus days on the job at Ohio State, there’s no avoiding it.

Either the Big Ten bows to Urban Meyer, or Urban Meyer bows to the Big Ten.
“I can tell you this,” says Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema. “We at the Big Ten don’t want to be like the SEC—in any way, shape or form.”

Just so we’re clear: Bielema wasn’t talking about winning national championships. He was talking about Meyer’s recruiting tactics—and how after a little more than two months on the job, Meyer already is getting under the skin of his colleagues.

Just how much, you ask? Bielema, whose teams have won more games than any other Big Ten team in his six seasons in Madison, says Badgers athletic director Barry Alvarez will speak Friday with Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany about Meyer’s recruiting methods during the league’s athletic director meetings in Chicago.

Police: NC man stabbed girlfriend over steak
A Belmont man has been arrested and charged with stabbing his girlfriend over the taste of a steak dinner.
The Gaston Gazette reports that 37-year-old Michael William Nivens of Belmont was charged Monday with assault with a deadly weapon. He’s being held in the county jail without bond.

Investigators say Nivens woke his girlfriend after she went to bed Monday and told her the steak he had eaten for dinner earlier tasted different from hers. They say Nivens then stabbed her in the forehead, sliced her neck and slashed two of her fingers.




Jack Hanna Resigns Zoo Post Amid Animal Sex Scandal

Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Director Emeritus Jack Hanna resigned his position and formally severed other contractual ties to the organization on Monday, more than six months after allegations of romantic relationships between humans and animals at the zoo first came to light.

In early January, rumors of sexual impropriety at the zoo started reaching the Columbus ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), which launched a formal investigation shortly thereafter.

Hanna’s involvement began in February, when he was first asked by ASPCA investigators whether he was aware of any inappropriate activities being undertaken by zoo staff. Although Hanna answered no at that time, emails and other documents released by the zoo later revealed that he was indeed aware of the activities and had taken steps to cover them up.

One email, addressed to “J.J.” (Jungle Jack) in November of 2010, read as follows: “Terrelle Briar (zookeeper) let some guys in last night. Gave access to Kiki’s cage (female koala bear). Heard a lot of gasping and grunting. One man mentioned ‘banging hairy Australian ass.’ Concerned they were having sex with her. Should I inform Rick (Zoo Manager)?”

Hanna responded by saying he would look into the matter personally, but never did. Instead, he reached out to Briar’s hometown mentor, Ned Karniak, a man he first met in 2008 when he was recruiting the nation’s top zookeeping prospect to bring his talents to Columbus.

In a text message sent to Karniak, Hanna said, “Terrelle may be caught up in something here in Columbus. May involve animal asses and penises. Please call me ASAP.”



CLASSIC 2012 Football Schedule


Gee reflects on semesters, Urban Meyer, Jim Tressel, ‘colonoscopy’
The last time Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee sat down with The Lantern editorial staff, he was in the middle of what he now refers to as his “yearlong colonoscopy” – an NCAA investigation surrounding OSU football.

Gee told The Lantern editorial board Monday night he feels good about where the university stands.

“The world is pretty right-side up for the university right now,” Gee said.
Tressel, Urban and Gee’s “colonoscopy”

“Nothing that I have done over the past year has caused me more reflection,” Gee said about the actions leading up to the NCAA investigation and the investigation itself.

“We hired the best coach and we went out and got the best kids so get a life,” Gee said of Bielema’s criticisms.



Did you know that If you are suffering you are on the road to perfection? Hebrews 2:10: “It was fitting that he, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many children to glory, should make the leader to their salvation perfect through suffering.” Through suffering we become like Jesus and become closer to God.


JUST as I don’t like right wing religious folks in the Gov., I don’t want OUR Gov impacting OUR religious choices!


McConnell: No one’s rights are safe
The Obama administration’s recent decision to force religious institutions to violate their own beliefs is shocking – because it tramples our First Amendment religious freedoms, and because it demonstrates the dangers of an all-powerful big government.
The president recently approved a ruling of his Health and Human Services Department saying that under the health spending bill, religious institutions – charities, hospitals, and schools – will be forced under penalty of law to go against their own teachings. If they refuse, they face fines for millions of dollars. Or they can shut their doors.


LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

From fat to fit in just FIVE hours: Blogger shows how to create those before and after fitness shots with the help of chips, soda, oil and a tanning bed

Want to get the body you’ve always dreamed of in just five hours?
One blogger and eating champion shows you how, without even having to deprive yourself of your favorite foods – in fact, you can eat potato chips and drink two liters of cola and still achieve the look.

Worth $60billion-a-year in America, the dieting industry is big business and many advertisements feature before and after shots to show you just how effective the product is.




“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”-Albert Einstein

“Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.” – Robert F. Bennett
“Understand that the past cannot and will not take you down. If it didn’t then, it certainly can’t now.”―Maggie Lyon


Valentine’s Day QUOTES:

To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed


“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”―Mother Teresa


Relationships are supposed to be a two-way street; Not a highway and a bike path. ~ Couples Retreat

(when do you know when to give up on someone?) After you’ve done all you can.. Just STAND- Ephesians 6:13

Sometimes it is not the moments, but who you are with

Never allow a person tell you NO who doesn’t have the power to say YES

Fellas:::Don’t only buy ur lady flowers on occasions or when u mess up.. Women LOVE little surprises & acts of kindness!!

Don’t fool urself,,, The cruelest lies are often the one’s that are told by those who are silent

To hate someone you had to truly love them at some point – (Ihatequotes)

Make everyone happy that you possibly can,, even if it means leaving them alone -(Classic)

A great relationship is a partnership, if ur unwilling to carry his\her baggage, ur better off single – Maestro

The same thing Im looking for is looking for me…. it or we’ll meet up soon (power thought)

Once in a while right in the middle of an ordinary life,, love can sneak up & give u a fairytale… dont give up!

If u really want a gr8 relationship,, the key is to understand what ur mate is feeling but NOT saying (the truest question to the male species regarding women)

Those who fight 4 love over & over & get hurt,, r betta off then those who give up & neva know what could of happen

Be careful:::.Love is like a fire:: whether it will warm u or burn you,, sumtimes u can never tell

dont keep ACCEPTING bad relationships & EXPECTING it 2 turn out good..

To love some1 is nothing, to be loved by some1 is Something, but 2 b loved by some1 u love is EVERYTHING! – Jada Pinkett Smith

People CAN NOT love you if they Hate themselves

Love is an untamed force, when we try to imprison it, it enslaves us – (P Coelho)

if a woman can have pms,, men should be able to have espn…

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace

Don’t fool yourself:: encouragement given without love is not encouragement

the only perfect relationships are the 1’s that know,, there are no perfect relationships.. real tlk

If ur love is crazzy,, madness,,,, yea its probably love 🙂

no 1 can be born for u,, no 1 can die 4 u,,, NEVER chase relationships,, its cool to chill alone sometimes

scripture says love ur neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF

Its far more important to BE the right person than it is to MARRY the right person -(Ziglar)

u can have friendship & u can have love.. but when theyre 2gether.. its called gr8 love (luv stories) -kinda fighting for this right now

You can hurt with your words but you can also hurt with your silence.

They say you cant buy love,, but I see most ppl paying heavily 4 it… Dont give up!

Don’t grieve to long when u lose something,, everything comes back 2 u in a different form -(Rumi)

It takes real courage to jus let go & fall….. in love… true story!

Dont fool ya self… .To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven

True love you want ur partners happiness, false love u want ur partner

If ur single & Valentines day seems depressing… ur close 2 ur breakthru! Gr8 desire is the 1st step!

EVERYTHING comes back to you…even if in a different form (really like that one)
“Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it.” – T.S. Eliot


“Stop being hurt when ppl don’t congratulate & honor u.. Mediocrity never congratulates excellence- RevRunWisdom


Jus like winter spring summer & fall.. Seasons know exactly when to change.. RELAX- RevRunWisdom:




I’m Matt Sexton here’s what’s Happening in Central Ohio

Here’s what’s happening in Central Ohio!

Ronnie Milsap plays The Seacrest Auditorium in Zanesville

AD Farrow After Party with live performances by music artists: Cliff Cody, Aaron Buckley and Jasmine Cain  at The Bluestone- 583 E. Broad St.
Nick Carter plays the LC, the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion

Worlds Toughest Rodeo at Nationwide Arena. For more info:


Broadway Across America presents, Blue Man Group at The Palace Theatre

Easyriders Bike Show Tour at The Greater Columbus Convention Center. For more info:

Columbus Sports, Vacation & Boat Show at The Ohio Expo Center. For more info:

The Bicentennial Birthday – a Celebration of the Centuries at Dates: at The Battelle Grand, Greater Columbus Convention Center
The Columbus Bicentennial Birthday is the must-attend party of the year! Celebrate our city’s Bicentennial as we come together for a Celebration of the Centuries – an unforgettable evening of entertainment and festivities that honor the past, celebrate the present and envision the future. Be a part of this landmark event as we say “Happy Birthday” and recognize all that makes Columbus great. For more info

Dov Davidoff  plays  All Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

If it wasn’t bad enough the first time…now you get to suffer in 3D. ‘Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace 3D’ rated “PG.”

‘Safe House’ staring Ryan Reynolds, and Denzel Washington rated “R.”

‘Journey 2: The Mysterious Island’ in IMAX 3D staring
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Josh Hutcherson, Michael Caine, and Vanessa Hudgens rated “PG.”
WARNING CHICK FLICK!!!-and sadly I think it looks good
‘The Vow’ staring Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum, Sam Neill, and Jessica Lange rated “PG-13.”

‘Waylon the Music Inside’ is the all star tribute to Waylon Jennings

Dierks Bentley releases ‘Home’
Rihanna  releases ‘X-Posed’

Van Halen is back with ‘A Different Kind of Truth’


Follow us on the web at, and there you can add us on facebook and twitter. We break concert and other event news plus you get exclusive behind the scenes information and pictures. On your hometown country station T-100, I’m Matt Sexton


Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 10-11
Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.

February 14th Join me rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues for the Columbus Bi-Centennial Game (Pending)

February 18th
Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks

Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


Join my Crew Caribbean Jerks for their 8 Year Anniversary 80’s Party!
Celebrate another great year with all your ‘Jerk’ friends! Rock out your favorite 80’s gear and jam out to your favorite 80’s tunes!

February 19th
My Buddy DJ Detoto kicking the Fashion 5k at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing

February 26th
Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin

March 1
Join ME at The Arnold Classic, Rock Star Bikini Party-The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.

March 4
My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)

March 1-4
More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

March 9
Please join ME, and my buddies, Lt. Dan’s New Legs at The Miracles & Magic: Opening Night Party at the LC Pavilion on Friday, March 9 with bigger plans and more amazement than ever before! World-class sleight-of-hand illusions in a private show or at your cocktail table alongside other unique entertainment and surprises. For more info:


March 10
Join my crew, and The Reaganomics at The St. Patrick’s Day 4 Miler at Kinsale. Produced by M3S Sports, this event, running and walking event slightly veiled as a reason to party over a four-mile course through the neighborhood around the beautiful Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club. For more info:


Irony Pony
Join the party, and watch the Daytona Supercross Speedvision Broadcast LIVE Super Cross on our Jumbo Screen while rockin’ and “rollin” along inside the store with the season debut of the newest products and apparel!

March 11
Join me as I rock the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues

Follow us:

February 10, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

May be an anniversary of “the music dying,” BUT “Super” week full of rodents, forgetting the scrapes and bruises of life, and wearing Red

GREETINGS FROM the Home Office in Dublin Ohio, as I pack my bags and head for Marion CountyNot the Marion in, Ohio…but one farther West. I am a little down this week, but I am headed for a “Super” time in Indy, which this weekend will not be home to the Colts and Peyton Manning (who has JUST been cleared by the NFL to play again), but to the Patriots and Giants…as well as lil Bro Eli Manning (Eli despite being in this Super Game, MAY be having a worse week than me?). Speaking of bad weeks…I hope JLS is well on her way to recovery from a recent procedure.


Indianapolis is known for The Indy 500, and right now while the weather is nice…it is a lil chilly for those open cockpit, open wheeled pieces of machinery that scream at 260mph in May. This weekend, the Capital of Indiana is hosting the Super Bowl…and I am headed there!!!


While this is exciting, this weekend always is kinda a weekend of memories for me. For about a 6-7 year run every Super Bowl Saturday Night I was involved with an event that probably wasn’t as big as I thought…but the memories were huge.


What started out as “just a reason to party,” or just for “Shi*s & Giggles” (which was later the name given to the event) became a “Pre Super Bowl Party” for many business owners in Downtown Nerk, as well as many of their friends…who became my friends and even mentors (God help me for some of those influences!)


But this event also later lead to being an “Anniversary Party” for my “Florida Mom’s.” Yea there was a lot, er…ok A LOT of food consumed, and I usually blew my diet(s) for the whole weekend while getting ready and tearing down (a process that usually took 45 minutes, ended up taking days?). The highlight of this event every year for me was just being with her, and loved ones on this special day, and so on this Super Bowl weekend…gotta say Happy Anniversary (and I still don’t want to know what “the other” anniversary in December is for!).


This group not only taught me a lot, they also opened me up to some great music (and I hope I did for them as well). I am reminded this February 3rd of “a long long time ago, I can still remember how that music made me smile…I knew if I had the chance, that I could make those people dance, and MAYBE they’ed be happy for awhile?” as Don McLean said while nibblin’ on that American Pie. Once I learned the meaning behind the song…I can honestly say “American Pie” changed my life. (Garth Brooks Tribute to Don McLean-and Don almost didn’t come out on stage in Central Park due to his stage fright. If you watch the video, you can see Garth look over to bring him out, thank God he finally did…and thanx to Garth Brooks, Don McLean’s career was resurrected)


On February 3rd 1959 the music community changed and we lost the great Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens. It may be the day after Ground Hog Day…but to many it is the anniversary of the day the music died.


So thank God I am not flying out of Iowa! But here in the Midwest, there will be thousands walking around in Indy, and Millions rushing around to grab their grub to watch the Big Game at home and abroad. Many at home may be excited to watch the commercials, however there is one player who I am excited to watch rush around, and even just walk onto the field. The New York Giants, and Boston College standout-Mark Herzlich is playing in his first Super Bowl. These are huge accomplishment for ANY ATHELETE, however, Herzlich stands out even more!


2 years ago Mark Herzlich was diagnosed with Ewings sarcoma. Doctors said he may not live, let alone walk…or even play football. This athlete not only became an elitist to his field by making the Super Bowl, but also a hero to many by just LIVING, and even walking.


Wednesday Herzlich posted: “2 yrs ago I was told I might never walk again. Just WALKED off plane in Indy to play in The #SuperBowl,’’ on Twitter.


No matter if you are a Giants or Patriots fan…this is a great story. Read more;


The man is a true hero. But there are true hero’s off the field of play this Sunday as well. I may wear some Blue, some Silver, and definitely some Red. Not because it will be easy to fit in with Giants and Patriots fans, seeing those are the colors of both teams in this heavily betted game, but because Friday is “Go Red for women.”


PLEASE, I encourage everyone…this does not cost a dime, and it is a great sounding board, and even fashion statement…just to get folks to talk about this disease, a disease that is the #1 killer of women. If you are reading this a work, and don’t have any red on, find a red piece of ribbon or tape and pin it to yourself. Maybe go home at lunch and change…or if going out Friday night, wear red then. Just help create a dialog on this disease.


Go Red For Women asks people to wear red on Friday
Friday is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women.
More women die of heart disease than all forms of cancer combined. Unfortunately, heart disease is often silent, hidden and misunderstood. That’s why Go Red For Women is asking women to participate in the 9th Annual National Wear Red Day to make ending heart disease a reality.


ALSO, speaking of support, I am looking for 35-50 Bands, DJ’s, and Entertainers to fill over 13.1 miles for the Capital City Half Marathon on Saturday May 5th from (approx 8am-Noon). This is not only a GREAT TIME, but also a chance to get yourself in front of over 12,500 folks and name in 15,000 race packets…and make a couple bucks at an hour of the day you would not be making a dime, all while supporting some folks “running down a dream.”


For more information for yourself or band, or if you know of a person who may be interested please contact


I have posted the above on facebook, but after the recent “timeline” changes, I am considering Google Plus more and more over facebook…plus they have a cool commercial


Feel free to “add me to your “circles?”


Been busy this week planning for Capital City Half Marathon, booking 3 weddings, and finalizing some plans with The Blue Jackets. All of this with a very exciting lead on a new project for the fall.


BUT this week has NOT been a fun week! I had a major account mislead me, utilize my ideas I had been working on since OCTOBER, tell me a check was in the mail…then back out of the event. This, unfortunately is just part of life, and the game in which this career that has chosen me to do “whatever the hell it is I do.” It IS NOT FUN, and financially it sucks, and actually it is never fun to be told no, or even have someone else do what you want. BUT the upside is, the events that I get hosed on, get bigger and bigger-showing that hard work does pay off and the experiences get bigger-even if they don’t always happen. This is the silver in the lining in the dark clouds.


So I have had some down time this week, and there has been a lot of Football reports, like that of Mark Herzlich, but mostly about the battle of two elite quarterbacks, and an Indy quarterback who is not even in the Super Bowl-yet stealing the thunder of his lil bro, a side story I find rather entertaining! The Super Bowl is also filled with some events that some tune into that have nothing to do with the score.


Many tune into the Super Bowl, just for the commercials. These commercials have been leaked ALL OVER the internet (I have been trying not to watch, but did break down and watch the Ferris Beuller commercial). Let’s face it there is only so many spins you can watch on the game itself on ESPN, so I decided to have my own week of football with a “Friday Night Lights Marathon” and am happy to report the Dillon Panthers have won the Texas State Championship. Julie and Matt are gonna stay together, Coach Taylor and his wife Tammy are expecting while he goes to TMU to coach…and that was just after The Season One DVD.


Also all over the TV on Thursday, Buckeye Chuck did not see his shadow, but Punxsutawney Phil did. I hope that the realm of Furry Rodents will be like the Presidential Race and “as Ohio goes”-showing we will have an early Spring. BUT, to get even with  Punxsutawney Phil (and all his offspring)…I will be eating “Ground” (up) Hog” for the remainder of the week.


So yea…been in front of the TV, and trying to find the fun, and other things of life to get my mind off the crap! I did however, have my first run outside in Ohio in many months and shattered my personal best. Somehow I did a 7:21 mile pace (I think the GPS was off a lil). Even if it was technical error, I ran hard…harder than I ever had before. In the past I always held back on my runs (maybe just as in living life period). So it got me thinking, and reading, and reflecting.


“Life Begins At The End of Your Comfort Zone.” –Neal Donald Walsch

I mean come on, most of us know how to ride a bike. How did we learn? We learned by finally sucking it up, forgetting all the falls, all the scrapes, and all the bruises and finally go! Even if some of us did it with our eyes closed, being pushed, and screaming all along-making us have a memorable ride, while teaching and laying the skills for many future 2 wheeled journeys.


I am ready to get back on my bike this “late” spring (hope Phil, the rodent, was wrong). And despite the setback this week, I am excited about “forgetting all the falls, all the scrapes, and all the bruises” and continue going down my own ride of life. Even if “eyes closed, being pushed, and screaming all along!”


I just hope my “rides of life” include some warm weather stops. With all the boots, buckles, and hats while wanting sand and sun, some have said I am a Caribbean Cowboy? While that may have seemed like a slam, I don’t think it is. It is being surrounded by an environment I NEED, with the work ethic I have, and a mindset of livin’ life right. All with a really cool hat!
This week I am travelin’ to Indy, but also those warm vacation spots I have been to, and all those that exist only in my mind that allow me to escape. When doing so I stumbled on this gem, and I got goose bumps!!!

“Seen the false horizons fade away like bisons
Headed for the jungle, cowboy can’t endure
Never look back, that’s what he swore
I’ll take my pony to the shore

Somewhere, somewhere

Take another road to a hiding place
Disappear without a trace
Take another road to another time
On another road in another time
Like a novel from the five and dime
Take another road another time

Follow the equator, like that old articulator
Sail upon the ocean (oooh, sail away) just like Mr. Twain
Never look back, this is my plan
Run my pony through the sand

Somewhere, somewhere

Leave my cares behind
Take my own sweet time 
(take my own sweet time (time))
Ocean’s on my mind
”- Take Another Road Jimmy Buffett, Jay Oliver, Roger Guth


Have a Super Weekend filled with journeys, and even your own escape as you push outside of what we are comfortable with, forgetting the scrapes and bruises of life…just shut your eyes and LIVE! Allow someone to push you…but maybe, be that push for someone else?



FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


SATURDAY: Please join my crew providing sound for our buddies, The Filthy Habits at The Loose Goose in Grandview (Grandview Ave, just off 670 behind the new Sunoco station). Can’t make it Saturday; make sure you check this place out. My buddies Zack Zonker, and Joey Blayze also play here!


SUNDAY: If you are in Indy, shoot a text and I will give details on where I am

PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of
 our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 10-11

Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 14th Join me rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues for the Columbus Bi-Centennial Game (Pending)


February 18th

Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


February 19th

My Buddy DJ Detoto kicking the Fashion 5k at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing


February 26th

Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


March 1

Rock Star Bikini Party The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.


March 4

My crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)


March 1-4

More events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon



Difficult times are the greatest opportunities in disguise. When we face difficult times we have to put in determined work to get ourselves into Joy. But let me tell you, when you can get yourself into Joy despite what is happening around you, your life must change – it’s the law! In addition, as you become Joy in difficult times you are becoming the master of your emotions, the master of your life, and the master of the law of attraction. Difficult times are your greatest opportunity to practice yourself into Joy.-From The Secret Scrolls

Really digging this song, melancholy yet somehow…uplifting


WOW…all I can say is WOW


“it’s my time It’s my life,
I can do what I like
For the price of a smile, I gotta take it to right
So I keep living, cause the feel’s right
And it’s so nice, and I’d do it all again”




Just kinda feelin this from one of my favorite albums of all time (think I dig the organ)

Amy has such a soothing voice over the crunchy guitars



An average person produces enough saliva over their lifetime to fill up two swimming pools

Do you know when the Ohio Presidential Primary is, and when is the deadline to register?

February 6th is the Voter Registration  deadline


Ohio early voting in 2012 presidential race to begin Tuesday; 1 week left to register
Early voting begins Tuesday in Ohio’s March 6 presidential primary.
Registered voters may begin showing up in person to county election boards, and absentee ballots that have already been requested will start being mailed.

Residents have until Feb. 6 to register to vote in the primary, or to submit any name or address changes that have taken place since they last voted. The primary determines the respective Republican and Democratic nominees for office.

Early in-person voting is set to continue until 6 p.m. March 2, the Friday before the election. Locations and hours vary by county.

Requests to vote absentee by mail must be submitted in writing to the county election board by noon on March 3. .


The Best Way To Handle A Reporter’s Dumb Question Is To Ask Him About His Wife’s Infidelity
North Carolina dominated NC State last night, which has become something of a theme. The Wolfpack haven’t beaten their I-40 rivals since 2007, so for fan favorite Scott Wood, that’s tantamount to never.

“How frustrating is it to have never beaten North Carolina?” a reporter asked Wood after the game. That’s a close cousin to those awful “how does it feel” questions, which only deserve your scorn. But Wood fired back with “I don’t know.


Has your wife ever cheated on you?”

Deathly pause.

“That’s probably about how frustrating it is.”
And, scene.



Please take a moment and vote for my buddy, David Heasley for Columbus Music Awards Best Photographer. David, and Cover Photography, take some of the best pixx in town, and even can make me look good.


In addition to working magic with a lens, he is also one of the best dudes in town. Please vote for my buddy at the following


Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio! If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!



Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




Sometimes…just a lil hug is all that is needed? I was having a rough day on Thursday and was reminded first hand of this, but the video SCREAMS even louder than the dog.



Forget Networking. How to Be a Connector
We all know people like them, people who seem to know everyone. They’re always able to help — or if they can’t, they know someone who can. You meet them for the first time and in 15 minutes, you’re talking with them like you’re childhood friends. They’re successful, smart and funny, with a likable touch of self-deprecation. And they’re interested in everything.

Who are they? Connectors. Take Maryam Banikarim, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Gannett, publisher of USA Today. She has a perfect job for a connector — she helps link Gannett’s various newspapers and media outlets “and bring the pieces together.”

“I like people and am genuinely curious,” says Banikarim, 42. “I like stories and want to make connections. But I didn’t know the word for it until my husband read Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point and said, ‘I finally have a word for you — a connector.’ ”



The entertainment community has lost some legends this week

This week we lost Don Cornelius of “Soul Train.”


Rest in Peace Don. You opened this white kid, with no soul up to a new kind of music that I could not get anywhere else in Nerk Ahia (except 6am on syndication on Saturday Mornings).


May you now forever have Peace, Love, and SOOOOUUUUUuuuullllll


And we also lost Robert Hegyes, who played the Jewish Puerto Rican wisecracking student Juan Epstein on Welcome Back Kotter.


But just this week I have just found out that mid January the broadcast community, and Central Ohio lost another…one who I looked up to not just for his size, his power in the community, or even cause he wrote a me a paycheck at one point in my career. WE have lost Bob Pricer, longtime WCLT owner, Military Hero, community activist…and someone who scared the sh*t out of me.


Robert “Bob” Pricer was remembered as a legend, a hero and, most of all, as humble.

“I know he really loved this community and he touched a lot of lives in it on a lot of different levels,” his son Doug Pricer said. “… But he never did things for accolades. He said, ‘Doug, you do this because it was the right thing to do.’”


I am lucky to have know Bob. But even more lucky to know OF BOB. Bob didn’t do many things for his own benefit, or want anything in return. He gave to Big Brothers Big Sisters, and was a major supporter of other community organizations. Bob was a Big Man with a bigger voice. The man had a voice that while was gentle, was very strong and powerful. At one time while working for the station, I was running the Sunday morning church services. There was a problem with one of the audio feeds from the church. Almost 20 years later, I still don’t know if it was my fault or the church…but I knew dead air was bad! So I put in a “reel to reel” full of music, (for those that don’t know this is, a reel to reel is like a giant cassette tape, for those who don’t know what that is…picture 2 ipods spinning next to each other and somehow playing music). So music was playing-but not a church service. The phone rang and I thought it was my supervisor Tim calling to help me (I had paged him), but no…it was a very deep, commanding voice that subtly, and directly said “turn this sh*t off and fix it, now!” Needless to say I somehow got it fixed. Bob never later said anything to me, and never said who he was, but just from the voice, I knew. I also made sure that the following week, I recorded the church service and had it “stashed” in case this problem happened again.


I was also asked to do a commercial with Bob. The commercial was Holiday related, and Bob was the voice of Santa Claus. He was the perfect Santa. His voice alone demanded respect but also had a soothing comfort behind it. This was in addition to his size that also had the same effect. My parents, and MANY others had later relayed to me that for many years, and as was stated by those much older than me “back when I was a kid,” Bob played Santa as the Licking County Courthouse was lit. After all those years though…you would have thought he could have got it to light up before the 3rd try? So when recording this commercial I thought it was SO COOL, until I learned while Bob was the voice of Santa…I was the elf!


Bob was always friendly to me and everyone I saw him encounter, even if you knew not to mess with him. He always seemed to have a sh*t eatin grin on his face (one in which he earned) and ALWAYS said hello to me, even at a restaurant when with his wife who hated me! Bob was a silent hero in the military and has a story about being a French German American Triple Spy that is SO OUT THERE, it HAS to be true (and a movie!).


Bob  not only lives on in ALL who he touched, and many organizations (many we probably won’t know). But Bob also lives on in his son Doug, a person who in some ways has mentored me far beyond what he will ever know. Bob was a great community leader, hard worker, and family man. All traits I see in Doug as he runs WCLT, and raises his son Nick.


I have JUST learned that Bob passed back in January and while I am sadden that he is gone, and I am embarrassed I was not  in town, nor did I know and reach out to a family that means so  much to me.


’78 blizzard remembered
Area residents share stories of fright, adventure
Neil Pierce was afraid for his grandfather’s life.
It was January 1978, and he and his grandfather had plowed through a steep snow bank on the family’s 360-acre Perryton farm on a tractor. Because of the bone-chilling temperatures and snow, they had to pump the oil wells on their property to heat their home.

Once they hit the snowbank, Neil’s grandfather couldn’t go on.

“We got about halfway back and ran into a big snowbank,” Pierce said. “He looked at me and said, ‘I can’t make it back; it’s too far to walk.’ That scared me, when he said, ‘I can’t make it back.'”



“Bing!” here is a lil gift on this Groundhog day week for ya! Even if your name is not “Ned, Ned Flanders?!?”

(The complete Bill Murray movie)


MAYBE if the Da*n Ground Hogs weren’t yelling they wouldn’t have gotten scared and run back inside?


A lil fun at The Ground Hog Expense?


6 more weeks of winter Phil?


“But Sir if we kill all the Golphers we could go to jail”

“That Gophers you idiot!”


“So? So let’s Dance”….


Is Music Piracy Really ‘The New Radio’? Yes and No
Canadian folk-rocker Neil Young is making waves this week after telling reporters at a conference that piracy is “the new radio.”

“It doesn’t affect me because I look at the Internet as the new radio. I look at the radio as gone,” said Young (via The Telegraph). “Piracy is the new radio. That’s how music gets around … That’s the radio. If you really want to hear it, let’s make it available, let them hear it, let them hear the 95% of it.”

If that makes you want to fist pump in solidarity, riddle me this: If we suddenly made music piracy — I realize that’s “public music sharing” for some of you — as legal as waking up in the morning, do you think anyone would spend a penny for music (not concerts, but the songs themselves) ever again?

I have a lot of respect for both Neil Young’s music and his politics, and I’m sympathetic to the principle behind what he’s getting at here (“share the world, man!”) but given the way the U.S. economy currently works, I can’t say I’m with him on this one.


‘Mr. G: Creation story” Alan Lightman
The central character of the provocative new Alan Lightman novel existed long before our universe came into being — although long might be the wrong word because he hung around for a while before inventing time.

When the novel opens, Mr. g is drifting through the Void, occasionally in the company of his disheveled Aunt Penelope and kind Uncle Deva. Slightly bored, he invents time, music and space, then begins spinning out billions of universes — “throbbing spheres, distended ellipsoids, gyrating cosmoses thrashing with energy.”

NOT a great story of what is happening…but an amazing story of heroism

Recognition Sought for Soldier’s Heroic Acts
When the roadside bomb detonated, it ripped through the fuel tank of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and ignited like napalm. The seven men seated inside were knocked unconscious and had no chance to escape the fire.

But the gunner, Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn Cashe, managed to crawl out of the burning wreckage. Wounded and drenched in diesel fuel, he pulled the Bradley’s driver from his seat before the flames reached there, dragging him to safety.
And then he went back.

Too Funny, (and probably true) not to share


BUT…Jesse Jackson is OUT OF LINE on this one!

Jesse Jackson says GOP demonizing rhetoric will cause Obama assassination
“John Kennedy was demonized. He’s the guy who imposed himself on the south. He intervened. It’s called an interposition. In the end this demon was shot.”

On MSNBC’s Martin Bashir Show Jesse Jackson claimed Governor Brewer’s finger pointing and Congressman West’s comments leads to enraging masses against the President. Jackson then speculates that these masses will turn violent and lead to the assassination of President Obama.



Like a real life Monopoly Board Game
I was originally gonna make fun of this one…until watched. This is the American Dream, and it is along with this town, is dying.
Michigan town for sale
Pontiac, Mich., no longer supported by GM plants, is struggling to stay afloat. In the face of huge budget deficits, the town is now selling off everything, including City Hall. NBC’s Kevin Tibbles reports.

We learned today the u.s. economy continuing to grow now, though it’s a slower pace than expected. Gross domestic product bumped up 2.8% in the final three months of 2011. That’s disappointing to some economists who have been looking for 3% growth. When companies have large inventories, they produce less in the future, which could mean slower growth and fewer American jobs .


The city of Pontiac, Michigan, used to stand for American manufacturing. So much so, it gave its name to a great line of automobiles. Well, they don’t make Pontiacs any more, and tonight we’ll show you what has become of Pontiac, Michigan, where the GM plants there are gone and the city is taking extreme measures to stay afloat, selling everything down to and including the walls.


Today in Pontiac, Michigan, you can buy the police station, library, golf course , cemetery, even city hall .
…so far, nothing’s sold.



YOU DA MAN-well woman!:

Faith voices cheer Komen cutoff of Planned Parenthood
Faith voices and anti-abortion rights groups cheered Wednesday after the Susan G. Komen Foundation announced it would no longer provide funds for breast cancer screening at 19 U.S. Planned Parenthood affiliates.

The last hurrah, however, may go to Planned Parenthood. Tait Sye, a spokesman for the agency, said Wednesday afternoon that “more than $400,000 from 9,000 donors came in the last 24-hour period.” Add that to a $250,000 “Breast Health Emergency Fund” from Texas oil executive Lee Fikes and his wife, Amy, and the group is closing in on the $680,000 it received from Komen in 2011.

But that won’t quell the excitement among Komen supporters who oppose Planned Parenthood.



HOW ABOUT SOME MORE ESTROGEN FUELED FIRE? This chick is awesome (and hot!)

Georgia’s Anna Watson Is College Football’s Strongest Female Cheerleader
It’s one thing for professional athletes to have to make an ethical decision about using steroids, but college cheerleaders?

Anna Watson has to be America’s strongest female cheerleader; the University of Georgia student loves spending time in the weight room, and it certainly shows. But she has more important things in her life: Watson passed up a big money fitness modeling contract because she refused to use a legal steroid.
“It’s an elite position to be a cheerleader at UGA,” Watson told Red and Black, her school’s award-winning student newspaper. “They have hundreds of girls try out, and to be selected out of all of those people to be on the team, it’s kind of a big deal. So those girls were very humble and gracious and patient to help me just learn the basic stuff.”

Watson has been cheering since age 5. She can bench press 155 pounds, squat 255 pounds and dead lift 230 pounds. According to the school newspaper, she added an impressive four inches of muscles on her arms in just 10 months.

A deeply religious junior exercise and sports science major, Watson was on the brink of a $75,000 fitness-modeling contract that could have set her up for a lifetime career in modeling — but she turned it down.



Woman Dumps Man Because He Has Cancer, Still Wants His Super Bowl Tickets
John Wessling and Anson Ainsworth, radio show hosts in Houston, pass along this incredible story of bitchiness and greed. Jason Elia, a television writer living in

Nashville, went to the trouble of getting Super Bowl tickets for himself and his girlfriend and was even going to propose to her at the game on Christmas, but life got in the way. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and upon hearing the news, his girlfriend apparently dumped him on the spot.

Now, she still wants the tickets because she claims they were purchased with her in mind.

I could never have gone to school here

Pennsylvania Middle School Bans Boots

A ban on “open top” boots at Pottsdown Middle School in Pennsylvania is not a protest against fashion.

In a letter sent home to parents from principal Gail Cooper Wednesday, “open top boots” are banned in classrooms starting next Monday because students have been bringing in contraband items in their boots.

“Following several problems with these items, I have banned the outdoor, open top boots from our classrooms,” the letter stated. Under this rule, the ban would include the popular Uggs. “Students may continue to wear outdoor boots to and from school to protect them from cold, snow and ice but need to change into a pair of sneakers or shoes before entering homeroom.”

Students have been mainly hiding cell phones in their boots, John Armato, director of community relations for the Pottstown School District, told ABC News. The possession of personal electronic devices in school, including cell phones, is not permitted. Students must keep their devices in their lockers between 7:55 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. If a student decides to text or a phone goes off, these types of events are causing disruption to a positive education atmosphere, Armato said.–abc-news.html?fb_action_ids=3169584196614%2C2599439306746%2C2438152484980%2C2438151724961%2C2438142524731&fb_action_types=news.reads&fb_source=other_multiline&code=AQCHr_B75A2KQ17iPMjnIHB9sobyBhEZtW9n5FZOBAdDWHqTt3cr-U3BlHYntLgdHZAaQwWHokwr3zLPk4nN2FkVS2OCCIqdaUbYBdN-CqeAADNw4p-EFCJZ14JcS-r4aA8VifjQtJINfZ9WT-ZDY-HUQK_UHF6svELOfJezI7yV_vfqiOi-aNjreMIXdVG-6mI#_=_



While it is an issue…don’t they have more to worry about?

Sugar should be regulated like alcohol, tobacco, commentary says

Should the government regulate sugar, just like it regulates alcohol and tobacco?
A new commentary published online in the Feb. 1 issue of Nature says sugar is just as “toxic” for people as the other two, so the government should step in to curb its consumption.

The United Nations announced in September that chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes contribute to 35 million deaths worldwide each year, according to the commentary. The U.N. pegged tobacco, alcohol, and diet as big risk factors that contributed to this death rate.




Exclusive: Here Are Plans For A New Professional Football League, Run By Former NFL, XFL, And USFL Executives

The document below is a November confidential summary obtained by Deadspin of something called the Spring Professional Football League, which presents itself as a non-hostile NFL alternative, to be built on the bones of the several leagues that have tried and failed before.

According to its own forecasts, the SPFL, whose management includes a number of former XFL and NFL Europe executives, will debut in 2013 with eight teams playing a 14- to 16-week season. The summary lists the cities under consideration as New York, Washington, Memphis, Orlando, Charlotte, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, Los Angeles, and Seattle. Teams would be centrally owned by the league, a la Major League Soccer.



Pataskala’s Shank Racing wins Rolex 24 at Daytona
The little team with no pedigree knocked off the big boys with all those championships.

Michael Shank Racing of Pataskala did it with a pair of drivers hoping Sunday’s victory in the Rolex 24 at Daytona is the kickoff to their career comebacks.

NASCAR driver AJ Allmendinger closed out the twice-around-the-clock win by piloting the No. 60 Ford Riley for the final stint, a nearly three-hour drive that included some door-to-door banging with Allan McNish for the lead.

It was Allmendinger’s first win in a major series in almost six years, and comes about a month after he landed the job of a lifetime with Roger Penske’s NASCAR team.

“It’s just indescribable,” team owner Shank said on his website,, about the win. “I don’t know what to say. I’m just so happy to be here — just thankful for the guys that do all the work for us, that hung in with us for those years and it all paid off today.|topnews|text|Frontpage


New one becomes great, and a former great goes back home

Barely 2 months after his hiring, Ohio State’s Urban Meyer grabs 25 recruits, has top-5 class

When opposing recruiters brought up Ohio State’s bowl ban and other problems, new Buckeyes coach Urban Meyer fought back.

“It was a two-week assault,” Meyer said after signing 25 players in what many experts have termed a class that is top-5 in the country. “But instead of waiting for that to come, we went after it. We were extremely pro-active.”

Despite a 2012 bowl ban, NCAA probation and recruiting limitations, the forced resignation of Jim Tressel and the most losses (seven) for the Buckeyes since 1897, Meyer’s first recruiting class was an unqualified success.

Tressel headed back to Akron in non-coaching role
Former Ohio State head football coach Jim Tressel has been hired at the University of Akron in an administrative role.

Tressel, who received a graduate degree from Akron in 1977, will not work in the athletic department. He was named vice president of strategic engagement, a newly-created position that will seek to improve student life and promote community outreach at the Ohio school.,0,4191997.story



Actually just a good thought on not judging

A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block.

He found the boy’s father going and coming in the hall waiting for the doctor. Once seeing him, the dad yelled:
“Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have the sense of responsibility?”

The doctor smiled and said:
“I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came the fastest I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”

“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily

The doctor smiled again and replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Bible “From dust we came and to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”. Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go and intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace”

“Giving advice when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, “Thank God! Your son is saved!”

And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running. “If you have any question, ask the nurse!!”

“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”

NEVER JUDGE ANYONE because you never know how their life is and as to what is happening or what they’re going through.


How about one for just letting in be in God’s Hands?

Me: God can I ask you a question?
God: Sure.
Me: Promise you won’t get mad?
God: I promise.
Me: Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today?
… … … God: What do you mean?
Me: Well, I woke up late,
God: Yes.
Me: My car took forever to start,
God: Okay, …
Me: at lunch they made my sandwich wrong & I had to wait,
Me: on the way home, my phone went DEAD, just as I picked up a call…..
God: All right ~
Me: And on top of it all off, when I got home ~I just want to soak my feet in my new foot massager & relax. BUT it wouldn’t work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did you do that?
God: Let me see, the Death Angel was at your bed this morning & I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that~
Me (humbled): OH
God: I didn’t let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.
Me (ashamed)………
God: The first person who made your sandwich today was sick & I didn’t want you to catch what they have, I knew you couldn’t afford to miss work.
Me (embarrassed):Ok
God: Your phone went dead because the person that was calling was going to give false witness about what you said on that call, I didn’t even let you talk to them so you would be covered.
Me (softly): I see, God~
God: Oh and that foot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn’t think you wanted to be in the dark.
Me: I’m sorry God.
God: Don’t be sorry, just learn to trust me… all things, the good & the bad.
Me: I will trust you~
God: And don’t doubt that my plan for your day is always better than your plan.
Me: I won’t God. And let me just tell you God, thank you for everything today.
God: You’re welcome child. It was just another day being your God and I love looking after my children…

People Who Quit Their Jobs and Made Millions
Have you ever wished you could just quit your job and follow your dream? While reality gets in the way for many, there are some who have taken the chance and ditched their steady paychecks in order to turn their business ideas into reality.

Success is by no means guaranteed, but for the lucky ones the decision to say “I quit” has been handsomely rewarded. With hard work and determination, they’ve been able to turn their ideas into booming businesses.

The following people quit their jobs and went on to make millions, whether it was creating personal wealth or revenue for their company.

I wonder when I will be added to this list?

LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

If any young lady wants to get me an early Birthday present…feel free to hit the gym?

Kate Beckinsale Glute Workout: Build Buns Like Beckinsale
I personally like her eyes…but


Kate Beckinsale is known for kicking butt, but she’s equally admired for her own great glutes. Kick @ss in the gym with this Kate-inspired posterior chain workout!

As vampire death-dealer Selene in the Underworld series, Kate Beckinsale kicks so much @ss she might as well buy in bulk. If Costco sold butt, Beckinsale would buy it and kick it. Unlike peers from other vampire franchises, Beckinsale doesn’t needlessly opine, pine for lost loves, or shimmer in sunlight. Instead, she dodges bullets, smashes faces, flashes fangs, bites the foolish, and slings death in a skin-tight, all-black leather suit.

As film critic Michelle Alexandria of Eclipse Magazine notes, “She doesn’t whine, moan, or sparkle — she just kicks the butt of anyone who screws her over.” That’s our kind of girl at

She looks great doing it, largely due to a strong lower body and a dangerous, feminine physique. Even if you’re not an Underworld fan, Beckinsale is a role model for those in the business of building a better booty. Of all the silver-screen queens, she has one of the most powerful posterior chains: sculpted glutes, toned hamstrings and a strong back. – Kate Beckinsale Glute Workout: Build Buns Like Beckinsale



15 Ways To Eat Healthy Without Breaking The Bank

I am very committed to eating really healthfully and feeding my family as much nutritious food as possible. Many people complain to me that they can’t buy fresh, organic food because it’s too expensive. It’s interesting to me that 100 years ago we spent twenty-five percent of our disposable income on food and now we only spend ten percent. Furthermore, we’re actually consuming more food than before, while getting fatter and sicker. But I do think we’re starting to make the connection that we have a lot of cheap food in this country, and that cheap food has hidden costs—to our physical bodies, as well as the environment.

How can we eat healthfully without breaking the bank? Although they may not work for everyone, here are the strategies I have used over the years to allow me to eat the way I want and stay within my budget:

1. Cook from Scratch
2. Have a Plan
3. Bulk Bins
4. Case Discounts
5. Shop the Salad Bar
6. Eat Seasonally
7. Great Deals on the Web
8. Farmers Markets
9. Cut Back on Meat
10. Prioritize What is Important to Buy Organic
11. Nutritional Bangs for the Buck
12. Skip Prewashed Salad, Precut Vegetables
13. Drop the Canned and Bottled Beverages
14. Ethnic Markets
15. Purchase Store Brands




I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on MN State Highway 210 at Mile Marker 197 just East of McGregor, MN.I asked for her driver’s license, registration, and  proof of insurance. The  lady took out the required information and handed it to me. In with the cards I was somewhat surprised (due to her advanced age) to see she had a Conceal Carry Permit. I looked at her and ask  if she had a weapon in her possession at this time. She responded that she indeed had a .45  automatic in her glove  box. Something—body  language, or the way she said it—made me want to ask if she had any other firearms. She did admit to also having a  9mm Glock in her center console. Now I had to ask one more time if that was all. She responded once again that she did have just one more, a .38 special in her purse. I then asked her what was she so afraid of. She looked me right in the eye and said, “Not an f’ing thing!”



“When you are Inspired by a Great Purpose, Everything will Begin to Work for You.” ~Wayne Dyer

Know Your Teammates: Leadership Lessons from the Super Bowl Quarterbacks

Tom Brady and Eli Manning will square off this Super Bowl Sunday as the two quarterbacks tasked with leading their teams to a championship. Brady and Manning both possess many leadership and athletic qualities that have led them to the top of their sport and to this game. However, one of the primary skills of each of these quarterbacks is an in-depth knowledge of his teammates, and in particular the receivers who are supposed to be on the other end of the quarterback’s passes. That knowledge allows these two elite quarterbacks to play at the highest level and make the people around them better, which is an essential leadership skill in football or business.

In the case of Tom Brady, we can compare the style and preferences of the three receivers to whom he threw most often this season. His favorite target this season has been Wes Welker, who is relatively short but is a rare breed of receiver who prefers to run across the field and make the tough catch. Welker is also a prolific pass catcher who finished this season with the fourth highest number of receptions in a single season in NFL history. Brady knows that when he throws to Welker, he can throw across the middle and expect Welker to gain some additional yards after the catch. Deion Branch, on the other hand, is a more traditional wide receiver who can run a wide variety of routes including the deep pass. Branch, who was the Super Bowl MVP in 2005, has very good hands and Brady can throw him the ball further down field than he can to Welker. The third member of Brady’s preferred cadre of offensive weapons is Rob Gronkowski, the tight end in his second professional season. Gronkowski is part of a new breed at his position who possess basketball style athletic ability and is a prolific receiver. When Brady is throwing the ball to Gronkowski, he can throw a pass up high that Gronkowski can jump for, but he also knows that Gronkowski creates match-up problems for the defense downfield with his particular strengths.

The quarterback on the other sideline in Sunday’s game faces a similar challenge. Eli Manning’s two favorite targets this season have been Hakim Nicks and Victor Cruz. Cruz and Nicks both caught passes for over 1,100 yards this season and were a prolific offensive duo. This pair of receivers divided the defensive secondary and created match-up problems due to their distinct advantages. Nicks, a third year receiver from the University of North Carolina, is one of the bigger and stronger wide receivers in the NFL, and he is able to use that strength and his jumping ability to be a big play threat down field for deep throws from Manning. Cruz is more of a traditional “possession-style receiver” who is able to accumulate a large numbers of yards after he catches the ball due to his athletic ability. When Manning is throwing to either one of these receivers, he knows their distinct advantages on the defense and how to exploit these core capabilities.

Both Brady and Manning, as leaders for their organizations, must have a solid understanding of their teammates in order to lead effectively. This same dynamic presents itself in the business world. Whether you lead a small or large team, the first key to be successful is an awareness of your “teammates” and the distinct strengths that they bring to the table. For example, if you know that one of your colleagues is an inspirational public speaker or has a skill for innovative thought and thinking outside of the box, you would want to try and position that person on particular projects or tasks where they could take advantage of this skill.



“Dude you look so much smaller than I am used to seeing you” (said to me last Friday, while it was a compliment…it did bother me a lil).

Many friends have been sick the last few weeks, and while I like the warmer weather…when it turns to normal seasonal temps and conditions it destroys my sinus’. This was a great quote I found ‘It’s no longer a question of staying healthy. It’s a question of finding a sickness you like.’




Anthrax and Testament with Death Angel play The LC, Lifestyle Communities

The Led Zeppelin Tribute Band, Zoso plays The Newport Music Hall



My buddies, Downplay rock The Newport Music Hall

The Blackpack presents “S.E.L.L.O.U.T!” at The Midland Theater

Wendy’s Chili Open at The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. My buddy Woody Johnson from WCOL 92.3 and Dom Tiberi from WBNS 10TV, serve up Food from more than 25 local restaurants, music from The Debits, silent auction/raffles, and numerous activities for children will take place at the “Children Open,” which will be held in the Zoo’s Activity Pavilion. The Westerville Sunrise Rotary Club organizes and runs the event, so 100% of the proceeds benefit for Central Ohio Children’s Charities. For more info


John Morgan plays  All Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

Based on a true story of perseverance no matter how BIG the problem is and how small you feel, Kristen Bell , Drew Barrymore, and John Krasinski star in ‘Big Miracle’ rated “PG.”
‘Chronicle’ is just a fun movie as three high school students make an incredible discovery, leading to their developing uncanny powers beyond their understanding. Chronicle is rated “PG-13.”

This is a must watch video on a viral effort to promote Chronicle

‘Woman in Black’ is a terrifying dark movie starring “Mr. Harry Potter,” Daniel Radcliff, rated “PG-13.”

Ryan Gosling stars in ‘Drive’ rated “R.”


‘The Hammer’ is based on the life of the UFC fighter, Matt Hamill, ‘The Hammer’ is a coming of age drama about the first deaf wrestler’s journey to win a National Collegiate Championship.


Justin Timberlake stars in ‘In Time’ rated “PG-13.”



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 10-11

Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 14th Join me rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The St. Louis Blues for the Columbus Bi-Centennial Game (Pending)


February 18th

Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


February 19th My Buddy DJ Detoto kicking the Fashion 5k at The Mall at Tuttle Crossing


February 26th

Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


March 1

Rock Star Bikini Party The Official Rockstar Bikini Party will be held on March 1, 2012! at: The Vault! 35 E. Gay Street between High St. & 3rd St. Directly across from the Residence Inn.


March 4 my crew rocking the start line for the Arnold Classic Pump & Run (while I am competing in it)


March 1-4 more events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon


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February 3, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Greetings from an over the counter induced “vacation”

GREETINGS FROM the Home Office in Dublin Ohio.


While it may seem as if I do nothing while not on the road, this week has not been fun! It could be my new training routine, it could be some financial issues brought on by a client who does not want to fulfill the contracted agreement (MAYBE it is when they said deposit was “in the mail,” then follow up phone call stated “oh, we have decided to go with someone who will do in trade!”-and this is a project I have been working on since October with the event scheduled next week!?!?)


But I enjoy all the chances I get to work with many folks. However, not all go well, like the above, and another which causes me to be more than disappointed, and even concerned with “Daniella” and the staff at Tough Mudder.


At the event I had done for Tough Mudder, there was a failure of communication, and no accountability. Today that failure of accountability seems to continue when I have been informed that my sensitive tax ID information is involved in a “mishap,” and I have been requested to resubmit my information. I have not only witnessed this organizations poor management, but also a direct failure of accountability for actions and failures-placing my information in potential jeopardy. Due to this “mishap,” I would encourage athletes to utilize some other “adventure race” such as Spartan Race, Hell Run, or Warrior Dash. Due to my personal interaction, I also have concerns for all my friends in the Wounded Warrior Project as to how much of their information has been involved in a “mishap.”  For anyone who has participated in a Tough Mudder I would encourage you to call 718-643-2222 x1015 to assure your transactions are secure!


This is just one example of what is making this a rough week, but I am moving forward and looking to the future, and trying to help out a few others.


For ANYONE in a Band AND DJ’s. I am looking for a large number of bands, and DJ’s to play an early morning event on Saturday May 5 from (approx 8am-Noon). There is pay involved, and minimal to no work with exposure to over 15,000 people!!!


Here locally, THIS Friday, I AM IN TOWN and rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge (I-71, and Jackpot Road) in Grove City. 614.539.1865 – 3977 Jackpot Road, Grove City, OH 43123


But I want to get back out on the road, the place where I look for success, hide from current situations, and try to find myself along that lonesome road. I am starting think that, “Anywhere is better than here?”


“Here” is a “state of mind.” The same state I often visit and try to take a vacation in, this week the state I am visiting is full of bright colors and hot flashes followed by cool breezes (much like watching the sunset on the beach). The reason for this is all the ClaritinAlka  Seltzer  Night-time, and Daytime Cold and Sinus that I have been using to try and keep my sinus’ dry. So the sunset I am seeing is more like a Salvador Dali picture with the sunset melting into bright colors before dipping into the ocean. The sinus’ may not be dry but just like when spending too much time on the beach, my lips are chapped, my face is bright red and just like when swimming in the surf…I have almost drowned from the sinus flush stuff I am have been using!     


But these “travels” I am doing while off the road are just part of a journey that someday will allow me to find out what the hell it is all for, at least I hope (maybe a destination where I can breath without sinus issues?).


As a friend of mine posted this week “There’s a sense of stability in trusting the Lord. That’s how we wait silently and with a sense of confidence. When we wait for God to direct our steps, He does! When we trust Him to meet our needs, He will!”


So I will just keep going in and out of my “vacations” with meds in hand, knowing it will all be ok!




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


FRIDAY: I AM IN TOWN and rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge (I-71, and Jackpot Road) in Grove City.

614.539.1865 – 3977 Jackpot Road, Grove City, OH 43123

Directions from Downtown Columbus

I-71 S (signs for Cincinnati/OH-315 N)
Take exit 100 for Stringtown Rd towardGrove City
Turn left onto Stringtown Rd
Turn left onto Jackpot Rd
Destination will be on the left
3977 Jackpot Rd
Grove City, OH 43123 

PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of
 our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 5th

Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

February 10-11

Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 18th

Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


February 26th

Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


March 1-4

Events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon



‎”Being able to touch so many people through my businesses and make money while doing it, is a huge blessing” ~ Magic Johnson


“Whoever is happy will make others happy.” – Anne Frank


“A closed mind stumbles over the blessings of life without recognizing them” ~ Napoleon Hill

Rain hitting the window, rough week, and staying local, off the “Thunder Road…”


HAUNTING!!! This is Kei$ha’s cover of Bob Dylan’s don’t think twice


WOW…I think she just grew up! 


Stumbled on this one in LA. Very smooth jazz with an old school twist-old school as when music was soulful and meant something. Plus the lyrics hit home 


No matter what…



Your Facebook status can be no longer than 63206 characters long!
The increase was more than 10x the previous maximum of 5,000 characters in September 2011. That’s extremely long. For comparison, you can fit 450 tweets (filled to the brim) in a Facebook status.
How did they arrive to such a specific number of characters? The answer is extremely nerdy. A Facebook engineer explained: “I set the exact limit to something nerdy. Facebook … Face Boo K … hex(FACE) – K … 64206 – 1000 = 63206 :-).”

What would you fill with over 63k characters?

Mister DJ, will you play me a song? (This was sent to me last week, and well I guess the person knows me better than I think some do…)


1. People ask, when Jesus fed the 5000, whether the two fish were bass or catfish, and what bait was used to catch ’em.

2. The pastor says, “I’d like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering,” and then five guys and two women stand up.

3. Opening day of deer season is recognized as an official church holiday.

4. A member of the church requests to be buried in his 4-wheel-drive truck because “It ain’t never been in a hole it couldn’t get out of.”

5. The choir is known as the “OK Chorale.”

6. Boone’s Farm “Tickle Pink” is the favorite wine for communion.

7. In a congregation of 500 members, there are only seven last names in the church directory.

8. Baptism is referred to as “branding”.

9. There is a special fund raiser for a new church septic tank.

10. Finding and returning lost sheep isn’t just a parable.

11. High notes on the organ set the dogs on the floor to howling.

12. People think “rapture” is what you get when you lift something too heavy.

13. The final words of the benediction are, “Y’all come back now, ya hear?” (banjo accompaniment optional)



Voting is officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio!If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!



Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




The truest triumph over adversary, and a look of love (at the 28 second mark-from her husbands proud sparkeling eyes) 


A great man who made some horrible mistakes has passed away today. Just goes to show be careful of the choices you make, you never know when your time will come, and you won’t have a chance to right a wrong you have done. Also a good reminder, that since we can be called at anytime…as moms say, make sure you have on clean underwear.

Experts say Joe Paterno’s dismissal could have hastened his death
Joe Paterno may have lost his place in the world when fired. Or he may have neglected cancer…
Did the hammer blow to Joe Paterno’s lifelong legacy hasten his death?
At least one national expert on aging said Paterno’s firing as football coach at Pennsylvania State University, and the accusation that he should have done more to prevent a sex-abuse scandal, could have diminished his will to live.


This is sad…at one time THE place to have “off the record” meetings. If you wanted to find out what would be happening in Columbus, this was the place to hang out!

Clarmont shuttered, ending an era – Columbus – Business First

That God Forsaken state up North home to scUM is celebrating it’s 175th Birthday

“The governor is encouraging every resident to take a moment and reflect on the “beauty, greatness and promise” of Michigan.”-I think I will just pi** on a mitten,0,5626030.story



‘Hugo,’ ‘The Artist,’ Clooney Lead Oscar Nominees
Buzzed about silent black-and-white film “The Artist” and Hawaii-set dramedy “The Descendants,” starring George Clooney, both snagged multiple Oscar nominations on Tuesday, but it was Martin Scorsese’s kids adventure “Hugo” that led the pack with 11 nominations. All three movies landed best picture nods.

“The Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence, herself nominated for a best actress Oscar last year, helped announce the top nominees for this year’s 84th annual Academy Awards.

A non-traditional movie about the transition from silent film to talkies in 1920s Hollywood, “The Artist” also landed a best actor nomination for its French lead Jean Dujardin and a best director nod for Michel Hazanavicius. Clooney, disheveled as a vulnerable dad in “The Descendants,” claimed a best actor nomination as well, with filmmaker Alexander Payne following suit for best director. Both films revved up the Oscar race with best film and fest actor Golden Globes in drama and musical/comedy categories.

Other Oscar competition for best picture includes Woody Allen’s literary comedy “Midnight in Paris,” civil rights era ’60s maid ensemble “The Help,”  Steven Spielberg’s World War I fable “War Horse,” Terrence Malick’s experimental “Tree of Life,” baseball tome “Moneyball” and post Sept. 11 drama “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.”
Is it sad, I am looking forward to a couple of these?

The 7 Least Anticipated Albums of 2012 |


‘Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fight Against Special Interests, Liberal Media, and Cynical Politicos to Secure America’s Border’-Jan Brewer

Sometime after dark on March 27, 2010, Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was found dead next to his four-wheeler on the grounds of his ranch on the Arizona-Mexico border. Krentz and his dog, Blue, had been missing since that morning. They were last heard from when he radioed his brother to say that he’d found an illegal alien on the property and was going to offer him assistance. The man Krentz encountered that day shot and killed him and his dog, without warning, before escaping to Mexico.

It’s difficult to overstate the impact of Krentz’s death, which turned the issue of Arizona’s unsecured border—a crisis that the federal government had repeatedly ignored—into a national concern. As Arizona sheriff Larry Dever said in his testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, “We cannot sit by while our citizens are terrorized, robbed, and murdered by ruthless and desperate people who enter our country illegally.” This momentum helped pass SB 1070, a bill that authorizes local law enforcement under certain conditions to question persons reasonably suspected of being illegal aliens, which Governor Jan Brewer and the state legislature had been working on for months. With the passage of this controversial bill, the state of Arizona became ground zero in the impassioned debate over illegal immigration. The Democrats and the media went into overdrive, denouncing the state and its governor as racists and Nazis.


Governor Brewer, a lifelong Arizona resident with deep ties to the community, was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 1982, and hasn’t lost an election since. As a state official, she watched with increasing dismay as illegal immigration exploded across Arizona’s border, and noticed the devastating effect it was having on the state. Causing an escalation in violence, an influx of drugs, and prisons and hospitals to fill to overflowing, this problem was not only wreaking havoc on the moral fabric of the community but placing an even greater strain on Arizona’s beleaguered health, educational, and social welfare networks. Growing frustrated with the failure of the federal government to respond to her pleas for assistance, Governor Brewer led the state to action. Scorpions for Breakfast is Brewer’s commonsense account of her fight to secure our nation’s border in the face of persistent federal inaction. Her book is vital reading for all Americans interested in the real change that can happen when local leaders take the initiative to preserve our country and our laws.

During this campaign year, at least Barry has some balls?

Teams of Navy SEALs in helicopters staged an unprecedented night-time raid deep into Somalia’s pirate heartlands to free an American aid worker and her Danish colleague held hostage since October.

It was the first time in almost two decades – officially at least – that American boots landed on Somali soil, in an operation personally ordered by President Obama, who warned Wednesday he would “not tolerate the abduction” of Americans abroad.

Arizona Governor and President Obama in ‘Tense’ Exchange
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and President Barack Obama apparently had a tense exchange on an airport tarmac shortly after Air Force One touched down outside Phoenix on Wednesday.

Obama appeared to walk away from the Republican governor while they were still talking, according to a White House pool reporter.  Brewer also confirmed it by admitting she didn’t get to finish her sentence.



Same Ole Same Old


State of the Union: Fact Checking the President

President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in …
ABC News’ Huma Khan, Elizabeth Hartfield, Matt Negrin, Chris Good, Amy Bingham, Jeunee Simon, Greg Krieg, Meg Fowler and Sarah Parnass-Fact or Fiction Number 1 – The Booming Economy: Obama’s Jobs Story
Did the economy crater before President Obama’s inauguration, then rebound once his policies took effect?
It seems unlikely that the president would utter inaccurate jobs numbers during his State of the Union address, but while we wait for official White House citation, the president made at least one claim that for now looks iffy.–abc-news.html



This is kinda funny-but from one of my favorite movies

The movie is ‘Red Tails’ the product was heroism, and the end of segregation of the military during WWII


“Wow, leave it to a real live hero to be buried the same day a movie that portrays you is on thousands of screens. RIP, Lt. Col. Luke Weathers Jr..”- Rick Isbell

On the same day that retired Air Force Lt. Col. Luke Weathers Jr. took his resting place among other war and military heroes, his real-life story as a World War II aviator played out on movie screens across the country.

Weathers was buried on the day that “Red Tails,” a major motion picture about the airmen, opened in theaters nationwide. Weathers III was going to take in the matinee Friday.




Bruins goalie Tim Thomas refuses to visit White House


Dr. Williams Prediction – Obama 2012

Can  President Obama be defeated in  2012?  No.  He  can’t..
I am going on record as saying that   President Barak Obama will win a second  term.

The media  won’t tell  you this because a good election campaign means  hundreds of millions (or in Obama’s case billions) of dollars to them in advertising.

But the  truth is, there simply are no conditions under which Barak  Obama can be defeated in 2012.

The   quality of the Republican candidate doesn’t matter.    Obama gets reelected.
Nine percent unemployment?   No  problem.  Obama will win.

Gas  prices moving toward five   dollars a gallon?  He still wins.
The economy soars or goes into the  gutter.  Obama wins.
War in the Middle East ?  He wins a  second term.

America’s role  as the leading Superpower disappears?  Hurrah for Barak  Obama!
The U.S. government rushes toward  bankruptcy, the  dollar continues to sink on world  markets, and the price of daily goods and  services soars due to inflation fueled by Obama’s extraordinary  deficit spending?  Obama wins  handily.

You are crazy  Williams.  Don’t you understand how volatile politics can be  when overall economic, government, and  world  conditions are declining?  Sure I  do.

And that’s  why I know Obama will win.

The  American people are notoriously ignorant of economics.
And  economics is the key to why Obama should be  defeated.

Even when  Obama’s  policies lead the nation to final ruin, the majority  of the American people are going  to believe the bait-and-switch tactics Obama and his supporters in  the media will  use to explain why it isn’t his fault.
After  all, things were much worse than understood when he took   office.

Obama’s  reelection is  really a very, very simple math problem.   Consider the  following:
1) Blacks  will vote for Obama blindly.  Period.  Doesn’t matter what  he does.  It’s a race thing.  He’s one of   us.

2)  College educated women will vote  for Obama.  Though they will be offended by this, they swoon at  his oratory.

It’s really not more complex than  that.

3)  Liberals will vote for  Obama.  He is their great  hope.

4)  Democrats will vote for  Obama.  He is the leader of their  party and his coat  tails will carry them to victory  nationwide,

5)  Hispanics will vote for  Obama.  He is the path to citizenship for those who are illegal  and
Hispanic leaders recognize the  political clout they carry in the Democratic  Party.

6) Union  members will vote  overwhelmingly for Obama.
He is their  key to money and power  in business, state and local politics.

7)  Big  Business will support Obama.  They already  have.  He has almost $1 Billion dollars in his reelection purse
gained   largely from his connections with Big Business and  is gaining  more every day.  Big  Business loves Obama because he gives them access to taxpayer money
so long  as they support his social and political agenda.

8) The  media loves him.  They  may attack the people who work for him, but they love him. After all, to not love him would be  racist.

9) Most  other minorities and special  interest groups will vote for him.
Oddly, the overwhelming majority of Jews  and Muslims will support him because they won’t vote  Republican. American Indians will support him.   Obviously homosexuals tend to vote Democratic.  And  lastly,

10)  Approximately half of independents will vote for Obama.
And he  doesn’t need  anywhere near that number because he has all of  the groups previously mentioned. The  President will win an  overwhelming victory in 2012.
—   Dr.  Walter Williams

Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ to picket Paterno’s funeral

New school can’t be Cougars because middle-aged women might be offended
Students at a new Utah high school are facing disappointment after their choice for a new school mascot was rejected for one of the strangest reasons possible: Board members deemed it might be seen as offensive to middle-aged women.

As reported by Salt Lake City Fox affiliate KTSU, Draper (Utah) Corner Canyon High announced its new mascot and school colors on Wednesday, with Canyons School District officials proclaiming thatthe school’s teams will be called the Chargers, using a blue and white color scheme.

That’s all fine and good except for the fact that the school’s future student body — which was given the opportunity to select its own future mascot — had chosen to be the Cougars. With some 23 percent of the student vote, the Cougar choice was far preferred to other options, which included the Chargers, Diamondbacks, Falcons, Raptors, Broncos, Bears and Cavaliers.

The reason why the future student body gravitated toward Cougars is pretty clear: Area collegiate power BYU uses the Cougar as its mascot and enjoys an enormous fan base of area residents and those who follow the Mormon faith (BYU is a Mormon institution).




There is a new “Prince” of Detroit

Which Will Prince Fielder And Miguel Cabrera Reach First: 600 Combined Homers Or 600 Combined Pounds?


Bowling For $$: What Will The Buckeye Ban Cost?
Buckeye players, coaches and fans may be disappointed that the team will not be allowed to play in a bowl game after the 2012 football season but the NCAA-imposed ban is having a financial impact on those in the travel industry and stores that sell OSU merchandise.

“We got hammered, is the good word, and I think it’s going to have an effect” says George Kun of George Kun Travel. “I’m anticipating that it’s not going to be good and I think when it’s finally here it’ll be twice as bad.”

Ohio State has played in a bowl game in every season but three since 1977, when the Big Ten first allowed member schools to accept invitations to games other than the Rose Bowl.

“We’re spoiled, and blessed, I guess, with the string of bowl games that we’ve had and I think it’s going to hit Buckeye nation hard,” Kun said.



Students open to different religions
Field trip’s aim is to build tolerance for people of other faiths
Sixth-grade girls throw the term “best friend” around a lot, but it’s clear Sarah Abdelbaki means it when she refers to Maia Kropp.

Sarah is 10 and Muslim. Maia is 11 and Jewish. Both are students at the Wellington School in Upper Arlington, and both went on a field trip yesterday to a church, a synagogue and a mosque.

The group learned about Christianity at Trinity United Methodist Church in Marble Cliff, Judaism at Congregation Beth Tikvah in Worthington and Islam at the Noor Islamic Cultural Center in Hilliard.

They’ve been studying monotheism in class, where their teachers say they want to expose the children to different faiths and viewpoints now while they’re young and open to new ideas.

The hope is that they will grow into tolerant adults who respect differences. Most of the students said they had never been to a house of worship of a different religion.

Sarah and Maia said they don’t talk much about religion, but rather more about the things they have in common: a love of drawing and Greek mythology. Sarah even learned some Greek letters online and taught them to Maia, and now they write notes that no one else can read.

“We have some different beliefs and different ways of doing things, but we can still be best friends,” Sarah said.

The 6 Least Impressive Ways Anyone Ever Got Rich

Most of us don’t think of our ideal success story as “Work hard for 40 years and earn enough for a modest retirement.” We want to hit the home run and get rich while we’re still young enough to enjoy it. And most of us aren’t exactly knocking ourselves out looking for our million-dollar idea — it’s more about hanging around and hoping a reality-TV producer will decide to turn our life into an even less eventful version of Jersey Shore.

Well, we have to admit that does sometimes happen. Here’s your inspiration, slackers:

#6. Getting Rich for Wearing a T-Shirt
Sometimes, the more blatantly intelligence-insulting an idea is, the better it works. Perhaps nowhere is this as true as within the world of advertising, where the dumbest ideas can bring fame and fortune, to the point where it seems that the ad companies flat out don’t give a shit about anything anymore. The good news is that you don’t need to be a snazzy ad executive to get your piece of that sweet, sweet money cake. Hell, you don’t even need to work.

#5. Making Millions by Grabbing the Right Web Domains
Websites are like women — the best names were already gone by the mid-’90s. But unlike today’s parents, who have turned to made-up words and geography in their search for good names, the Internet has turned to commerce. Domain names are a huge business, with professional investors and manuals and everything.

“Chapter One: Beginner Time Machining”
And holy shit you could have made some serious coin if you happened to jump on the train before anyone even realized there was a train. Take Chris Clark, the guy who registered the domain name in 1994, hoping this newfangled “Internet” thing would help his consulting company score a deal with a pizza business somehow. He ended up maintaining the domain for $20 a year for 14 years, using it as a small time advertising directory, until one day he realized that both pizza and Internet seem to be doing alright and someone might actually be interested in paying a buck or two for his domain. The second the domain name went up for auction, every pizza company in the world went apesh*t and a bidding war ensued.

The man eventually netted $2.6 million.

#4. The $3 Million Bounce

Phil Ozersky, a longtime Cardinals fan, genetic researcher and caretaker of his paralyzed father, just happened to be sitting at Busch Stadium when Mark McGwire hit his 70th home run. Like everyone else who cared even vaguely about baseball at the time, he was caught up in the home run race between McGwire and Sammy Sosa, when bounce … the ball that broke the record plopped from a coworker’s hands into his own.

So, that’s a nice souvenir, right? Maybe something to give the kids when they grow up? Ha, no. It turns out that sitting in that specific seat (out of 47,000) on that particular day meant he was about to get “You don’t have to work again” money.

#3. Thrift Store Declaration of Independence
So you’re rumbling through a thrift store when you spot a cheap-ass-looking copy of the Declaration of Independence. What do you do? If your answer is, “What the hell? How is that even a question? Of course I will leave that shit where it lies,” then good for you! You just saved $2.48. If you say, “Of course I’ll buy the shit of that shit. Shiiiit,” then congratulations! You’re Michael Sparks, and you’ve just earned yourself $477,000.

Just a few tea mop-ups and it’ll be as good as old.
It turns out an actual, official copy of the Declaration of Independence that was commissioned by John Quincy Adams in 1820 was found slumming in the thrift store circuit.


#2. The World’s Luckiest Cafeteria Chef
Imagine you’re a chef looking for a new job. You’re no newbie in the business, and in fact you command a pretty decent salary — it’s just that you feel like doing something different. Out of your employment options, one company sticks out in particular. They’re not offering you anything spectacular — in fact, the salary would be roughly half of what you’re currently getting — but there’s health benefits, and the owners seem like a pretty decent bunch. They’re a fledgling software company, and they want you to come cook in their cafeteria.

“No, don’t worry about OSHA certification. We’re a wacky company with scooters that plays against the rules.”

Adorably, the new company even offers you a bunch of stock options you can cash in should they ever hit it big. It all seems pretty cute, so you accept their offer. Startups are always happy to throw around stock options as an incentive (it’s risk-free, because the options are worth nothing, and will continue to be worth nothing unless the company takes off). So, you run the company’s cafeteria for several years, no big deal.

Less than 10 years later, you cash in your stock options and leave a cool $26 million richer.

Because the company in question was a little operation called “Google.”

#1. The Serial Lottery Winner
If good fortune were a finite resource, the amount Joan Ginther has been hogging would be responsible for the misfortunes of the entire Third World. This Texas math professor made her reputation as a goddamn human cloverleaf by winning

the Texas lottery in 1993, winning a cool $5.4 million.

Then she did it again in 2006, this time winning $2 million.

Then in 2008, she buys yet another lottery ticket because what the hell, she can afford it. And she wins again, for $3 million this time.

“I only do this to see what the poor people do with their meager disposable income. It’s a hoot.”

Seriously, now. What the hell are the odds of somebody winning three tim —
Wait, what?

In 2010, she won again? And for the biggest jackpot yet — $10 million?



LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT
Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to

3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda

By now, it’s probably fair to say that most Americans know soda isn’t a health-promoting drink. Over the years, the carbonated beverage has been blamed for the obesity epidemic and rising healthcare costs. Some public health experts have even called for a soda tax to help deter people from drinking so much of it. While love handles and diabetes are obvious problems associated with soda, drinking the sweet carbonated beverages harbors hidden threats, too.

1.  It causes invisible fat buildup around your organs.

2. Some contain toxic flame retardants.

3. You’re taking part in the biggest science experiment on the planet.


Dog Found Shot, Starving Has ‘Will To Live’

“The difference between the impossible & the possible lies in a person’s determination. ” Tommy Lasorda “What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists & it becomes available only when a man or woman is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what they wants & is fully determined not to quit until they find it.” Alexander Graham Bell

Determination is the very essence of making things look as it were divine intervention when in fact it was nothing short of the inner will to make things happen! Nothing can never replace a determined heart, determined mind, & determined will.

Determination is the driving force of success in our lives; without it we just live a mediocre, mundane life, which is just unacceptable! Get determined!-Doc



There is no problem in business that cannot be solved by more revenue.
-Warren Buffet (or political dealings that can be helped, or maybe a secretary tax blunder?) I used to respect Warren Buffet as a renegade business person who did things on his own, and shoved his thumb in the nose of the Government. I WAS WRONG, he is corrupt and had become a pawn for The Obama Administration-helping to fuel Barry’s political machine, and make millions in the process!)


‎”The more reasons you have for achieving your goal, the more determined you will become.” – Brian Tracy


“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” – Paulo Coelho
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” – Kahlil Gibran


We’re not telling you it is going to be easy, we’re telling you it is going to be worth it.




David Allan Coe plays Screamin’ Willies

I AM IN TOWN and rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge (I-71, and Jackpot Road) in Grove City.

614.539.1865 – 3977 Jackpot Road, Grove City, OH 43123

(Who wants to take me?) “Winter Jam” at The Schottenstein Center with Skillet, NewSong, Sanctus Real, Peter Furler, Kari Jobe, Building 429, Group 1 Crew, Dara Maclean, For King And Country, We As Human, Nick Hall, and Brock Gill. For more info

Nobodies of Comedy play the Midland Theater in Downtown Nerk. For more info

J. Medicine Hat, hypnotises and amuzes All Weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

Liam Neeson stars in ‘The Grey’ rated “R”


Never before has standing in place been so exciting, ‘Man on a Ledge’  rated “PG-13”


CHICK FLICK ‘One for the Money’ rated “PG-13,” staring Katherine Heigl



‘Real Steel’ staring Hugh Jackman, rated “PG-13”


Cancer can be funny, and laughter can cure anything as in as the “based on a true story, ‘50/50’ rated “R” proves


Kellie Pickler releases her much acclaimed 100 proof


Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

February 5th Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

February 10-11 be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 18th Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


March 1-4 Events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon
Follow us:

January 26, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Staying warm on a cold plane thanx to a lesson learned, and some Buffet on the headphones

GREETINGS FROM 27,000 feet in the cold, frigid, air. By this I don’t mean it looks cold out the window…this freaking plane is FREEZING!


In addition to being cold, I am also a lil perturbed, cause the “Wi Fi” sticker on the cabin must be a “typo” cause there was no internet on the flight and I am being forced to type from The Airport of The Twin Cities of Minneapolis. I wonder if I will be reimbursed for no internet-which I pre-paid for. OF COURSE NOT, cause I am the customer, who would want to take care of a customer!?!?!


I know that myself, and the entire crew(s) I work with take care of clients! Speaking of that, it is National Thank a DJ day, so please call into radio, send an email or text, maybe tonight in the club…thank a dj.


Anyway there are a couple people WHO DO take care of their clients. If you are looking to up any New Year’s resolutions of fitness, or increase whatever you are doing, or even tweak your program…even if just wanna get off a fat a** see my buddies Todd Cunningham, and Dinos Angeles. Both are at the Aussie Fitness (Formerly Lifestyle Family Fitness, and prior to that, California Fitness). While Todd is at The Reynoldsburg location, and Dinos is on Fishinger, both of them and their staffs can help you meet any goal. Dinos has been training me off and on for a few years, and is currently training me for The Arnold Pump & Run (on March). My fitness levels have never been so high, and in all honesty I am seeing a very good change in my physique. More important, I feel good, inside…and out! You should see either one of them.


In the entertainment world. I have a buddy looking for an MC to work with him at a nightly bar/dance club. If anyone is looking to make a couple extra bucks having fun in the nightclub industry please let me know

I will put you in touch with him.


For ANYONE in a Bands AND DJ’s. I am looking for a large number of bands, and DJ’s to play an early morning event on Saturday May 5 from (approx 8am-Noon). There is pay involved, and minimal to no work with exposure to over 15,000 people!!!


So here I am again on another road trip. I love being in the air, and on the road. I get to (in some way) live the lifestyle of all those Rock & Rollers I wanted to be like (now with the exception of some of their lifestyles). I get to not only see some amazing sights but also meet and experience a great number of people. Some are great, some suck, some are real a**holes. BUT ALL TEACH something.


As I was in line for TSA this morning, the line was moving great and I thought “this will be a breeze, I will be able to sit down early, relax, get some work done.” But after 10 minutes in line, I found…I WAS WRONG!”


There was a group of people 3 adults, 2 males, 1 female. I thought maybe a family with an older son. I was right, but older only in physical stature. The young man was just chatting along, and talking to everyone in a very LOUD and friendly nature. He was saying hello and letting anyone (and any TSA agent) who would listen where he was going. He was a very outgoing and nice guy, and this really PI**ED ME OFF!!! I mean come on…he just wants to say hello to everyone, and take away from my time of relaxing!?!? His “parents” were not even trying to hustle him along. What is wrong with them?


Then the young man turned around to say hello to me (in my sunglasses, sleeveless shirt, and skull cap looking as “thug” as I am able to-usually to keep people from talking to me). I was ready to hit him with some snide remark and tell him to “hurry up”…until I saw his physical appearance. The young man had Downs Syndrome.


This young man was “functional,” but did have some characteristics of having an extra chromosome.  I was very taken back, and even somwhat ashamed that I wanted him to “hurry up.” Now yea I wanted to get though the line, but this kid started talking to me. Telling me where he was going (I still don’t know-was so taken back by him I kinda didn’t listen). I do know he is going through Minneapolis cause he is on my flight now, he is in the back of the plane. How do I know?…HE IS PLAYING ANGRY BIRDS, yelling at screen, and DID NOT TURN OFF THE GAME VOLUME-but I can deal with it from the lesson learned. Besides I have Jimmy Buffet on in my headphones and I, for the moment, am in paradise on a warm beach with my feet in the sand-even if my feet are FREEZING on this flight! This “young man” won me over, it could be because he was so loud it was either get pi**ed off or just let him win, it could be his comment “you have big arms,” but mainly he was nice (even if in a having a pet rabbit and hugging too tight way).


This kid was so nice, and engaging that he won over EVERYONE around him. TSA was chatting it up with him, other passengers were talking to him…I even found myself, helping with his bags. This “delay” was a great way to start my weekend, and trip, and a great lesson learned.


I wondered what it would have been like if he had not had that “extra chromosome.” I wondered if he was not “special” if I would have opened up to his friendliness. I wondered how much happier we all could be if we were all that nice, and just plain happy as him. In my desire to better myself in all areas, I thought for a minute “why can’t I have that extra chromosome.”


So my new buddy and I walked to our gate (maybe we were on the same intellectual level?) and he started running and yelling. Now this kinda freaked me out, but I just kinda walked slower, and hugged the wall.


He ran to the gate to meet up with some other folks he seemed to know. But before he got there he was greeted first. Halfway between this screaming, yelling, and running  young man and the gate, he was greeted by a winy, blond with pretty brown eyes and was barking loudly.


He was meeting with some other “special folks” and one had a assistance dog. The dog was very happy to see him (MAYBE as happy as he was to see her?), and they were loud, and not really appropriate for an airport…and it was AWESOME!


He introduced me to his “friend Daisy” who looked an awful lot like The World Famous PepperDog. She was very friendly, and I have not seen Pepper since the 4th of this month. I also had a new “friend” in Daisy and maybe found myself acting a lil bit inappropriate for an airport like my “special” new friend, and ya know what…it was ok!

Have a great weekend, find a way to see the “specialness” in everyone, not those who you can just “tell.” We all have something special even without that extra chromosome.


FYI…I get Pepper Back on Tuesday!!!


Prior to this trip I have been very involved with the SOPA, and PIPA bills. Even if you are not on “the internet” much, or if not in the entertainment arena, and even if you don’t do research…please educate yourself on these bills that are not only a form of censorship, but also a form of OVER GOVERNMENT! Don’t let ‘Em “Tread on You!”




“Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.

Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.

The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.”


Stop Online Piracy Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes.” —H.R. 3261

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a law (bill) of the United States proposed in 2011 to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Proposals include barring advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with allegedly infringing websites, barring search engines from linking to the sites, and requiring Internet service providers (ISP) to block access to the sites. The bill would criminalize the streaming of such content, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
User-content websites such as YouTube would be greatly affected, and concern has been expressed that they may be shut down if the bill becomes law. Opponents state the legislation would enable law enforcement to remove an entire domain due to something posted on a single blog, arguing that an entire online community could be punished for the actions of a tiny minority. In a 1998 law, copyright owners are required to request the site to remove the infringing material within a certain amount of time. SOPA would bypass this “safe harbor” provision by placing the responsibility for detecting and policing infringement onto the site itself.
Lobbyists for companies that rely heavily on revenue from intellectual property copyright state it protects the market and corresponding industry, jobs, and revenue. The US president and legislators suggest it may kill innovation. Representatives of the American Library Association state the changes could encourage criminal prosecution of libraries. Other opponents state that requiring search engines to delete a domain name begins a worldwide arms race of unprecedented censorship of the Web and violates the First Amendment.
A number of protest actions were organized, including petition drives and boycotts of companies that support the legislation. On January 18, English Wikipedia and several other internet companies coordinated a service blackout to protest SOPA and PIPA.




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


ALL WEEKEND: If in Portland, Oregon, join me at The Honda Center for the PBR Anaheim Invitational



PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out our website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 27th

Join me as I AM IN TOWN and rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th

Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

February 10-11

Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 18th

Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


February 26th

Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


Events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon



Men no longer like to be called “Boy Toys”… From here on out, we would prefer the term “Action Figure”.

Maybe my new anthem!?!?


No matter how good, no matter how bad…


There are some songs that hit me in the chest so hard I lose my breath; this was one of those I stumbled on. All I could say was…YEP!


I KEEP hearing this song over and over, daily in my mind


Guess I am just in one of those moods…!


…on more, I must really be in a mood

Even if It Breaks Your Heart



Men’s brains are less well formed and shrink at a faster rate than women’s.

When is a good time to stop saying “Happy New Year”?


This professor believes that texting while in a lecture hall is rude. Therefore, instead of letting it spread and become a class-wide problem, this wise educator has developed a fail-proof plan to nip it in the bud.



Starting on January 18, at 3:00 PM Eastern, voting officially opened for the 2012 “Infinity Coaches’ Charity Challenge”, a competition between 48 of the top college basketball coaches in the nation. This year, Coach Thad Matta has been selected for the challenge, and we are thrilled to support him! As a part of the promotion, each coach has been asked to select a charity, and we are excited to announce that Coach Matta has chosen Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio! If we help Coach Matta receive the most votes, a donation of $100,000 will be given to RMHC of Central Ohio!

Fan participation will determine the ultimate winner over an eight-week period beginning January 18th by registering and voting on a custom microsite on  For the first six weeks, four brackets of 12 coaches will be paired against each other, with the winners from each group moving onto the next round in week seven and the final round in week eight.  Fans can vote for up to four coaches per day.  The winning coach will be announced March 9, 2012.

Here is what we need you to do:
1. Go to and vote for Thad Matta in the Midwest Region
2. If you already have an ESPN account, submit your username and password. If you do not, you will need to register. It’s a very simple process.
3. Share this with all of your friends
4. Repeat steps 1 – 3!
Thank you all for your support. Together we can help Coach Matta win and earn $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.




NYC’s Chinatown Prepares for Chinese New Year
New York’s Chinatown is gearing up for Chinese New Year. Foods are being prepared, decorations hung and last minute rehearsals are being held for the festival and parade that will draw residents and visitors alike. Residents say it is the largest Chinatown in the United States.


Actually this is a facebook page that we will just say a few pictures tell a thousand words, and the story of a special young life.


“At Last” blues singer, Etta James has passed away at the age of 73. At last was not only one of my favorites, but also one of the most popular songs I have ever played weddings.

Happy 65 Dolly Parton (I guess she turns just under 33 doubled?) BTW try to watch this and not sing along!


PLUS She is getting her own theme park…back.

Gaylord, Dolly Parton join for water, snow park Featured
Companies to develop 100-plus-acre family entertainment zone in Nashville, anchored by the first water and snow park in the U.S.

Two of the biggest names in Tennessee tourism are teaming up to bring a major family entertainment zone to Nashville. Gaylord Entertainment (NYSE: GET) and Dolly Parton’s Dollywood Company have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for a 50/50 joint venture to develop a 114-acre family entertainment zone adjacent to the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center.
The Dollywood Company will serve as the operating partner. Phase one of the project is a yet unnamed approximately $50 million water and snow park, the first of its kind in the United States. A late 2012, early 2013 groundbreaking date is expected with the park opening slated for summer of 2014.


Happy B-Day “Spuds”

Happy 50th birthday to former Cincinnati Reds third baseman Chris Sabo!

To celebrate, our buddies from ‘Homage” are offering 50% off their officially-licensed Chris Sabo T-Shirt with coupon code “goggles” at checkout.

(or you can buy one of my 178 Chris Sabo rookie cards-an investment that did not go so well)


HAPPY 90th Betty White…I wish I had your talent, charisma, and drive at my age!


Muhammad Ali: still The Greatest at 70
The dancing master is back! screamed a TIME Magazine headline in October 1970 after heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali finally climbed back into the ring three years after being stripped of his world title and boxing license following his refusal to be drafted into the United States Army as a conscientious objector.

This week the same the America and the world at large celebrated with the same Ali his 70th birthday.


AND ONE MORE…Happy Birthday to Olympic Medalist, and dancing with the stars season 8 winner, the ADORABLE Shawn Johnson



Ohioans Purchased Record $793.7 Million In Liquor Last Year

“Better inventory management and improved customer service helps us meet the needs of customers,” Commerce Director David Goodman said. “This is a positive indicator for Ohio’s economy, showing
that Ohioans are again patronizing restaurants and entertainment businesses.”

According to the department, Kamchatka Vodka was the top selling liquor with 401,148 gallons sold in 2011.

Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey sold 349,589 gallons, and Bacardi Superior Light Rum sold 291,559 gallons. Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, Absolut Vodka, Smirnoff Vodka, Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey, Jagermeister, Korski Vodka, and Black Velvet Canadian Whiskey also topped the list.


Never-Before-Seen Van Halen! ‘You Really Got Me’ Acoustic
We’re barely into January, and already 2012 is a momentous year for fans of classic rockers/Hall of Famers Van Halen. Not only did the band announce a reunion tour, the guys also confirmed they’re in the studio working on their first new album with iconic original frontman David Lee Roth in nearly 30 years.
Now, here’s a cherry on the sundae for all the VH fans out there: A never-before-seen video of all four members of the band performing an acoustic version of their hit “You Really Got Me.”

This tune, of course, is the band’s well-loved cover of the Kinks classic, which VH adopted for their 1978 self-titled debut. It’s been more than three decades since the original came out–but this is the first time VH has filmed an acoustic version of it.

BOOKS: Great for starting off 2012

‘Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success’

Napoleon Hill wrote this book in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published, considered too controversial by his family and friends.

Using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, Napoleon Hill digs deep to identify the greatest obstacles we face in reaching personal goals: fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy, as tools of the Devil. These hidden methods of control can lead us to ruin, and Hill reveals the seven principles of good that will allow us to triumph over them and succeed.

From Rep Allen West

“ I’d like to dig them up, and piss on them again.” Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines’ video, and has given us permission to publish it. “I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu . Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah. “All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq ?


“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter. “As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”

-AND THAT! Is the ONLY reason I am supporting the Gingrich/West ticket. #causeTedsaidso


Please support this Marine by going to his facebook page

Josh Sams is a Marine Scout Sniper that was wounded by an IED and rendered a double amputee (above the knee) in Afghanistan while conducting operations. Josh is very well liked by many people. This Marine is a Marine to emulate. Josh is a hero amongst us all, and needs our support. Let’s give prayers and support for him. America needs to give back to this Marine, for he is the reason why we have freedoms in America. Thank you and Semper Fi.

Rick Perry drops his presidential bid
Rick Perry on Thursday dropped his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, throwing his support behind former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

“I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path forward for me in the 2012 campaign,” Perry said at a press conference in North Charleston, South Carolina. “I know when it’s time to make a strategic retreat.”


Those who are left (well on the Right but still in it)
In order? Romney (only one who can win?), Gingrich (too much baggage?-Career Politician…BUT HAS ALLEN WEST!) with Rick Santorum gaining speed. Paul has cooled off-He has great ideers, however he communicates them like a mad man (and he resembles that cult leader, Applewhite, from a few years ago)

…but not sure I want that “Kreepy King” showing up at my door

Burger King tries home delivery

The door-to-door Whopper may soon be on the menu.
Burger King, the No. 2 burger chain, has quietly begun testing home delivery of its burgers, fries and other sandwiches since fall at four of its restaurants in the greater Washington, D.C., area, with an eye on expanding beyond that.

Should home delivery catch on for the burger giants — as it has for the pizza kingpins — it could be an industry changer. But it runs counter to long-held consumer perception that fast-food burgers and fries travel poorly — and don’t warm up well in the microwave. It also would require millions of hungry folks to change their at-home eating habits. “There are some real food-quality issues here,” says Ron Paul, president of research firm Technomic. “But there’s no question that consumer expectation for having things delivered has risen.”




Coast Guard Captain Gregorio De Falco

Italy enthralled by ship’s tale of two captains

The Coast Guard officer who ordered the captain of the capsized Italian cruise ship to go back aboard unwittingly became an instant hero on Wednesday, credited with saving the national honor on one of its darkest nights.

Italy has become enthralled with the tale of two captains.
One is Coast Guard Captain Gregorio De Falco, who furiously ordered the skipper of the Costa Concordia to return to his ship and oversee the rescue operations.
The other is Captain Francesco Schettino – whom newspapers have branded a coward for fleeing in the face of adversity and who is now under house arrest, accused of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship.
“Listen Schettino, perhaps you have saved yourself from the sea but I will make you look very bad. I will make you pay for this. Go on board (Expletive!)” De Falco yelled at Schettino during a 4-minute radio exchange made public on Tuesday.
The Italian word De Falco used, “cazzo” in Italian, is slang for the male sexual organ but it is commonly used to emphasize something, equivalent to “Go on board, damn it.”

The imperative phrase in Italian — “Vada a bordo, cazzo!” — was already on T-shirts by Wednesday morning.

UMMM, Shocker?:

As much as she drinks (seen firsthand, and all the butter, salt, and sugar she uses is this REALLY a surprise?


Diabetics call Paula Deen a hypocrite for hiding disease while promoting sugar-heavy foods

Angry diabetics are calling celebrity chef Paula Deen a hypocrite, both for hiding her disease while promoting fatty, sugar-heavy foods and for partnering with a drug company that provides relief for diabetics.

Deen, host of the Food Network’s “Paula’s Best Dishes,” confirmed on Tuesday’s “Today Show” that she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, three years ago, even as she continued to promote such dishes as “Chocolate Cheese Fudge” and “Sausage Pancake Egg Sandwiches” on her program. She also announced her latest venture—a partnership with diabetes drug maker Novo Nordisk.


Follow up from my friend Lesley

The media is on my last nerve with their constant Paula Dean bashing! People act like she has eaten nothing but doughnut hamburgers and drank nothing mayonnaise and butter smoothies her entire life and that because she has a TV show she is somehow ethically and professionally bound to disclose her private medical information. She has a TV show, folks. You watch it so they keep airing it! That does not mean that she eats the foods she cooks on her show three meals a day. Don’t pretend Paula is to blame for fat Americans. Is there nothing to be said for personal choice and what we choose to put into our mouths? She does not have to tell you that she has diabetes just because she is in the business of food just like Marlboro and Budweiser don’t have to disclose when their execs are diagnosed with lung cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. You knew eating hit fat foods could cause medical problems before Paula Dean came along and you’ll know after she is long gone. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop pointing fingers!
For me? I think Paula Deen is in the wrong, and she has brought this on herself. And in turn created a smoke and mirrors image for American’s to eat whatever they want, develop a disease such as Diabetes, and go on meds. Eating fairly healthy, in moderation, and some type of exercise could go much further in prevention than a pill can for management.

Obama administration rejects Keystone pipeline permit
Olstein Capital Management CEO Bob Olstein on the impact of Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone Pipeline on energy investments, plus the outlook for Intel.
The decision does not necessarily kill the project. The State Department said the denial “does not preclude any subsequent permit application” — and within hours pipeline company TransCanada announced that it would reapply for a permit.

But the decision at least delays the project, one that unions and GOP lawmakers alike said would be a boon for job creation as well as energy security.
“Until this pipeline is constructed, the U.S. will continue to import millions of barrels of conflict oil from the Middle East and Venezuela and other foreign countries,” TransCanada said in a statement Wednesday, saying it is “disappointed” by the administration’s call. “Thousands of jobs continue to hang in the balance if this project does not go forward.”

Someone tattled to the Ravens about Joe Flacco riding a skateboard
It’s a story straight out of suburbia: A nosy neighbor sees someone riding around on a skateboard and makes a call to an authority figure in an attempt to stop such rebellious behavior. The one key difference in the following tale: The someone on the skateboard was Joe Flacco and the authority figure the neighbor called was the Baltimore Ravens.




Man Agrees To Drink An Entire Bottle Of Tabasco If Tebow Loses To The Patriots, Pukes
Amateur cinematography aside, this is an oddly compelling watch. Textbook storytelling, actually. The tension slowly builds—A hero’s quest, will he actually do it? I don’t think he’s going to do it—rising action—he’s getting ready, he may actually do it— climax—oh my god he did it!—and then, denouement.


Meyer fills out Ohio State staff with coaches that have Buckeye State connections
Coach Urban Meyer was the right choice for Ohio State as its football program looks to bounce back from a down year plagued by scandals.

Meyer has ties to the program and has won a pair of national titles, he has also assembled a staff that will have no problem selling the virtues of playing for the Buckeyes.

As National Signing Day approaches, Meyer and his assistants are selling recruits on Ohio State with the help of first-hand experience.

Meyer has rounded out his staff in Columbus with five assistants from other programs. Of those, four have ties to the Buckeye state and an understanding of what it means to play football at Ohio State.

The “I Hate Religion but Love Jesus” Guy Answers 5 Tough Questions



Exclusive: Buffett Set to Match Congressman’s Donation to Debt
Billionaire Warren Buffett says he will match donations made by a Republican Congressman to cut the nation’s $15.2 trillion debt.
Last week, Buffett challenged the GOP to a $1 for $1 donation match to cut the debt — and offered to match $3 for every $1 Senate GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) gave.

In a letter FOX Business has obtained, Buffett writes “he is delighted to match” Republican Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell’s 2011 and 2012 donation, which is about $49,000 total, and that he “plans to send along my match to the Treasury around April 20th, after I’ve had a chance to hear from everyone” in Congress.


LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Pump & Run Plan



(15 mins for 3.5 miles) remaining half speed for total of 5-7 miles


Standing Alternating Iso concentration dumbbell curls 20 for 20 x2
Standing upright tri dumbbell extensions 20×2 for 20
Standing alternating dumbbell delt front/side lifts 20 for 20

Incline Sitting dumbbell curls 15×2 for 20
Standing bent over tri kick backs 15×2 for 20
Standing dumbbell shoulder press 15×2 for 20

Standing straight barbell curl 65 for 20
Standing straight barbell tri extension 65 for 20
Standing dumbbell shrugs 80×2 for 20

Standing Hercules cable curls 20×2 for 20
Standing triceps rope push down 45.6 for 20
Standing rear delt raise (should rehab) 15×2 for 20


Flat bench (feet on ground) x 50

Laying flat bench (feet on bench) x 50

Side Oblique (raised L + R) x 50 x 2

Side Oblique (flat L + R) x 50 x 2

Inverted Crunch 50 x 2

Crunch 50

Stable Ball 100

Total 450


Between flight 2, 3, 4 add

Standing Oblique crunch with L + R 45 x 2

Laying leg raise 15 x 25

Hanging Leg raises 25



Increased flight run for >3.5 under 30mins

“level” based on % of max for day

2 min warm up

Flight 1

Min 3 level 1

Min 4 level 2

Min 5 level 3

Min 6 level 4


Flight 2

Min 7 level 1

Min 8 level 2

Min 9 level 3

Min 10 level 4


Flight 3

Min 11 level 1

Min 12 level 2

Min 13 level 3

Min 14 level 4


Flight 4

Min 15 level 1

Min 16 level 2

Min 17 level 3

Min 18 level 4


Flight 5

Min 19 level 1

Min 20 level 2

Min 21 level 3

Min 22 level 4


Flight 6

Min 23 level 1

Min 24 level 2

Min 25 level 3

Min 26 level 4

Min 27 level 5


Flight 7

Min 28 level 6-7

Min 29 Cool Down


Followed with light abs

Full leg rehab and stretch session




Warm up

Incline Push Ups x 30

Flat Bench Straight Bar (45 pounds) x 20

Flat Bench Straight Bar 135 x 10


Pump & Run Training % workout (based on 285 max bench)

55% 160 x 5

Rest 1:15

65% 185 x 3

Rest 1:15

72% 205 x2

Rest 1:15

80% 228 x1

Rest 1:15

80% 228 x 3

Rest 1:15

65% 185 x 3

Rest 1:15

80% 22 x 4

Rest 1:15

65% 185 x 3

Rest 1:15

80% 225 x 3

Rest 1:15

55% 160 x 5



Flat bench (feet on ground) x 50

Laying flat bench (feet on bench) x 50

Side Oblique (raised L + R) x 50 x 2

Side Oblique (flat L + R) x 50 x 2

Inverted Crunch 50 x 2

Crunch 50

Stable Ball 100

Total 450


Between flight 2, 3, 4 add

Standing Oblique crunch with L + R 45 x 2

Laying leg raise 15 x 25

Hanging Leg raises 25



(15 mins for 3.5 miles) remaining half speed for total of 5-7 miles

Rest of Workout

Incline Dumbbell 75 x 2 x 8

Alternating Front/Side Delt Dumbbell Raises 30 x 2 x 8

Stable Ball Push Up x 20

Straight Bar Curl 95 x 8

Laying Overhead extension (skull crushers) 60 x 8

Laying Alternating “Superman” stable raises L + R 30 second hold each

Pull Ups x 15-20

Each Flight x 4


Tuesday add forearm curls x 20

Friday add calve raise x 20



Long run for under 9min pace

Leg rehab



Power cleans

Lat Pull downs

Back extensions

-Flight X4


*Finish flat bench barbell for body weight X30

“You may not do everything right, but God sees your heart.”- Joyce Meyer
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”-David Brinkley


“You are rewarded in public for what you have intensely practiced and refined in private.”-Tony Robbins



“There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living.”- David Starr Jordan

“I know you can write me a letter of recommendation and make it sound good…I read your weekly e-mails”-VL

Any words you speak have a frequency, and the moment you speak them they are released into the Universe. The law of attraction responds to all frequencies, and so it is also responding to the words that you speak… The law is impersonal, and simply matches your frequency. Do you see how important it is for you to speak strongly about what you want, and not to use strong words about what you don’t want? -The Secret Daily Teachings




Don’t call him “Hootie” Darius Rucker plays the Clark State Community College Performing Arts Center in Springfield. For more info

Local boys Rascal Flatts come to Nationwide Arena with Sara Evans, and Hunter Hayes. I suggest you skip the show (the biggest crowd response is from remakes and covers!). But if still going, there is more info


Brazilian jazz duo, Minas plays the Midland Theater. For more info



The Amazing Kreskin, perfor…um, well he amazes at The Midland Theater. For more info
Saturday, and sunday!, Sunday!!, SUNDAY!!! The Columbus Cyclefest roars into the Ohio Expo Center. For more info:

Escape the cold, and snow and rain this weekend at The AAA Great Vacations EXPO at Veterans Memorial. For more info:

Paul Mecurio  plays Friday and Saturday at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

My pick of the week, ‘Red Tails’ is the story of an amazing group of courage, and determination from the experimental African America Pilots of the Tuskegee training program. THIS IS A MUST SEE, rated “PG-13.” I have had the honor of meeting a few of the young men (then-hero’s now!) and this is an amazing story!


A very moving story, that still opens up many scars, ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close’ follows the story of a father and son around the events of 9-11, starring Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock. “Loud and Close” is rated “PG-13.”


The action packed ‘Haywire’ stars Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor,and Channing Tatum and is rated “R.”

The beautiful, Kate Beckinsale is back in the sci fi vampire franchise, ‘Underworld Awakening,’ rated “R.”

MY PICK OF THE WEEK, ‘Courageous’ is a must see for any dad, any guy, and any family. It will truly make you look at things, family, jobs, and life a lot differently.


A great movie following a political campaign, ‘The Ides of March’ rated “R” stars Ryan Gosling , George Clooney , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Paul Giamatti , and Marisa Tomei.
Even though it is kinda “artsy,” a movie I really liked, ‘Killing Bono’ rated “R.”  Plot Summary and Details

The action flick for the ‘tweens’ (or let’s hope…cause it is horrible) ‘Abduction’ rated “PG-13.”

Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 27th

Join me as I AM IN TOWN and rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th

Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

February 10-11

Be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 18th

Join my Crew rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks


Join my Crew at The Detroit Sports Festival (with The Red Wings, The Pistons, The Lions, The Tigers and many more D-Town based sports teams and celebrities)


February 26th

Join my crew and our friends from Premier Sports for the “Last Chance for Boston” marathon in Dublin


Events for the Arnold Classic Weekend, announced soon

Follow us:

January 20, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Long Weekend to enjoy an “Old Blue Chair” but remember the “Dream” we honor this weekend

GREETINGS FROM 17,000 feet as I just left the Memphis Airport in Route to LA for the weekend, on this Friday the 13th-insert spooky music that conjures images of hockey mask camp counselors. Speaking of that, join my buddy Chris O rocking the Budweiser Terrace at tonight’s Blue Jacket’s game at Nationwide Arena. 


I briefly “touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.” There was not much time in this layover and it was brought to my attention that due to only having 45 minutes, I better not be ‘Walking in Memphis’ going from one gate to the other.


Memphis, home to Beal Street, and Da Delta Blues! As I was running through the airport, to make my connection, you could almost hear ‘Ole Jerry Lee Lewis, singin’ Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On! There were no sightings of Michael Oher (Ravens OT, and story line behind The Blind Side). I also had to do a double take, I thought I saw Elvis at “Eddy’s Ice Cream,” but no it was just a fat woman in sequins. She was no King! Even though I am rushing, on this weekend, it is kinda strange and surreal knowing that I am in a city that on April 4th, 1968 hosted the tragic assassination of one the greatest leaders this country has ever seen, another King.


As many school age kids and government workers get the day off, many forget that on Monday we honor the life, and birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Born on January 15, 1929. Dr. King was one the leaders of civil change that many individuals of all colors are reaping the benefit from (and many are still fighting for).


“Early Morning April 4th, shots ring out in the Memphis Sky…Free at Last they took your life, THEY COULD NOT TAKE YOUR PRIDE!”


This Monday January 16 is more than a 3 day weekend, more than celebrating a color of skin (which by the way I believe in EQUALITY NOT SPECIAL RIGHTS), and more than just another day in dreary O-H-I-O.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, his dream ultimately was for a better community where EVERYONE can strive for and reach for their own individual dreams. With that said, CELEBRATE this weekend. Do something for the betterment of OUR community. Find a way to do something for someone else this weekend or find a charity/organization that you can give your time or money to better someone’s life…and their own dream!

Dr. King Quotes that we can all use to better ourselves and our community, regardless of the color of any of our skin.
A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A lie cannot live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A right delayed is a right denied.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A riot is the language of the unheard.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.
Martin Luther King, Jr.


The day after MLK Day is Tuesday, 1-17-12 known as the Most Depressing Day of the year. This is from Cliff Arnall, from The University of Cardiff Wales. I will NOT go into why he says that…why? CAUSE IT DOES NOT MATTER! There are a LOT or reasons this day can and will suck (you can fill in your own reasons). WE ALL NEED TO FIND OUR OWN HAPPINESS IN EVERYDAY EVENTS NO MATTER WHAT NEGATIVE ISSUES WE HAVE OR ARE FACING!

Write this down and put somewhere where you will see first thing in the morning…

Dear sadness, save it, not having (insert issues here) today. SINCERELY (You’re Name-someone who is going to have a GREAT DAY!)


So yes I am having a GREAT DAY, even though not all is going great, and I may be a lil under the weather, and there are some travel related issues. BUT I AM CHOOSING TO MAKE IT A GREAT DAY, I am choosing to be happy! I am choosing to escape the daily grind and find my own paradise where my traveling pirate feet are searching for adventure while relaxing on a beach in my “Old Blue Chair.”


There’s a blue rocking chair
Sittin in the sand
Weathered by the storms and well oiled hands
It sways back and forth with the help of the winds,
Seems to always be there, like an old trusted friend

I’ve read a lot of books,
Wrote a few songs
Looked at my life where it’s goin, where it’s gone
I’ve seen the world through a bus windshield, but nothing compares
To the way that I see it,
to the way that I see it,
to the way that I see it when I sit in that old blue chair

From that chair I’ve caught a few fish and some rays
And I’ve watched boats sail in and out of cinnamon bay
I let go of a lover that took a piece of my heart
I prayed many times for forgiveness and a brand new start

I’ve read a lot of books,
Wrote a few songs
Looked at my life where it’s goin, where it’s gone
I’ve seen the world through a bus windshield, but nothing compares
To the way that I see it, to the way that I see it,
to the way that I see it when I sit in
that old blue chair

That chair was my bed one New Year’s Night
When I passed out from too much Cruzan and Diet
And woke up to a hundred mosquito bites,
I swear got ’em all sittin right there
In that old blue chair

There’s a blue rockin chair
Sittin’ in the sand
Weathered by the storms and well oiled hands
This song always takes me to a place in my mind where I need to escape. While there is an Ole blue chair that I like to sit on a bar in Naples Florida, currently I am running past many of my own “Old Blue Chair’s” as I run through the airport, before I finally get to sit on my “Old Blue Chair” that is more grey than blue, and must be in the “upright position” before we can taxi to the next port.


My blue chair is like anyone’s…it can be anything we want! This is a place where we can take shelter (from anything), relax, remember the past, look out on the ocean of the future, or in my case see the world pass by as I sit here. My chair might be like others or completely different, someone else’s may be green. For another it is the slopes of the Alps being in direct contrast to mine on a beach. Whatever the case, if your day is going great enjoy it, if your day is going bad…curl up in your own “Old Blue Chair” and find your own vacation, no matter how short and even if…just in our minds.

Well, my Old Blue Chair needs the tray table up, and locked into the upright position, next stop La La Land. Remember the reason we have this long weekend to enjoy our own Blue Chairs.



Last week while in New York I visited “Occupy Wall Street.” We did have a hard time finding the park where they were, until I saw a white male in his late 20’s. He had a longer beard and with matching hair, wore a “northface” jacket along with his camo pants. Sticking out from his jacket were a pair of “Beats by Dr. Dre” headphones. As soon as I saw this young man, I knew we were finally headed in the right direction. While there I was amazed that in direct conflict with the National Media, there was only 12 people there. 11 were holding signs and chatting with each other (BTW the signs made no sense what so ever), and the other person was a homeless guy with a cat in his jacket begging for change while rolling a joint. With that said…I have seen firsthand that “Occupy” is nothing more than a news piece and I will not need to mention it again. In the words of the REAL 99% “Occupy a Job” (and take a shower?).




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


Join my Buddy Chris O rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Phoenix Coyotes


SATURDAY: Join my Buddy Chris O and Premier Entertainment as we team up with Silent Disco to give a one of a kind performance at The Columbus Beer Festival (7pm-11pm)


ALL WEEKEND: If in Anaheim join me at The Honda Center for the PBR Anaheim Invitational


PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year that is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Refer us now through Jan 2, 2012 and receive 25% of contracted rate. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 27th Join me as I rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

February 10-11 be on the lookout for another exciting partnership between Premier Entertainment, SOS AUDIO/RM Sexton Enterprises and, and Silent Disco in the Cincinnati Area.


February 18th Join my Buddy Chris O rocking the Budweiser Terrace as The Columbus Blue Jackets take on The Chicago Black Hawks



I’m trying to find myself. But, to make it interesting, I’m wearing camouflage.

Heading to LA for the weekend, and I LOVE this song!!! 


I am playin’ with this ‘ole boy in August. I may be a Redneck, but I wish I was a good ‘ole boy at times


RNR Red Neck Rap (I kinda dig the hook on this one)


They are back! Not sure I like or not, will see if grows on me (but still like Van Hagar)


Forget getting your newborn baby a stuff doll, a savings bond, or a new blanket…this platinum selling artist wrote his a song!



One of the “Hot Chicks” from the James Bond Movie, “For Your Eyes Only” used to be a man.

At what age are you no longer “Husky” but “Stocky”


This is a great parody of a fun song-neat spin!



Sometimes a situation that looks to go VERY wrong can be great just from the help of a few “fans.”




How are your New Year diet plans going? According to ‘Men’s Health’ these are 8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day.


It sometimes seems as if the internal politics of the Middle East are easier to understand than the latest thinking on nutrition. With EAT THIS, NOT THAT!,you’re armed with the info you need to make smart choices. But how can you crank it up a notch? How can you make good nutrition as certain as death, taxes, and The Fast and the Furious spinoffs? Here’s the simple answer: Just eat these eight foods–along with a little protein such as salmon, turkey, or lean beef–every day. And relax.
* Spinach
* Yogurt
* Tomatoes
* Carrots
* Blueberries
* Black Beans
* Walnuts
* Oats


Better not open that window (lions at the gate?)


As we mark this anniversary. VJA I am proud of you, and worry about you everyday (not that you need me to).


Haiti Earthquake Anniversary: Country Marks Second Anniversary Of Deadly Quake
Haitians are marking the second anniversary of the devastating 2010 earthquake with church services throughout the deeply religious country.

Women in white dresses and men in dark suits walked to church through streets were unusually quiet on what is a national holiday of remembrance.

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite drivers of all time 1986 Indianapolis 500 Winner, and my neighbor, Bobby Rahal.


“Today” show airs 60 years of success
In 60 years, television has gone from black-and-white to color, rabbit ears to satellites, analog to digital and now the iPad. Through all that, one TV show has remained much the same, which seems fitting given its name, “Today.”

This week, NBC’s “Today” show is celebrating 60 years on U.S. airwaves since its inception on January 14, 1952, when Dave Garroway introduced viewers to the morning news, talk and entertainment program.

It spawned copycat programs, made stars of co-hosts such as Jane Pauley, Katie Couric and Matt Lauer, and put weather men like Al Roker on the map. TV has never been the same, experts say.

“The ‘Today’ show created a template that everyone is still using a half-century later,” said Bob Thompson, Television and Pop Culture Professor at Syracuse University.,0,6542042.story



If Marky Mark Can Do It, Taylor Swift Has It In The Bag: The Best Singers-Turned-Actors

News that our favorite cardigan sweater enthusiast Taylor Swift has been offered the role of Eponine in “King’s Speech” Oscar winner Tom Hooper’s big screen musical adaptation of the classic Broadway show/Victor Hugo novel “Les Miserables,” co-starring acting A-listers Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, has everyone in the MTV Newsroom in a tizzy.

If she chooses to take the role, will she be any good? We reached out to fans, who seem to want to give the Speak Now singer the benefit of the doubt, and personally think the country-pop superstar will do just fine in the role (can’t you just hear her singing “On My Own” already?), but every time a singer puts on the acting cap the critics come out with their pitchforks to proclaim that the odds are against her and most singers make for pretty crappy actors.
What Is the Great Mistake Lurking in ‘Don’t Stop Believin’’?
Check a map, Steve Perry!

Ever since 1998, when The Wedding Singer first resurrected Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’”, the 1981 arena-rock anthem has achieved pop-culture permanence, whether soundtracking The Sopranos final scene, becoming synonymous with Glee, scoring a thousand flash mobs, or being piped into every professional sports arena in the land. With nearly 4.5 million digital units sold, it’s the most downloaded twentieth-century track in the history of counting such things. Jonathan Cain’s unmistakable opening piano riff reflexively inspires people all across this nation to pump their fists … although there is one spot where the arms always collectively falter, even if for just a moment: Southeastern Michigan. For nearly 31 years, this flash of distracting cognitive dissonance has struck each time Steve Perry’s bright tenor lands on the iconic but geographically flawed second line: “just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit.” Because, as anyone with a tie to the Motor City knows, South Detroit doesn’t exist, either as a term of art or a geographical locale.


First lady denies book’s portrayal of her as forceful
First lady Michelle Obama is challenging assertions that she has imposed her will on White House aides and says people have inaccurately tried to portray her as “some kind of angry black woman.”

Obama told CBS News that she hasn’t read New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor’s new book that characterizes her as a behind-the-scenes force whose strong views often draw her into conflict with President Barack Obama’s top advisers.

“I never read these books,” she told CBS’s Gayle King in an interview broadcast Wednesday. “So I’ve just gotten in the habit of not reading other people’s impressions of people.”
In the book, Michelle Obama is said to have occasionally bristled at some of the demands and constraints of life in the White House.

…Now I am getting pi**ed off!!!

Iran Sentences Former U.S. Marine To Death, Accused Him Of Spying
An American man has been sentenced to death in Iran after a court there convicted him of working for the CIA and going to the Persian nation to spy.
The family of Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a 28-year-old former U.S. Marine, says he was in Iran to visit his grandmothers.

According to Iran’s state-run Press TV, “the verdict was issued by Tehran’s Revolution Court on Monday after the defendant was found guilty of collaboration with the US government and its intelligence agency, the CIA, against the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The Associated Press reports that Hekmati was born in Arizona, graduated from high school in Michigan and was an Arabic translator while in the Marines. The wire service adds that “his family is of Iranian origin. His father, a professor at a community college in Flint, Mich., has said his son is not a CIA spy and was visiting his grandmothers in Iran when he was arrested.”

“On Dec. 18,” the AP adds, “Iran’s state TV broadcast video of Hekmati delivering a purported confession in which he said he was part of a plot to infiltrate Iran’s Intelligence Ministry. … It is not clear exactly when he was arrested. Iranian news reports have said he was detained in late August or early September.”

“His” arrogance is destroying the future of exports of this country, and our ability to be self sufficient with our oil needs!!!

Canada seeks alternative route for Keystone XL pipeline

While President Obama wants to delay a decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline until after the 2012 election, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper is stepping up efforts to explore an alternative pipeline that would allow Canada to ship their tar sands oil to China.

The Thuggie: Snuggies And Hoodies Combined
If you’ve secretly nursed a desire to wear a Snuggie without looking like Friar Tuck or being clumped in with the target demographic of old women who knit or soccer moms who drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace while chatting with their girlfriends – behold, the Thuggie! Billed as “the most comfortable garment you will ever put on”, the Thuggie is a freakishly oversized hoodie that will “make you forget pants altogether”.




Bungee jumper survives fall after cord snaps A 22-year-old tourist in Africa who was looking to start 2012 with a memorable experience ended up having a close call.

Bungee jumper Erin Langworthy was 365 feet in the air when the unthinkable happened. Her bungee cord snapped sending her plummeting head-first into the crocodile-infested waters of the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

With her legs still tied and a broken collarbone, she was pulled downstream towards the raging rapids. Somehow, the Australian young woman managed to keep her head above water and swim to some rocks near the riverbank to wait to be rescued.

“They put me on my back, and all the water I inhaled meant I couldn’t breathe. They rolled me to my side, and I coughed out water and blood,” Langworthy said.
Langworthy told Nine Network television news Sunday that she blacked out briefly when she hit the river on Dec. 31.

“I felt like I’d been slapped all over,” the 22-year-old from Perth said. “You get sucked under and then you pop up so it’s very disorienting — I didn’t know which was up or down.”
She said the trailing cord repeatedly snagged, so she “had to swim down and yank the bungee cord out of whatever it was caught on to make it to the surface.”

The 22-year-old spent a week in the hospital but amazingly suffered no major injuries.
The jump from the Victoria Falls Bridge is operated by Safari Par Excellence, whose website describes the bungee experience as “111 meters (365 feet) of pure Adrenalin!”


Darth Vader Defeated A Taser But Succumbed To Pepper Spray In Orlando Last Week
From ClickOrlando, and via tipster Joshua K., comes this tale about how “a Florida Highway Patrol trooper was attacked in Orlando early Thursday by a man wearing a Darth Vader mask.”

Tax gap: IRS comes up $385 billion short
Close to 15% of federal taxes — or $385 billion — went unpaid in 2006, according to new estimates by the IRS.

That’s the net tax gap number — meaning what didn’t get paid even after the $65 billion the IRS managed to collect through audits.

And it’s the closest proxy policymakers have to the country’s annual revenue shortfall, said Mark Luscomb, the principal federal tax analyst at CCH, a tax information publisher.
What’s driving the shortfall? A whopping 84% of the total tax gap is due to underreporting of income by corporations, small businesses and individuals.

A former Smoothie King employee accused of stealing two smoothies from the store was summoned to court only to have her case thrown out, 10TV’s Danielle Elias reported on Tuesday.

Kaitlyn Barrow said that she received a letter that summoned her to court based on $8.78 worth of smoothies she was accused of stealing.

Barrows said that she did not steal the smoothies and called the entire ordeal a “mess,” Elias reported.

Barrows’ attorney, Darrin Leist, said that he thought he case was “absurd.”




Wanted to write about Tebow (having 3:16 yards last week in the playoff game against the Steelers), maybe something related to Barry Larkin (one of the 1990 World Champion ‘Nasti Boys) going to the Baseball Hall of Fame, even a funny story about the “Crying” Alabama fan from regular season getting the last laugh on LSU …but this story takes all of air out of the “popular” sports stories of the week. This is AN AMAZING story.


New Offers Shape Ohio State’s 2012 Class Down the Homestretch. February 1st is fast approaching and I think most people in Buckeye Nation can already feel that the last couple weeks of recruiting will be totally different under Meyer than Tressel


This is cool!

Some religious humor

Buffett to Republicans: if you pay, so will I
Warren Buffett is willing to put his money where his mouth is, if only congressional Republicans would join him.

The American billionaire investor, in the new issue of Time magazine, says he would donate $1 to paying down the national debt for every dollar donated by a Republican in Congress. The only exception is Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell – for whom Buffett said he would go $3-to-$1.

The idea stems from a New York Times opinion piece Buffett wrote last August in which he said the rich ought to pay more taxes. It sparked an instant controversy, with some Washington conservatives calling on the 81-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” to voluntarily pay extra.


LET ME HELP YOU GET YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE OUT TO CONSUMERS!!! How does over 25,000 EMAILS sound to your come company. We have a list of over 20,000 and can assist you in getting YOUR MESSAGE/BRAND/IDEA directly to consumers. The Hyatt has even recently booked our services. WE GET MESSAGES OUT TO CONSUMERS! This is a unique and inexpensive chance to brand your services, and reach beyond your current clientele list. My current list of customers has indicated that this unique form of FREE advertising has helped their brand and ID name. If anyone provides me a lead, and I can close the lead…I will pay 100% of first week revenues received. You make 100% of what I make, just for referring me to someone. For more info, or a list of current ecstatic customers e-mail

BOOKING EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Daily News Diet & Fitness Hotline pros: Find some-buddy to be your support system
Nutrition & lifestyle experts offer more tricks to keep trim

Now that the Daily News Diet & Fitness Hotline has begun dishing out tricks to cinching your waist, make sure these healthy lifestyle changes stick by setting up a support system.
It doesn’t take a village, just a friend.

“When you don’t feel like you’re alone, you have much more incentive,” says Sanda Dubrov, certified health and diet coach.
“You’re not going to be happy doing a 10-mile run by yourself, but if someone is waiting for you and running with you, it becomes an easier experience,” she explains. “It’s the same thing with eating — find someone at work or in a Meetup group online to eat healthy with you.”


There’s just two days left to tap into our get-slim social network at (212) 210-2044 or from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Once you’ve got your team of weight-loss buddies together, map out a plan to keep you on the straight and narrow.


“Make meals, snacks and fitness a part of your schedule,” suggests Carolyn Brown, a registered dietitian at Foodtrainers.


You wouldn’t miss a business meeting you’ve put down in your planner, so why miss taking care of yourself?


“People who schedule exercise and regular meals stick to it more than people who don’t,” says Brown.


Call (212) 210-2044 or email

“Burning desire  to be or do something gives us staying power – a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment” – Marsha Sinetar

“Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.”-Unknown


People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. – Dale Carnegie


Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone, then to cry all alone

“Be inspired, do something good for someone else, even if it is just a kind word. We all can make a difference.”- Bret Michaels




City Lights play The Newport Music Hall. For more info:
The coolest ballad writer of the late 80’s, Richard Marx plays the Midland Theater. For more info:

McGuffey Lane plays The Lifestyle Communities Pavilion. For more info




Beerfans get to, the Columbus Winter Beerfest at The Greater Columbus Convention Center. Join my Buddy Chris O and Premier Entertainment as we team up with Silent Disco to give a one of a kind performance from 7pm-11pm.  For more info:

Broadway Across America presents Shrek at The Ohio Theatre. I saw this show on Wednesday, I love the cartoon! But on this, DON’T BOTHER! It is much cheaper and more enjoyable to watch the cartoon on DVD. Production is bad, special effects are horrible, stage management is atrocious (actually saw stage hands bringing out props between set changes), and I COULD NOT HEAR due to really bad sound! The highlight of the show for me, was giving my 10th row tixx to someone WAY up in the balcony at intermission when I LEFT! But if you still want to go

Warm up with the Ohio Boat & RV Show at The Ohio Expo Center. For more info:

Bob Marley plays all weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

Mark Wahlberg stars in the action packed ‘Contraband,’ rated “R.”

Two of America’s finest female entertainers; Dolly Parton, and Queen Latifah team up in the funny and heartfelt, ‘Joyful Noise,’ rated “PG-13.”

One of my favorite Disney movies (maybe cause I can relate?) ‘Beauty and the Beast’ returns to the Big Screen, this time “Be Our Guest” in “3D”

Warning Chick Flick!!! ‘What’s Your Number?’ rated “R.” Starring Anna Faris , Chris Evans , and Joel McHale

My pick of the week, ‘A Mile in His Shoes.’ This made for TV movie stars Dean Cain as a minor league baseball manager who discovers an autistic, sheltered young man, who makes his way to minor league baseball. The acting is horrible, but the story line is very good.

One of the best movies of 2011, ‘Moneyball’ starring Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill , Philip Seymour Hoffman , Robin Wright Penn , and Stephen Bishop. This story based on the real life management of the Oakland A’s Baseball team is rated “PG-13.”

Current Day Side Story:

The action packed, ‘Killer Elite’ with an all star cast of Jason Statham , Clive Owen , Robert De Niro , Yvonne Strahovski , and Dominic Purcell is rated “R.”

Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 13 Join Chris O as he covers the Budweiser Party Terrace as The Jackets take on The Phoenix Coyotes!


January 14th Pending event that will re-shape local entertainment, and I am proud we are even being consider to usher in this new concept!


January 27th Join me as I rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

Follow us:

January 13, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

New Year, New Outlook, New Resolutions, New Miles traveled

GREETINGS FROM the concourse of The “World Famous” Madison Square Garden. It is not nearly as big as I thought it would be, but you can almost feel the history of this place. From Ali Frazier, The Stanley Cup, Marilyn singing to Kennedy, George Harrison held his Concert For Bangladesh, ANY Sinatra performance, and everything else that has played these historic walls. This is the first (out of town) event of 2012 for me as The 2012 PBR Tour Kicks Off at The Garden.


On the flight in, I am continuing to have difficulties with my sinuses and this plane flight really aggravate the pain in my noggin. BUT on this flight I was lucky enough to have one of those “I saw God today moments” that I not only enjoy, but when acknowledged, make the rest of the B.S. of the day bearable.


Just after takeoff and beyond the normal turbulence associated with taking off and landing, as the pilot maneuvered us through the cloud cover, I noticed something very cool. As I looked to my left out the window there was a rainbow. Now anytime anyone (including me) see’s a rainbow (in the air, NOT on a bumper or window sticker!) it is easy to say “cool look at that.” So I not only enjoyed the “oh cool” moment of the day, but there was something else…


When we see a rainbow from the ground, we see it “going up.” The view from the plane allowed me to see from another angle, the one we don’t get to see as the rainbows pierces the clouds as we look up to the heavens. I was able to see this rainbow as it pierced the clouds towards the earth to someone’s pot of gold, or good luck. Many times in life we get stuck in what we see, and don’t realize there are many other ways to look at something, someone, or a situation. It was truly a cool visual experience.


And as we continued into “The Big Apple,” to take on “Gotham City” for the weekend it was (and always is) an emotional and pride felt view when I see one of  New York’s finest broads…”Lady Liberty” herself standing proud in the harbor. She truly is beautiful sight. Then as my eyes focused east…I saw New Jersey (and all good feelings were gone).


As I am thinking here in the 5 Burroughs…I guess

Once in your life you’ll find her
Someone who turns your heart around
And next thing you know
You’re closin’ down the town

Wake up and she’s still with you
Even though you left her way across town
You’re wonderin’ to yourself
Hey what’ve I found

When you get caught between the moon and New York City
I know it’s crazy but it’s true…


Fun to be out on the road again, especially during a time of year that I used to really dread. I used to hate this time of year, it was always a time just after the holidays with cold weather and nothing to do…now I see the beginning of the year as an awesome experience of change and “Newness”


This is a time of year for looking forward to a GREAT new year, and a NEW START! A time for resolutions and what we can do to better ourselves and for others. It is also an expensive time of year for me, because I feel I need EVERY movie on my top 100 list of 2011. My bank account is taxed, and UPS man is BUSY!!!


While we all need to look ahead, it is important learn from mistakes, and to hold onto good memories in our hearts, like a scrapbook we carry at all times.


While I have the scars from past mistakes tattooed all over me, I also dust off some great memories of my own daily. This was made easier by a gift I received for Christmas.  I was given one “them fancy electronic picture frames.” This thing is awesome, well it is after I got over my 3 hour learning curve to get all the pictures onto it! But it is kinda fun to see some of my favorite memories come to life in a slide show…it is also kinda nice to see one of my favorite faces back in my living room, as beautiful as ever.


So hold onto and give a hug to those you care about, and when they are gone (for whatever reason…hold them in your heart). Here’s to a New Year packing an electronic frame full of new pictures, and a heart full of scrapbook memories!


Plan, Prepare, Position, Promote & Propagate
The New Year can always bring New Beginnings & New Challenges

In all the hype of the New Year coming, you always hear about the “resolutions” you & others are going to make, & how you will do things different; etc.

Well, sounds good in theory but if you don’t Present yourself with the right Plan, Preparation, Positioning & Propagating, it’s USELESS! So this NY, take the next few days, make a Plan, Position yourself, Prepare to execute it by getting yourself in the right Position, Promote it in your mind every day, then make haste to Propagate it or “transmit it” into reality.

Be it your Personal Health, Professional /Career Goals, Personal Goals, or even the smallest of things you want to accomplish in 2012, use this little simple plan of attack, & look back in 2013 & say, “…yes I accomplished my yearly resolutions!”


The Chinese Calendar says it is the Year of The Dragon, I say it is the Year of the “The Matt.” This could be defined in many ways, yes I am a person who get’s “walked on,” and some say I “just lay there and don’t do much,” and lately some say I have developed a laid back “relaxed” way of working. But no matter what, this year I want to welcome everyone and as usual clean up after some, and the dirt that many bring.


2012 New Year Resolutions written as acknowledgement of faults and to put into writing areas I wish to better myself and a chance at bettering others. The ONLY way something can happen is for it to be acted on, but before that…it must be thought and for me, written. By writing this I hold myself accountable, and welcome the help of others to help me succeed in these 50+ areas to better myself.

  1. Finally write down resolutions (ok can cross one off the list)
  2. Talk to the Big Dude Upstairs Daily
  3. Enjoy the small things, find the “I saw God today” moments that I over look
  4. Kick A** EVERYDAY, in all areas (even forcing self to relax)
  5. Personal
  6. Be Healthier Physically, emotionally, spiritually
  7. Smile, even when it is hard
  8. Breath more (take a breath before reacting)
  9. Get a check up
  10. EVERYTHING has a place, and that place is not always my garage. Create organization in all areas of life. Includes managing time better
  11. Be out and socialize more (I may be out and about…but don’t really open up or talk to strangers aka fairly standoffish)
  12. Don’t let myself or others down (but yet don’t put unneeded pressure on self)
  13. Make Business first 40, under 40
  14. Spend less time in cyberspace
  15. Continue to TRY and not judge
  16. Find Good in EVERYTHING
  17. Invest more (it is an election year, and stocks “should” increase. “It’s the about the economy stupid”-James Carville)
  18. Manage money better, pay down debts
  19. Clean Garage (REALLY NEED TO DO THIS)
  20. Volunteer/Mentor More
  21. Spell Better
  22. Learn to format, space, spell, and just write better
  23. Eat Less (or at least eat to LIVE not to live)
  24.  Goal weight is 150 pounds, 29 inch waist, 22 inch arms, and 63 inch chest…but be       healthy
  25. 25. Run a Half Marathon, and finish in top 25% of age group for Arnold Pump and run
  26. Keep Car(s) clean, and running well (meaning plan ahead so don’t have to worry about making look trashed to keep valuables from being stolen), also add new tires and lift to Jeep
  27. Book 108 gigs this year, with 36 being on the road
  28. DREAM GIGS: Cincy Blind Pig Marathon, Cleveland Rite Aid Marathon, Nationwide Columbus Marathon, Canton Marathon, Nashville Country Music Marathon, Jamboree in the Hills, Country Concert, ALL Country Thunder Concerts across the Country, NCAA Tourney, Country Jam, Red, White, & Boom, Capital City 1/2, Crew Games, All Buckeye Home games, Blue Jackets Season, Nashville CMT/CMA/CRS week,  “open” for 4-5 major artists
  29. Organize an “Adventure Race” (aka Warrior Dash Style Race)
  30. Learn that not everyone is a friend, and accept that sometimes you get screwed, but at no fault of anyone-and try every day to right any of the wrongs I have done to others.
  31. Continue to build “The Flame” foundation
  32. Organize 3-4 Fundraisers
  33. Publish list of quotes
  34. Find fine line between failure, success, and all the learning experiences in-between
  35. Items wanted/needed (Bass Cabinet for business, Sunglasses, new bed, Sirius satellite, mobile hotspot, FIX LAPTOP!, 3d TV-couch-recliner-popcorn machine for basement, stand for living room, Bose stereo unit for upstairs
  36. Get cable box and dvr
  37. 4-5 vacations or extra days while on the road
  38. Don’t lose phone, laptop, ipad, iPod, etc (I lose way too many things!)
  39. Become more “tech savvy” (work smarter)
  40. Mentor More (in many areas; Business, Physical Fitness, being a better person, and help self/others FIND ACCOUNTABILITY).Doing this is fun, and probably helps me more than anyone else.
  41. Go Back to School.
  42. Learn to speak Spanish. No Hablo Espenol
  43. QUIT WORRYING-Everything happens for a reason, find the good in all. I worry less than Alfred E. Newman!
  44. NEVER BACK DOWN!!! (NEVER Make anyone else feel they have to either!). I am being tenacious BUT not in ways of past.
  45. NEVER BE BROKE! It has been a good year, and allowed for a lot less stress
  46. Learn to ask for help
  47. Go to 3 Buffett Shows this year
  48. Play Nice with others
  49. Find the biggest A**hole I meet, and win them over
  50. Drink less, drink more (water, beer)



Now I have another reason not to like Worthington
‘Occupy’ organizer has central Ohio roots

The concrete of New York City’s Zuccotti Park contrasts with the trees and grass of Worthington’s village green.

But Marisa Holmes has spent months in both — as an organizer of the Occupy Wall Street movement that started in the lower Manhattan park and years before in the Worthington center, when she was a teenager protesting war.




FRIDAY: Join my Crew at The Filling Station for the “All request Dance Party”


ALL WEEKEND: If in The New York City Area, join me at Madison Square Garden for the 2012 Kick Off of The PBR Tour!

PLEASE “suggest” “like” or become a “fan” of our new “fan page” Matty Sexton on facebook.

PLEASE check out the updated website (please let us know what you think?)

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Now is the time of year is especially popular for engagements, and for putting together wedding plans for 2012. If you or someone you know is getting married, we can make their day special. We have been in the entertainment and wedding industry for over 25 years. Our expertise will make you or your friend’s wedding, a moment to remember. Call 614-580-3118 to secure your date, or go to



Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 13 Join Chris O as he covers the Budweiser Party Terrace as The Jackets take on The Phoenix Coyotes!


January 14th Pending event that will re-shape local entertainment, and I am proud we are even being consider to usher in this new concept!


January 27th Join me as I rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame


Life is always changing, yet as we move into 2012 there’s one thing you can count on that never changes – the law of attraction! It’s your best friend – loyal, unbending, truthful, and it will never fail you. Whatever you think, say, and feel, comes back to you every single time! So bring glory, joy, and abundance to yourself and every other person with a good heart and a positive mind! Happy New Year! – Rhonda Byrne

What a great song to bring in a new year!
Some Songs hit right in the chest…


I absolutely love this song!


Fun song, lots of cameos, but a great message…


I WISH I could dislike her, but she writes such “true” songs (even if she makes the “fake surprised kitty look” EVERY time she wins an award)



Rock-Paper-Scissors has been used in REAL court cases!
In 2006, the two sides of a lengthy court case were unable to settle a trivial matter on the case: where a deposition would be held. Despite long discussions, they could not reach an agreement.
Tired of this, the Judge in the case decided he’d had enough. He ordered them to agree on a neutral site. If they couldn’t agree to that, then they would play one game of rock-paper-scissors. The winner would pick the setting!

His apparent reasoning of this was to shame the lawyers for getting hung up on such a silly point.

‎”What is a messenger w/out a listener? What is a teacher w/out a student? What is a prophecy w/out a believer in it? What is a sower of seeds w/out good soil? What is light w/out dark? What is love w/out hate?


For Christmas, I got a humidifier and a dehumidifier. I thought I’d put them in the basement to let them fight it out, and see which I will use.



How to sell gift cards online for extra money, this time…help yourself?

If you have unused gift cards or you received some for Christmas that you will never use, consider selling them and putting the cash in your wallet to use on things you really need. There are several online sites that allow you to sell your gift cards electronically and get cash back by check, Paypal or in the form of a gift card to a store you like to shop at.

Trustworthy sites like Cardpool, and Plastic Jungle buy the gift cards from you online and offer instant payment through Paypal, Money Gram, an Amazon gift card or a check in the mail. You can also opt to purchase a discounted gift card at hundreds of retailers nationwide including Lands’ End, Macy’s, Best Buy, Walmart, Pottery Barn, Old Navy, Home Depot, and DSW.




Easy New Year’s resolutions for a healthy new year

Many people will be making New Year’s Resolutions this year. However, not everyone will be keeping them!

Statistics show 45-percent of Americans usually set New Year’s Resolutions. Only 8-percent of them always achieve success. Here are five easy resolutions that have a low risk of failure and high chance of improving your overall health.

Get Physical-This doesn’t mean you have to “work out.” It simply means try incorporate more activity into your day. Shoot for at least 30 minutes a day. A simple brisk walk or fun salsa dancing will do.


Strength Train-Adding weight resistance to your day will help you gain more energy, stronger bones, a faster metabolism, and lower your cholesterol. Not all strength training require weights, you can do things like squats, push-ups or lunges.

Portion Control-American’s food portions are out of control. In order to downsize yourself, you need to downsize your portions. Use smaller plates and bowls and read the portion sizes on food labels.
Nix the Salt-American salt consumption is almost twice the recommended limit of sodium. Sodium leads to water retention and high blood pressure. Read the labels of processed foods and choose lower sodium items.
Take Care of Your Teeth-Bacteria in the mouth can lead to serious problems if neglected, including heart disease. It’s important to brush daily and also floss daily. Flossing will help remove bacteria that brushing can’t.
Have Good Expectations-Each year people set themselves up for failure with New Year’s Resolutions. Whether it’s aiming for too high of a goal, or beating yourself up when failing. Close to 3 out of 4 people who set a resolution never succeed.


Think positive about your goals and accomplishments and re-evaluate your expectations as needed.


Read 50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2012 in the business/finance area below


But ‘Jaws’ is still better than ‘Orca’

Orca attacks shark in surf zone as beachgoers watch in awe

Orcas, more than sharks, are atop the marine food chain, and that became strikingly apparent this week at Blue Cliffs Beach off New Zealand, where at least one orca mounted a prolonged assaulted on sharks in the surf zone, as witnesses watched in amazement

Sword Maestro Bob Anderson Dies at 89

The best-known Hollywood swordsman this side of Warren Beatty passed away on New Year’s Day: Bob Anderson, an Olympic fencer who once wounded Errol Flynn on set and whose subsequent swordfight choreography spanned 60 years and such franchises as Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and the James Bond series, is dead at the age of 89.

50 Years ago 4 lads in England played their first gig at ‘The Marquee Club.’ Today Mick, Keith, Bill, and Charlie are still going strong in venues “just a little bigger” as the Rolling Stones show that since 1963, they are still “The World’s Greatest Rock & Roll band!



Life Lessons, from some of the greatest movies scenes in history!

…and I am in NYC this weekend!!!

VAN HALEN To Play Intimate New York City Show Thursday – Jan. 2, 2012
According to, VAN HALEN will perform at the Cafe Wha? in Greenwich Village, New York City on Thursday. It is rumored that the band will play a 45-minute set at the 250-seat venue, which was once owned and operated by VAN HALEN singer David Lee Roth’s uncle Manny Roth, providing a stage to then-up-and-coming acts such as Jimi Hendrix, Bill Cosby, Bob Dylan, Richard Pryor and many others.

BOOKS: (Audio Book)

The Wayman Tisdale Story is a feature length documentary celebrating the life and legacy of Wayman Tisdale, a three-time All-American, Gold Medal Olympian, former NBA star and world renowned Jazz musician who lost his two-year battle with bone cancer in May of 2009.

Embodying his life s approach of compassion, courage, and optimism, The Wayman Tisdale Story offers a detailed account of the life of former
basketball star and jazz musician Wayman Tisdale. Told through his own words, The Wayman Tisdale Story journeys through Tisdale’s life from this childhood as a preacher’s son to his battle

Wyman was the person Toby Keith wrote about in Wayman’s Song

Military Faces Historic Shift
Obama Plan Would Slash Army, Limit Ability to Endure Long-Term Conflicts
President Barack Obama on Thursday proposed a historic shift in the U.S. military’s size and ambitions, scaling back its ability to wage the type of war and occupation that just concluded in Iraq as the administration seeks to cut defense spending over the next decade.

I am NOT a Mike Dewine Fan, however he is doing some good stuff!
Shutting down pill mills will save lives, prevent addiction
Even though it hardly is the end of the prescription-drug-abuse scourge that torments southern Ohio and many other places in America, seeing the doors locked on the last “pill mill” in Scioto County must bring special satisfaction to those whose lives and communities have been damaged.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine took justifiable pride last week as Scioto County law enforcement and officials of the Ohio Board of Pharmacy raided the Greater Medical Advance clinic in Wheelersburg and arrested its doctor, Victor Andrei Georgescu, on felony counts of funding drug trafficking, permitting drug abuse and conspiracy charges.


Brown won’t be on stage with Obama in Cleveland
President Barack Obama will be in Cleveland tomorrow, delivering a speech on the economy at the Shaker Heights High School. Sen. Sherrod Brown, a key Obama ally in Congress, will be a 100-plus miles away, at a couple events in central Ohio.

Got A Baby? Then Move To The “Baby Ghetto” In The Back Of The Airplane!

We’ve all been there. You settle into our seats for a cross-country flight, think for a second that the seat might be vacant for the flight, and then…BAM! A mother and her baby sit down. Within minutes, the baby is screaming, the mother is flustered, and the Beats By Dre headphones you’ve got on your head just can’t get loud enough to drown out all the commotion.

It’s a problem for all airlines: How do you allow babies on board without disrupting other passengers? Well, a few airlines seemed to have figured out a solution. Rather than just seat the babies with the rest of the passengers, they’ve created what are being dubbed “baby ghettos”—select areas of the plane, usually all the way in the back, where mothers or fathers and their young babies are forced to sit with other mothers or fathers and their young babies. This way, if a baby cries and gets out of hand during the flight, they’re not disrupting anyone but other babies and parents who are understanding of how babies can get. Problem solved! Right?

YOU DA MAN: (story has been ongoing for quite a few months, however, I love the fight in this chick. To some of the BrideZillas I have worked with…you could learn a lot from her!)

Paralyzed Carolina bride still hopes to walk again

A North Carolina woman who got married last summer after a poolside accident left her paralyzed isn’t walking yet, but she hasn’t given up on learning to move on her own again.

Rachelle Friedman Chapman is stronger after training for almost three weeks in October at Project Walk, a spinal cord injury recovery center in Carlsbad, Calif. And the 26-year-old from Knightdale, near Raleigh, hopes to return for more training that could help her walk for the first time since the accident just weeks before her original wedding date.

“You see people standing up out of their wheelchair, people who are relearning how to walk,” Chapman said in a recent phone interview.

It was on May 23, 2010, that Chapman was pushed into a pool by a friend at her bachelorette party in Virginia Beach, Va. She fell into the shallow end and awkwardly hit the cement bottom. The injury to her vertebra left her with no feeling from the chest down and feeling on the inside of her arms but not the outside. Her wedding had been scheduled for a few weeks after the party, but she and her fiancé postponed it by more than a year.
She has never revealed the name of the friend, who was a bridesmaid when the wedding was finally held in July 2011. The cruel timing of her injury and her enduring positivity landed her story in newspapers, websites and television reports around the world.


Pepsi Says Mountain Dew Can Dissolve Mouse Carcasses
Pepsi Co., facing a lawsuit from a man who claims to have found a mouse in his Mountain Dew can, has an especially creative, if disgusting, defense: their soda would have dissolved a dead mouse before the man could have found it. An Illinois man sued Pepsi in 2009 after he claims he “spat out the soda to reveal a dead mouse,” the Madison County Record reports. He claims he sent the mouse to Pepsi, which then “destroyed” the remains after he allowed them to test it, according to his complaint. Most shudder-worthy, however, is that Pepsi’s lawyers also found experts to testify, based on the state of the remains sent to them, that “the mouse would have dissolved in the soda had it been in the can from the time of its bottling until the day the plaintiff drank it,” according to the Record. (It would have become a “jelly-like substance,” according to Pepsi, adds Legal Newsline.) This seems like a winning-the-battle-while-surrendering-the-war kind of strategy that hinges on the argument that Pepsi’s product is essentially a can of bright green/yellow battery acid. The lawyers still appear to be lawyering behind the scenes but we cannot wait for this to come to trial (though we think a trial is about as likely as the chances of us “Doing the Dew” ever again).


‘Doctor’ accused of injecting woman’s butt with cement

A Miami Gardens woman who wanted to enhance her “flat” buttocks was severely injured by a self-proclaimed doctor who injected her with a mix of toxins and sealed it up with glue. This was no ordinary flat repair. Oneal Ron Morris took a look and went to work. Not on a tire. But on the backside of a Miami Gardens woman who was seeking the derriere of her dreams. Instead, she got a tush full of toxins. Morris, a self-proclaimed doctor, injected a concoction of “fix-a-flat’’ — cement, mineral oil and Super Glue — into the woman’s buttocks, police said.

Ohio Big Boy Worker Charged With Tainting Coffee
An employee at an Ohio Big Boy restaurant is charged with pouring animal medication into customer coffee with the intent to poison.

The Blade newspaper reports 36-year-old Edwin Ledgard told Toledo police that he had a delusion to kill customers.

A police report says the Toledo man went to the Frisch’s Big Boy on his day off on Friday and poured into a pot of coffee a drug called Dextran, which is used to treat anemia in baby pigs.




Ok…It is NOT a sport story, but did happen at a sporting event. OUCH!


Some Ohio State Players Said Meyer Didn’t Ban Twitter
Hours after some Ohio State football players tweeted that coach Urban Meyer banned the team from using Twitter on Tuesday, other players said no such rule was in place.

Earlier in the day, tight ends Jake Stoneburner and Reid Fragel said on Twitter that the new rules Meyer implemented involved disabling their accounts.

Later in the day, Fragel tweeted that “the whole twitter thing wasn’t exactly true.”


Perfect for The New Year?

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2012
A guide to mastering your money in the new year

A new year offers a fresh start. Whether you’re ready to ramp up your earning power, start saving more money, or manage what you have more effectively, this 50-step guide is designed to help you improve every aspect of your financial life, from overall security to specific saving and spending strategies.

1. Focus on the “why” of your goals instead of the “how.


2. Rethink your relationship with money. For those struggling to make better money decisions, life coach Christine Hassler suggests thinking about money as if it’s a person. “How’s your relationship with George?” she asks, referring to President George Washington’s face on the $1 bill. In her book 20 Something, 20 Everything, she encourages readers to first examine their history with money. “If they don’t excavate what they believe and their sense of worth, they are unable to progress,” she explains.


3. Protect your privacy.

4. Plan a comeback. A lot of people have struggled over the past few years, but that downswing doesn’t have to be permanent.
5. Visualize your future self.


6. Get organized. Financial accounts often come with monstrous amounts of paperwork.
7. Create a paperwork system. Keeping all of your paperwork in one place can be step one to a better financial life.


8. Live below your means. Danny Kofke, a teacher and father of two, manages to live well on his $40,000-a-year salary.


9. Coordinate with your partner. Not talking about money is one of the biggest money mistakes couples make.


10. Pick a better bank.



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BOOKING HOLIDAY EVENTS FOR 2012! “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”- WARREN BUFFETT

Harvard Declares Dairy NOT Part of Healthy Diet
The Harvard School of Public Health sent a strong message to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and nutrition experts everywhere with the recent release of its “Healthy Eating Plate” food guide.  The university was responding to the USDA’s new MyPlate guide for healthy eating, which replaced the outdated and misguided food pyramid.

“When life’s strong winds come blowing, bend with them and let go. By bending, you will become stronger in new places. By letting go, you will be making room for the new and the better.”

“Success thrives on the idea of giving. Share your success. Share your great qualities. Allow people to see you for who you really are. Give of yourself and it will come back tenfold.”—Daniel Chidiac


“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.“―Unknown

‎”The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert H. Schuller




Friday, and Saturday!, SATurday!!, SATURDAY!!! Monster Jam roars into
Nationwide Arena. For more info:

Warm up all Weekend with the Ohio Boat & RV Show at The Ohio Expo Center. For more info:


Rodney Carrington brings his Country-Fried style of Comedy and Music to The  Palace Theatre. For more info:



Josh Blue from Last Comic Standing plays all weekend at The Columbus Funny Bone Comedy Club at Easton

THE MOST TERRIFYING MOVIE of 2012 (yes I know it is only 6 days into the year), ‘The Devil Inside’ rated “R” follows the story of a possessed woman and her daughter search for the truth in an attempt to try and understand what she is going through.

‘Contagion’ staring and all star cast of Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law,  and Kate Winslet has a story line that is about as lethargic as the characters that get sick. Wait till it comes out on cable, or rent ‘Outbreak’ (was more original, better written and had decent action and plot).

So “campy” it is good…’Shark Night 3D,’ rated “PG-13.”

Katie Holmes (I miss her as “Joey” from ‘Dawson’s Creek’) stars in the terrifying, ‘Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark’ rated “R.”

Every Friday join my buddy DJ Chris O at The Filling Station kicking off your weekend with all your favorite hits, and some of the cheapest drinks in town

January 13 Join Chris O as he covers the Budweiser Party Terrace as The Jackets take on The Phoenix Coyotes!


January 14th Pending event that will re-shape local entertainment, and I am proud we are even being consider to usher in this new concept!


January 27th Join me as I rock with some of Nashville’s Greatest Stars celebrating our buddy, James Gage’s Birthday at Peddler’s Lounge in Grove City


February 5th Join me and my friends from Trademark Entertainment as we rock the Football Hall of Fame 5k at The Pro Football Hall of Fame

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January 6, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment